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  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
 * For language wikis, use
 * <code> mw.loader.load(""); </code>
 * as the content of MediaWiki:Common.js to import from this script.
 * See [ zh wiki] for an example.
// load various utilities from the commons wiki, including l10nFactory and isEditorActive
mw.loader.getScript( '' ).then(function(){


 * content width toggle
	$body = $('body');
	$('<div id="nav-content-size-toggle"><span></span></div>')
	.on('click', function(){


 * sidebar nav menu toggle for mobile view
	$('<div class="menu-toggle"/>').insertBefore($('#p-logo')).on("click", function(event){

 * mobile floating fix
	var $contentBox = $('#mw-content-text .mw-parser-output');
	var $elements = $contentBox.children();
	var handle = function(){
		var fullWidth = $contentBox.width();
		var offset = $contentBox.offset().left;
		$elements.removeClass('mobile-floating-fix mobile-fullwidth');

		if(fullWidth > 720){

		var maxLeft = 0;
		for(var i=$elements.length; i>0; i--){
			var $el = $($elements[i-1]);
			if($el.css('float') == 'right'){
				var left = $el.offset().left;
				if(left - offset < 300 || (maxLeft && left < maxLeft + 12) ){
					maxLeft = Math.max(maxLeft, left + $el.outerWidth());
			maxLeft = 0;
		var threshold = Math.min(90, fullWidth*0.25);
		$('#mw-content-text .infobox, #mw-content-text .portable-infobox').each(function(){
			var $el = $(this);
			if(fullWidth - $el.outerWidth() <  threshold){
	$(window).on('resize', mw.util.debounce( handle, 200) );


 * scroll helper for edit
	if( !isEditorActive() || $(window).scrollTop() != 0 ){


 * AJAX tables
$(function() {
	var l10n = l10nFactory(mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'),{
		showData: {
			'en': 'show data',
			'de': 'Daten anzeigen',
			'fr': 'affiche les données',
			'zh': '显示数据',
			'zh-cn': '显示数据'
		wait: {
			'en': 'Please wait, the content is being loaded...',
			'de': 'Bitte warten, der Inhalt wird geladen...',
			'fr': 'Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement du contenu...',
			'pt': 'Por favor espere, o conteúdo está sendo carregado...',
			'ru': 'Пожалуйста, подождите, содержимое загружается...',
			'uk': 'Будь ласка, зачекайте вміст завантажиться…',
			'zh': '请稍候,正在加载内容……',
			'zh-cn': '请稍候,正在加载内容……'
		edit: {
			'en': 'edit',
			'de': 'bearbeiten',
			'fr': 'modifier',
			'pt': 'Editar',
			'ru': 'править',
			'uk': 'редагувати',
			'zh': '编辑',
			'zh-cn': '编辑'
		hide: {
			'en': 'hide',
			'de': 'verbergen',
			'fr': 'masquer',
			'pt': 'Esconder',
			'ru': 'свернуть',
			'uk': 'згорнути',
			'zh': '隐藏',
			'zh-cn': '隐藏'
		show: {
			'en': 'show',
			'de': 'anzeigen',
			'fr': 'afficher',
			'pt': 'Mostrar',
			'ru': 'развернуть',
			'uk': 'розгорнути',
			'zh': '显示',
			'zh-cn': '显示'
		error: {
			'en': 'Unable to load table; the source article for it might not exist.',
			'de': 'Kann Tabelle nicht laden; möglicherweise existiert der Quellartikel nicht.',
			'fr': 'Impossible de charger cette table; l\'article originel ne semble pas exister.',
			'pt': 'Não é possível a carregar tabela; o artigo fonte pode não existir.',
			'ru': 'Не удалось загрузить содержимое; возможно, целевая страница не существует.',
			'uk': 'Неможливо завантажити вміст; можливо, цільова сторінка не існує.',
			'zh': '无法加载表格,其源文章可能不存在。',
			'zh-cn': '无法加载表格,其源文章可能不存在。'
	$("table.ajax").each(function (i) {
		var table = $(this).attr("id", "ajaxTable" + i);
		var headerLinks = $('<span style="float: right;">').appendTo(table.find('th').first());
		var cell = table.find("td").first();
		var needLink = true;
		if (cell.hasClass("showLinkHere")) {
			var old = cell.html();
			var rep = old.replace(/\[link\](.*?)\[\/link\]/, '<a href="javascript:;" class="ajax-load-link">$1</a>');
			if (rep !== old) {
				needLink = false;
		if (needLink){
			headerLinks.html('[<a href="javascript:;" class="ajax-load-link">'+l10n('showData')+'</a>]');
		var removeTerrariaClass ='ajax-remove-terraria-class');
		table.find(".ajax-load-link").parent().addBack().filter('a').click(function(event) {
			var sourceTitle ='ajax-source-page'), baseLink = mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?';
			$.get(baseLink + $.param({ action: 'render', title: sourceTitle }), function (data) {
				if (!data) {
				if (removeTerrariaClass) {
				if (cell.find("table.sortable").length) {
					mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function() {
				headerLinks.append($('<a>'+l10n('edit')+'</a>').attr('href', baseLink + $.param({ action: 'edit', title: sourceTitle })));
				var shown = true;
				$("<a href='javascript:;'>"+l10n('hide')+"</a>").click(function() {
					shown = !shown;
					$(this).text(shown ? l10n('hide') : l10n('show'));
			}).error(function() {


