- Nem össztévesztendő a Nehéz Móddal, egy nehézségi móddal, vagy a Szakértőmóddal, a világ kezdeti nehézségi módjával.
"A sötétség és világosság ősi lelkei el lettek eresztve."
Nehézmód, mint ahogy azt a neve is sejteti, egy lényegében nehezebb változata a kezdeti világnak. A világ véglegesen átvált nehézmódba miután a Húsfalat elsőnek legyőzték. A nehézmód új kihívásokat és tartalmat ad a játékosoknak felfedezni.
A nehézmód két új éghajlatot ad a világhoz: a szentelt földet és a földalatti szentelt földet. A szentelt föld, a romlottság, a karmazsin és a földalatti fajtájuk terjedni kezd folyamatosan és gyorsan. Majd szépen lassan be fogják kebelezni a világot amennyiben nem állítják meg őket kellően.
A démonoltárokat és a karmazsin oltárokat mostantól szét lehet törni egy szent kalapáccsal (amelyet a Húsfal dob), mely után új ércek lesznek elérhetők.
A szokásos enemies/ellenfelek mellett a nehézmód új és erősebb ellenfeleket tartogat, melyek közül néhány egy "fejettebb" formája a nehézmód előtti ellenfeleknek.
A nehézmódban továbbá új páncélok, fegyverek, kiegészítők és más hasznos tárgyak válnak elérhetővé hogy segítsék a játékost, ezek elengedhetetlenek az új kihívások leküzdésére. Némelyikükhöz városlakóktól, ellenfelektől vagy barkácsolás útján juthatunk hozzá.
A Sablon:Mobile version/hun, amikor a Húsfalat legyőzik, egy felugró ablak felugrik hogy tömören elmagyarázza a nehézmód rejtelmeit.
A Húsfal legyőzése kiírja a következőt: "A sötétség és világosság ősi lelkei el lettek eresztve.", ez a nehézmódbeli éghajlatok keletkezésére utal. Egy V-alakban (két átlós csíkban), mely az alvilág közepétől egészen a felszínig felmegy, két új éghajlat keletkezik:
- A szentelt föld és a földalatti szentelt föld
- A földalatti romlottság (világokban ahol alapból romlottság van)
- A földalatti karmazsin (világokban ahol alapból karmazsin van)
- A Sablon:Mobile version/huban van esélye annak hogy karmazsin keletkezzen romlott világokban.
A szentelt föld/romlottság/karmazsin iránya a világ magjától függ. [1]
- 1.3.4/hu előtti világokban ez teljesen véletlenszerű.
Földalatti romlottság és karmazsin
A földalatti romlottság és karmazsin kicserélik a követ, homokot, jeget és iszapot a megfelelő változatukkal (az iszapot a játék homokként kezeli a kezdeti kitöréskor, de utána nem engedi a terjedést). Mivel a földalatti dzsungelben nincsen számottevő mennyiség ezekből a kockákból, ezért szinte változatlanul maradnak a kezdeti kitörés után, viszont a sár szépen lassan átváltozik földdé romlott vagy karmazsin kockákkal való érintkezéskor.
A földalatti romlottság és karmazsin hasonlít a felszíni változatukra a hangulatuk, zenéjük és az ellenfelek megjelenésében, azonban ezek az éghajlatok számos új romlott és karmazsin támajú ellenfeleket tartogatnak.
Szentelt föld és földalatti szentelt föld
A szentelt föld egy teljesen új témát ábrázol a pasztellszínű tündérmesés tájaival. Szivárványok alkotják a felszín hátterét, a fák itt vattaszerűek és sokszínűek, az ellenfelek is hasonlóan mesebeliek. Ez viszont hamar megváltozik amint a játékos felismeri hogy az ellenfelek gyorsak, szívósak, halálosak és gyorsan jönnek, elővigyázatosság ajánlott.