 * translation project banner
$(function() {
	var $btn = $('#indic-project #indic-project-flag');
	if (!$btn.length) {
	var $elementToToggle = $('#indic-project');
	$btn.on('click', function () {
		$elementToToggle.toggleClass(['collapsed', 'expanded']);


 * custom control for [[Template:Sound]]
 * Original ported from
	var l10n = l10nFactory(mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),{
		'playTitle': {
			'en': 'Click to play',
			'de': 'Zum Abspielen anklicken',
			'fr': 'Cliquer pour jouer',
			'pt': 'Clique para jogar',
			'pl': 'Naciśnij by odtworzyć',
			'ru': 'Щёлкните, чтобы воспроизвести',
			'zh': '点击播放',
			'zh-cn': '点击播放'
		'stopTitle': {
			'en': 'Click to stop',
			'de': 'Zum Beenden anklicken',
			'fr': 'Cliquer pour arrêter',
			'pt': 'Clique para parar',
			'pl': 'Naciśnij by zatrzymać',
			'ru': 'Щёлкните, чтобы остановить',
			'zh': '点击停止',
			'zh-cn': '点击停止'

	$('.mw-parser-output .sound').prop('title', l10n('playTitle')).on('click', function(e){
		// Ignore links
		if ( === 'A') {
		var audio = $(this).find('audio')[0];
		if (audio) {
			audio.paused ? : audio.pause();
	}).find('audio').on('play', function(){
		// Stop any already playing sounds
		var playing = $('.sound-playing audio')[0];
		playing && playing.pause();
		$(this).closest('.sound').addClass('sound-playing').prop('title', l10n('stopTitle'));
	}).on('pause', function(){
		// Reset back to the start
		this.currentTime = 0;
		$(this).closest('.sound').removeClass('sound-playing').prop('title', l10n('playTitle'));


 * l10n_data_table for [[Template:L10n subtemplate]]
$(function() {
	$('.l10n-data-table th.lang').on('click', function(){
		var $this = $(this);
		var $lang = $this.attr('lang');
		if($lang === 'en'){
	$('.l10n-data-table th.all-lang').on('click', function(){
		var $this = $(this);
			$this.closest('table.l10n-data-table').find('td.l, th.lang').addClass('shrinked');
			$this.closest('table.l10n-data-table').find('td.en, th.en').removeClass('shrinked');
			$this.closest('table.l10n-data-table').find('td.l, th.lang').removeClass('shrinked');
	//only expand current language
		var $this = $(this);
		var $lang = $this.attr('lang');
		if($lang === 'en'){
		var $th = $this.find('th.lang.'+$lang);
		if ($th.length){


 * for other templates
	/* Select links to new tabs for [[Template:Ilnt]] and [[Template:Elnt]] */
	$('.linkNewTab a').attr('target','_blank');

	/* mode tabs switch for [[Template:Npc infobox]] and [[Template:Npc infobox/tablestart]] and so on */
	$('.modesbox .modetabs .tab').on('click', function(){
		var $this = $(this);
		$this.closest('.modesbox').removeClass('c-expert c-master c-normal').addClass($this.hasClass('normal')?'c-normal':($this.hasClass('expert')?'c-expert':'c-master'));

	/* [[Template:Spoiler]] */
	$('.spoiler-content').off('click').on('click', function(){
	}).find('a').on('click', function(e){

	/* [[Template:ToggleBox]] */
	$('.trw-togglehandle').on('click', function(){
		$(this).closest('.trw-toggleable').toggleClass(['toggled', 'not-toggled']);


 * Main page layout helper
$(function() {
	/* Main page responsive breakpoints. */
	// Since the width of the content box may vary, we can not use media query.
	// These values are ported from legacy hydra skin.
	var $btn = $('#box-wikiheader #box-wikiheader-toggle-link');
	if(!$btn.length) {
	var $content = $('#content');
	var $header = $('#box-wikiheader');

	function initiate_collapsible() {
		var $width = $content.width();
		// $offset is (fullwidth - content width) under hydra skin.
		// Therefore ($width - $offset) is the width of content box.
		var $offset = $width > 980 ? 250 : ($width > 500 ? 42: 12);

		$header.toggleClass('collapsable', $width < 1300);
		$header.toggleClass('collapsed', $width < 730);

		//row breaks of flexboxes
			.toggleClass('box-row-l', ($width <= 3500-$offset) && ($width >= 2400-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('box-row-m', ($width <= 2399-$offset) && ($width >= 1670-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('box-row-s', ($width <= 1669-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 4500-$offset) && ($width >= 3250-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 3249-$offset) && ($width >= 1670-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <= 1669-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-d', ($width <= 1200-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-e', ($width <= 1160-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-f', ($width <=  700-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-g', ($width <=  540-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width >= 1750-$offset) || ($width <= 1669-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <=  400-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 4500-$offset) && ($width >= 3250-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 1769-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <= 1669-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-d', ($width <= 1320-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-e', ($width <= 1140-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-f', ($width <= 1040-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-g', ($width <=  980-$offset) )
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			.toggleClass('width-i', ($width <=  620-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-j', ($width <=  450-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 3250-$offset) && ($width >= 2560-$offset) )
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			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <= 1669-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-d', ($width <= 1320-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-e', ($width <= 1140-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-f', ($width <= 1040-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-g', ($width <=  980-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-h', ($width <=  830-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-i', ($width <=  630-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-j', ($width <=  428-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 4500-$offset) && ($width >= 3250-$offset) || $width <= 1470-$offset )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 1769-$offset) && ($width >= 1670-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <= 1080-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-d', ($width <=  750-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-e', ($width <=  550-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-f', ($width <=  359-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 4500-$offset) && ($width >= 3250-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 3249-$offset) && ($width >= 2560-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <= 1470-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-d', ($width <= 1080-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-e', ($width <=  720-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-f', ($width <=  570-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-g', ($width <=  350-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 4500-$offset) && ($width >= 3250-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 3249-$offset) && ($width >= 2560-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <= 1669-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-d', ($width <= 1365-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-e', ($width <=  800-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-f', ($width <=  720-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-g', ($width <=  480-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 4500-$offset) && ($width >= 3250-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 1669-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <= 1365-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-d', ($width <=  800-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-e', ($width <=  720-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-f', ($width <=  650-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-g', ($width <=  540-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', $width >= 2300-$offset );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 2299-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 1100-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <=  680-$offset) );

			.toggleClass('width-a', ($width <= 2299-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-b', ($width <= 1499-$offset) )
			.toggleClass('width-c', ($width <=  680-$offset) );

	$(window).on('resize', mw.util.debounce( initiate_collapsible, 200) );