A földalatti szentelt föld hasonlít a felszínire ellenséges viselkedésmódban, azonban lent számos egyedi ellenfél van, és a zenei és háttérbeli változás a felszíntől is eléggé elkülöníti őket.
A romlottság, a karmazsin és a szentelt föld aktívan terjed nehézmódban:
- A romlottság, karmazsin és szentelt föld terjed fog a kőre, homokra, megkeményedett homokra, homokkőre , jégre, és fűre (a "megrontható kockákra"), átváltoztatva őket ében-, karmazsin, vagy gyöngykockákká, éghajlattól függően. A terjedés 3 kockán belül jelentkezik.
- A karmazsin és szent indák (melyek lefelé nőnek a karmazsin és szent fűről) tudják terjeszteni a karmazsint és a szentséget amikor hozzáérnek egy megrontható kockához (az indák 10 kocka hosszúra nőhetnek). Nincsenek romlott indák a játékban.
- A sár lelassítja a romlottság és karmazsin terjedését, viszont nem állítja meg őket, mivel át tudják alakítani a sarat földdé. Gombafüves sárkockák nem változnak földdé, és a szentelt föld teljesen képtelen sarat földdé változtatni.
- A szentelt föld és romlottság/karmazsin nem tudja átváltoztatni egymást.
Ezek az változások azt jelentik hogy a szentelt föld, romlottság és karmazsin mostantól folyamatosan terjedni fog, idővel pedig elérheti a játékos bázisát. Érdemes óvintézkedéseket tenni ez ellen azzal hogy 4 kocka széles keretet vágunk a megvédeni kívánt terület köré (6 kocka széleset fű közelében a tüskés bokrok miatt), majd betömni fával vagy agyaggal. Egy város az égben, vagy egy város a kazamata tetején is remek megoldás ha a játékos nem akar sok időt a keret kiásásával tölteni.
Lehetséges hogy a játékos betelepítsen karmazsint romlott világokba, viszont ez furcsán hathat a városlakókra, mint például hogy a gőzmechanikus karmazsin vegyszert ad el.
Ércek és fémrudak
Nehézmódbeli ércek
A Húsfal mindig dobja a szent kalapácsot a halálakor. A játékosoknak a céljuk innentől hogy minél több karmazsin vagy démonoltárt széttörjön, ezzel új ércekwt hozva a világba. Az oltárokat ki szét lehet törni a szent, vagy erősebb kalapáccsal (ha a játékos megpróbálja egy gyengébb vagy nehézmód előtti világban széttörni az oltárokat, akkor az oltár ellenáll, és helyette a játékos elveszi a jelenlegi életerejének felét). Altar Altar
Szent rúd
A szent rudat kizárólag a mechanikus főellenségek dobják. Ajánlott hogy a játékos eleget gyűjtsön arra hogy páncélt és fegyvereket belőlük, mivel kivétel nélkül mindegyikük jobb mint a 6 nehézmódbeli ércből csináltak.
A klorofillitérc egy különleges érc, mely a földalatti dzsungelben jelentkezik amint a világ átvált nehézmódba. Kibányászni csak fúrtával, csáktánnyal, vagy erősebbel lehet. Az előbbiek elkészítéséhez a játékosnak szüksége van Hallowed Bars és egy lélekre mindegyik mechanikus főellenségtől. A Sablon:Mobile/hu és Sablon:3DS version/huban, fúrta megtalálható árnyládákban. A klorofillit több lehetőséget nújt fegyverekre és páncélokra.
A többi érccel ellentétben a klorofillitérc át tudja változtatni a vele érintkező sarat további klorofillitérccé, ezek a rögöt termetesre nőhetnek. A klorofillitérc “elültethető” a sárban, lehetővé téve a játékosnak hogy termesszen többet, ez nem magasság- és éghajlatfüggő.
Egy autókalapácsnál (a szarvasgombától lehet venni az Ültető legyőzése után [lásd: Ültető után]) át lehet alakítani a klorofillitrudakat gombitrudakká, vagy kísérteties fémrudakká egy adamantium- vagy titániumkohónál, ehhez pedig kell ektoplazma, amit az Ültető utáni kazamatából szerezhetünk.
A luminit egy érc, melyet a Holdúr dop. Az ezekből készült luminitrudakból játék végi tárgyakat lehet készíteni, sokukhoz még szilánkok is kellenek melyeket a Holdi pillárok dobnak.
Mining and crafting
- Mining Cobalt Ore or Palladium Ore requires at least the Molten Pickaxe or the Reaver Shark.
- Mining Mythril Ore or Orichalcum Ore requires at least the Cobalt Drill, Cobalt Pickaxe, Palladium Drill, or the Palladium Pickaxe. Crafting many higher-tier Hardmode items will require a Mythril Anvil or Orichalcum Anvil, which is crafted from 10 Mythril or 12 Orichalcum Bars.
- Mining Adamantite Ore or Titanium Ore requires at least the Mythril Drill, Mythril Pickaxe, Orichalcum Drill, or Orichalcum Pickaxe. On the Mobilos változat, Palladium Pickaxes and Drills will suffice. Crafting Adamantite Bars or Titanium Bars will require an Adamantite Forge or a Titanium Forge, which is crafted from a Hellforge and 30 Adamantite/Titanium Ore.
- Mining Chlorophyte requires at least the Drax or the Pickaxe Axe.
Note: All pre-Hardmode bosses can be summoned in Hardmode.
Mechanical Bosses
The three Mechanical Bosses are essentially much stronger versions of their respective pre-Hardmode boss. These bosses include:
- The Twins are the Hardmode version of the Eye of Cthulhu, and can be manually summoned by using the Mechanical Eye at night. The boss itself is actually two eyes, each performing different attacks. Unlike the other Mechanical Bosses, The Twins have a second stage, where they become more mechanical and have new attack patterns.
- The Destroyer is the Hardmode version of the Eater of Worlds, and can be manually summoned by using the Mechanical Worm at night. Despite being a direct upgrade of the Eater of Worlds, a Corruption-themed boss, it can be summoned in any world, even those with Crimson. Also unlike the Eater of Worlds, the Destroyer will not split into multiple segments, and instead the whole body shares one health bar. The Destroyer will periodically release Probes from its body as it takes damage, and both can fire lasers continually, but gives the player a chance to get health from destroying the Probes.
- Skeletron Prime is the Hardmode version of Skeletron, and can be manually summoned by using the Mechanical Skull at night. Being very similar to Skeletron, its defining features are its four limbs, each being topped with a different weapon: a saw, a vice, a laser, and a cannon. This wide array of weapons deem this boss to be much more challenging and diverse in attack style.
Once a world enters Hardmode, there is a chance every night that one of these Mechanical Bosses will spawn, just as long as they haven't been killed in that world before.
There is currently no Mechanical Boss upgrade to the Brain of Cthulhu, but it is thought that Ocram could be a harder version of Brain of Cthulhu due to the servants being eyeballs and the eye in the center in it's second form. The Destroyer will still be available to battle in worlds that contain Crimson.
On the Asztali számítógépes változat, once one of the Mechanical Bosses has been defeated, the Old One's Army event will upgrade to tier 2. This increases the difficulty of the event, the health of the Eternia Crystal, and the amount of Defender Medals obtained increases from 5 to 25.
You will also be able to collect life fruits after one of the mechanical bosses are defeated.
After all three Mechanical Bosses are defeated, a message will appear saying: "The jungle grows restless..." This means that Plantera is now available for summoning:
- Plantera is a giant plant-like boss that is summoned by destroying Plantera's Bulb found within the Underground Jungle. It traverses the terrain using three claws that grab and hold to surfaces. Plantera's first phase consists of it simply traversing terrain and firing little seeds and thorn balls. After it reaches a certain point, it will enter phase two, unleashing many tentacle minions around its body and proceed to use a more intense attack pattern which is much quicker.