	$btn.on('click', function(){


 * Hair Dyes slider, for [[Hair Dyes]] page.
 * Color algorithms are from Terraria.Initializers.DyeInitializer.LoadLegacyHairdyes, v1.4.3.6
$(function() {
	var $sliders = $(".hair-dye-slider-wrapper .slider");
	if (!$sliders.length) {
	var l10n = l10nFactory(mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentLanguage' ), {
		// time format: prefix + <time> + postfix
			'en': "",
			'zh': "上午&nbsp;",
			'zh-cn': "上午&nbsp;"
			'en': "&nbsp;AM",
			'zh': "",
			'zh-cn': ""
			'en': "",
			'zh': "下午&nbsp;",
			'zh-cn': "下午&nbsp;"
			'en': "&nbsp;PM",
			'zh': "",
			'zh-cn': ""
	var pc, gc, sc, cc; // coin templates, filled by loadCoinTemplates()
	var textMoney = function(slidervalue) {
		var money = 2 * Math.pow(slidervalue, 3);
		if (money === 0) {
			return '0&thinsp;' + cc
		if (slidervalue === 100 || money >= 2000000) {
			money = 2000000;
		var moneyText = (money === 2000000 ? '≥ ' : '');
		var moneyPc = Math.floor(money/1000000);
		money -= moneyPc * 1000000;
		var moneyGc = Math.floor(money/10000);
		money -= moneyGc * 10000;
		var moneySc = Math.floor(money/100);
		money -= moneySc * 100;
		var moneyCc = Math.round(money);
		return moneyText
			+ (moneyPc ? moneyPc + '&thinsp;' + pc : '')
			+ (moneyGc ? moneyGc + '&thinsp;' + gc : '')
			+ (moneySc ? moneySc + '&thinsp;' + sc : '')
			+ (moneyCc ? moneyCc + '&thinsp;' + cc : '');
	var textTime = function(slidervalue) {
		var time = slidervalue*864 + 16200;
		time -= (time > 86400 ? 86400 : 0);
		if (time < 3600) {
			return l10n('amPrefix')
				+ Math.floor(time/3600 + 12) + ":" + Math.round((time/3600 + 12 - Math.floor(time/3600 + 12))*60).toString().padStart(2,0)
				+ l10n('amPostfix');
		} else if (time < 43200) {
			return l10n('amPrefix')
				+ Math.floor(time/3600) + ":" + Math.round((time/3600 - Math.floor(time/3600))*60).toString().padStart(2,0)
				+ l10n('amPostfix');
		} else if (time < 46800) {
			return l10n('pmPrefix')
				+ Math.floor(time/3600) + ":" + Math.round((time/3600 - Math.floor(time/3600))*60).toString().padStart(2,0)
				+ l10n('pmPostfix');
		} else {
			return l10n('pmPrefix')
				+ Math.floor(time/3600 - 12) + ":" + Math.round((time/3600 - 12 - Math.floor(time/3600 - 12))*60).toString().padStart(2,0)
				+ l10n('pmPostfix');
	var colorMoney = function(slidervalue) {
		var num15 = 2 * Math.pow(slidervalue, 3);
		var num16 = 50000;
		var num17 = 500000;
		var num18 = 2000000;
		var color8 = { "R": 226, "G": 118, "B": 76 };
		var color9 = { "R": 174, "G": 194, "B": 196 };
		var color10 = { "R": 204, "G": 181, "B": 72 };
		var color11 = { "R": 161, "G": 172, "B": 173 };
		var newColor = { "R": 255, "G": 255, "B": 255 };
		if (num15 < num16) {
			var num19 = num15 / num16;
			var num20 = 1 - num19;
			newColor.R = color8.R * num20 + color9.R * num19;
			newColor.G = color8.G * num20 + color9.G * num19;
			newColor.B = color8.B * num20 + color9.B * num19;
		else if (num15 < num17) {
			var num22 = (num15 - num16) / (num17 - num16);
			var num23 = 1 - num22;
			newColor.R = color9.R * num23 + color10.R * num22;
			newColor.G = color9.G * num23 + color10.G * num22;
			newColor.B = color9.B * num23 + color10.B * num22;
		else if (num15 < num18) {
			var num25 = (num15 - num17) / (num18 - num17);
			var num26 = 1 - num25;
			newColor.R = color10.R * num26 + color11.R * num25;
			newColor.G = color10.G * num26 + color11.G * num25;
			newColor.B = color10.B * num26 + color11.B * num25;
		else {
			newColor = color11;
		return "rgb(" + newColor.R + "," + newColor.G + "," + newColor.B + ")";
	var colorSpeed = function(slidervalue) {
		var num = slidervalue * 0.1;
		var num2 = 10;
		var num3 = num / num2;
		var num4 = 1 - num3;
		var playerHairColor = { "R": 215, "G": 90, "B": 55 };
		var newColor = { "R": 255, "G": 255, "B": 255 };
		newColor.R = (75 * num3 + playerHairColor.R * num4);
		newColor.G = (255 * num3 + playerHairColor.G * num4);