Note: On Sablon:Mobile and Sablon:3DS, you only need to defeat one mechanical boss before you gain the ability to summon Plantera.
Ültető után
When all of the Mechanical Bosses have been defeated, the world undergoes its first minor transformation. This allows Plantera's Bulbs to spawn randomly across the Underground Jungle, giving players access to fight Plantera.
Once Plantera has been defeated, the world undergoes its second minor transformation, allowing access to various events.
- Newer and more difficult enemies begin spawning within the Dungeon, with their uprising being introduced with the message: "Screams are echoing from the dungeon."
- The spread of the Hallow, Corruption, and Crimson is slowed to 1/3 (33%) of its previous speed.
- The Cyborg NPC becomes available.
- The Truffle NPC begins selling the Autohammer, which is solely used to craft Shroomite Bars.
- The Jungle Temple can now be opened using the Temple Key, and the Golem boss can be fought.
- The Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon events can now be initiated via the Pumpkin Moon Medallion and Naughty Present, respectively. Crafting these requires Ectoplasm that the new Dungeon Spirits drop.
- Biome Chests within the Dungeon can now be opened using their respective Biome Keys.
After Plantera is defeated, it will always drop a Temple Key. This unlocks the Lihzahrd Temple, and inside, the Golem becomes available to fight:
- Golem is a boss that can initially be fought in the last chamber of the Jungle Temple, where the Lihzahrd Altar rests. Players must use Lihzahrd Power Cells at the altar to summon it. There are three vulnerable spots on its body in its first phase: the head and the two fists. The fists will spring outward to try and hit the player, and its head will occasionally spew fireballs, and eventually lasers as it gets low on health. Once its second phase gets initiated, the head will blast off and fly around the player, becoming invincible at this point and firing lasers. The only vulnerable spot, presuming the player already destroyed the fists, will be the body. Destroying the body will cause Golem to be defeated.
Duke Fishron
There are no prerequisites to fighting Duke Fishron. Although the Truffle Worm can only be obtained in a hardmode world, once acquired, it can be used to summon Duke Fishron in a pre-hardmode world.
- Duke Fishron is a horrid pig-fish-dragon hybrid that spawns by fishing in the Ocean with a Truffle Worm in the player's inventory. He attacks mainly by lunging at the player in short bursts, occasionally firing Detonating Bubbles and summoning Sharknadoes that fire Sharkrons. Once it enters its second stage, his attack are Detonating Bubbles that spew from his body and Cthulunadoes that shoot Sharkrons.
Lunatic Cultist
- The Lunatic Cultist becomes available as four cultists appear in the entrance of the Dungeon after defeating Golem. The Lunatic Cultist spawns after these cultists are defeated. Defeating it subsequently triggers the Lunar Events.
Moon Lord
- The Moon Lord becomes available after beating the Lunar Events. When the Lunar Events are completed, the Moon Lord will spawn automatically after a short delay; or it can be summoned without fighting the Lunatic Cultist or Lunar Events by using a Celestial Sigil. This is the final and hardest boss in the game, and will need a lot of preparation.
See Forest, Underground, Desert, Underground Desert, Snow, Underground Snow, The Hallow, Underground Hallow, Corruption, Underground Corruption, Crimson, Underground Crimson, Jungle, Underground Jungle, Dungeon, and The Underworld for the complete lists of enemies that spawn in those biomes during Hardmode.
Most of these enemies are significantly more difficult to defeat, doing more damage and having higher health and defense than pre-Hardmode enemies. Most pre-Hardmode weapons can prove ineffective, and until a player can obtain new Hardmode gear, they may be forced to avoid enemy swarms and/or play more strategically. Slow-hitting powerful weapons are generally preferable over fast weapons with low base damage because many Hardmode enemies have high defense.
In Expert mode, most pre-Hardmode and Hardmode enemies receive significant stat buffs (for example a Blue Slime will have 287 health). Some Hardmode enemies can kill a player in 5-6 hits.
However not all biomes are immediately buffed with more powerful enemies. The Underworld does not receive any stronger enemies until after a mechanical boss is defeated, and the Dungeon doesn't receive additional enemies until after Plantera is defeated.
Several new NPCs become available in Hardmode:
- The Wizard can be found in nearly any open area underground, initially bound, and speaking to him frees him (similar to the Mechanic and the Goblin Tinkerer). He will then respawn as long as a vacant House is available. The Wizard sells magic-related items.
- Santa Claus appears between December 15th and 31st (based on the player's computer time setting), after the defeat of the Frost Legion, so long as a vacant House is available. In mobile, he stays until he is killed or the player destroys his home. He sells the Santa costume, Red/Green/Blue lights, the Christmas Tree, and decorations for it.
- The Steampunker appears after defeating one Mechanical Boss, and if a vacant House is available. She sells Teleporters and other steampunk themed items.
- The Truffle appears once the player makes a house in a mushroom biome above ground when their world is in hardmode. He sells useful mushroom themed items and the Autohammer, but the player must defeat Plantera to unlock it.
- The Cyborg appears once the player has defeated Plantera, so long as a vacant house is available. He sells rockets and other mechanical items. At night he sells more advanced items such as upgraded rockets.
- The Pirate appears once the player has defeated a Pirate Invasion, and sells a vanity set as well as other pirate themed items.
- The Tax Collector becomes available by throwing Purification Powder on a Tortured Soul in The Underworld. He gathers money over time and grants it to the player if they request it.
There are several new events in Hardmode:
- The Frost Legion is triggered only by the Snow Globe, never invading on its own. The Snow Globe can be used to summon the Frost Legion in non-Hardmode worlds, but the Snow Globe itself can only be acquired from Presents that are opened on a Hardmode world.
- Pirate Invasions are triggered by the Pirate Map, or can appear randomly at the start of the day.
- The Solar Eclipse behaves like the Blood Moon, only it happens during the day, and can appear after any Hardmode boss is defeated. During a Solar Eclipse, unique and powerful monsters will spawn in vast numbers and drop a variety of exclusive items.
- The Pumpkin Moon is the one of the most challenging Hardmode events. It can only be started at night by the player using a Pumpkin Moon Medallion, which is crafted with 30 Pumpkins, 5 Ectoplasm, and 10 Hallowed Bars. This turns the moon into a scary pumpkin face. The event has 15 waves, with each wave requiring a progressively higher score to progress to the next. Enemies that spawn are Scarecrows, Splinterlings, Hellhounds, Poltergeists, Headless Horseman, a mini-boss Mourning Wood, and a boss Pumpking. More and harder enemies will spawn at higher waves, and there can be several Mourning Woods and Pumpkings attacking at once. The event ends at the end of the night.
- The Frost Moon is an invasion-like event similar to the Pumpkin Moon, though being a step up on the difficulty. It is started by using the Naughty Present at night. Featuring some of the hardest enemies in the game and 20 total waves, it is one of the hardest events in the game.
- Martian Madness is an invasion-like event similar to those before it, and is considered to be the most difficult invasion-style event in Terraria. It is triggered when a Martian Probe, found only on the outer edges of the world, is activated and escapes. It features incredibly difficult enemies and will be a challenge to all but the most prepared players.
- The Old One's Army is an invasion-like event similar to the Pumpkin and Frost Moon events, but is different in its tower-defense type style. It is triggered by placing an Eternia Crystal in an Eternia Crystal Stand, of which both items can be purchased from the Tavernkeep. Unique to this invasion is that there are different waves depending on where one is at in the game. Defeating Golem allows one to fight the final boss of the wave, Betsy.