		newColor.B = (200 * num3 + playerHairColor.B * num4);
		return "rgb(" + newColor.R + "," + newColor.G + "," + newColor.B + ")";
	var colorTime = function(slidervalue) {
		var time = slidervalue*864 + 16200;
		time -= (time > 86400 ? 86400 : 0);
		var color4 = { "R": 1, "G": 142, "B": 255 };
		var color5 = { "R": 255, "G": 255, "B": 0 };
		var color6 = { "R": 211, "G": 45, "B": 127 };
		var color7 = { "R": 67, "G": 44, "B": 118 };
		var newColor = { "R": 255, "G": 255, "B": 255 };
		if (time >= 16200 && time < 70200) {
			if (time < 43200) {
				var num5 = time / 43200;
				var num6 = 1 - num5;
				newColor.R = (color4.R * num6 + color5.R * num5);
				newColor.G = (color4.G * num6 + color5.G * num5);
				newColor.B = (color4.B * num6 + color5.B * num5);
			} else {
				var num7 = 43200;
				var num8 = ((time - num7) / (70200 - num7));
				var num9 = 1 - num8;
				newColor.R = (color5.R * num9 + color6.R * num8);
				newColor.G = (color5.G * num9 + color6.G * num8);
				newColor.B = (color5.B * num9 + color6.B * num8);
		} else {
			if (time >= 70200 && time < 86400) {
				var num10 = (time / 86400);
				var num11 = 1 - num10;
				newColor.R = (color6.R * num11 + color7.R * num10);
				newColor.G = (color6.G * num11 + color7.G * num10);
				newColor.B = (color6.B * num11 + color7.B * num10);
			} else {
				var num12 = 0;
				var num13 = ((time - num12) / (16200 - num12));
				var num14 = 1 - num13;
				newColor.R = (color7.R * num14 + color4.R * num13);
				newColor.G = (color7.G * num14 + color4.G * num13);
				newColor.B = (color7.B * num14 + color4.B * num13);
		return "rgb(" + newColor.R + "," + newColor.G + "," + newColor.B + ")";
	var colorFunc = function ($type, $value) {
		switch($type) {
			case "health":
				return "rgb(" + ($value * 2.35 + 20) + ",20,20)";
			case "mana":
				return "rgb(" + (250 - $value * 2) + "," + (255 - $value * 1.80) + ",255)";
			case "money":
				return colorMoney($value);
			case "speed":
				return colorSpeed($value);
			case "time":
				return colorTime($value);
				return "#0ff";
	var textFunc = function ($type, $value) {
		// return the function from the textFunctions table if the id is correct
		// otherwise, return a fallback function that just returns the raw, unchanged slider value
		switch($type) {
			case "money":
				return textMoney($value);
			case "speed":
				return (($value === 100) ? "≥ 51" : Math.round($value/10 * 3.75*(15/11)));
			case "time":
				return textTime($value);
				return $value;
	var update = function($slider) {
		var $value = parseInt($'input').val());
		var $type = $'type');
		// update color display
		$'colorBox').css('background-color', colorFunc($type, $value));
		// update text display
		$'valueBox').html(textFunc($type, $value));
	var loadCoinTemplates = function() {
		return new mw.Api().get({
			action: 'parse',
			prop: 'text',
			title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
			text: '{{pc}}__.__{{gc}}__.__{{sc}}__.__{{cc}}',
			disablelimitreport: true
		}).then(function(apiResult) {
			html = apiResult.parse.text['*'];
			html = html.substring('<div class="mw-parser-output"><p>'.length, html.length - '</p></div>'.length);
			var templateOutputs = html.split('__.__');
			pc = templateOutputs[0];
			gc = templateOutputs[1];
			sc = templateOutputs[2];
			cc = templateOutputs[3];
	// prepare the coin templates; then create all sliders and make them visible
	loadCoinTemplates().then(function() {
		$sliders.each(function() {
			var $slider = $(this).append($("<input type='range' style='margin: auto 0.5em'/>"));
			var $wrapper = $slider.parents('.hair-dye-slider-wrapper').show();
			var $valueBox = $wrapper.find(".inputvalue");
			var $input = $slider.find('input').val($valueBox.text()).on('input', function() {
				valueBox: $valueBox,
				colorBox: $wrapper.find(".color-box"),
				input: $input,
				type: $wrapper.attr('id')


/*end of mw.loader.getScript().then callback*/ });