In Hardmode worlds, Goblin Armies do still invade, and Meteorites still land, each at their regular rates. Blood Moons, Rain, and Slime Rain also occur just as frequently as they did pre-Hardmode, though sometimes feature Hardmode-exclusive content.
Several new Tools, Weapons, Accessories, Armors, and crafting materials become available in Hardmode, as enemy drops, sold from NPCs, or via crafting. Drills, Chainsaws, and Repeaters are variations of Pickaxes, Axes, and Bows, respectively, which can be obtained once in Hardmode.
Each of the many Hardmode Ores have their own complete item set, including Armor, Drill, Chainsaw, Sword, Spear, and Repeater. In addition, Hallowed Armor and associated tools and weapons become available: the Drax, Excalibur, Gungnir, and Hallowed Repeater. Crafting Hallow-tier items required creating the item sets for what was then all the Hardmode ores and defeating the Mechanical Bosses introduced with hardmode for set-specific boss souls. As of 1.2, their crafting recipes were simplified to need only Hallowed Bars, which dropped when the mechanical bosses were killed.
Many of the Hardmode Armor sets have three different options for the Helmet slot, each of which benefits players that use either Magic Weapons, Melee Weapons, or Ranged Weapons. The three chlorophyte-derived armors are exceptions. Shroomite Armor benefits ranged weapons in all cases, Turtle and Beetle armor benefits melee weapons, and Spectre armor benefits magic.
Note: See The Hallow, Underground Hallow, Corruption, Underground Corruption, Crimson, and Underground Crimson for complete item drop lists.
- Hardmode should not be confused with hardcore mode, which is for the character, not the world.
- Clowns have a chance to appear during Blood Moons.
- Demonite Ore and Crimtane Ore do not spread the Corruption and Crimson during Hardmode.
- It's actually possible for the 2 stripes of biomes to be quarantined completely or not even generate, that is, if the player has mined for a monumental amount of time and no altars have been broken. The Drill Containment Unit is the best choice for this purpose, though it is only available in the end-game.
- Hardmode enemies will begin spawning as soon as the Wall of Flesh is defeated. The stripes of corruption/crimson and hallow, however, will not spawn until the message "The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released." appears.
- If the entrance to the dungeon has somehow been destroyed and is no longer a flat walkway, (i.e. Mined away) the Lunar Cultists won't spawn. This can simply be fixed by making the entrance flat again and restarting your game.
Corruption/Crimson and Hallow spread
- Corruption or Crimson which gets too close to NPC housing will render them invalid. It should be a priority to craft Holy Water or place Hallowed blocks to aid in its conversion near the edges of any farms or biomes of this type and contain them as soon as possible.
- Once the player gets the Steampunker, they might want to buy the Clentaminator for 2 platinum, along with its ammunition, named Solution. It is a quick and handy way of cleaning/destroying/creating biomes.
- Corruption/Crimson can completely devour the Jungle. To farm Plantera, Chlorophyte Ore, or other jungle enemies, consider sealing off the underground jungle with Hallow, as this will prevent the conversion of jungle grass and mud blocks.
- When beginning Hardmode, a player can easily become overwhelmed by the difficult new enemies, which have Health and Damage many times greater than regular-mode enemies. It is advisable to start by identifying the player's most damaging weapons and investing money in Reforging them to acquire high damage bonuses, as well as reforging their Accessories to add high defense bonuses. Low-tier Hardmode weapons begin at around 35 damage, so viable regular-mode weapons of use will be the Sunfury and Night's Edge as melee options, the Molten Fury and Flamarang as semi-ranged, and the Flower of Fire and Demon Scythe as magical. Reforging these and making use of other damage boosts from Accessories or Armor bonuses can easily push these weapons into damage ranges that will make Hardmode fights relatively balanced.
- Because hardmode relies more upon drops than treasure chests (which don't suddenly respawn with more loot), players will need to kill large numbers of these tougher enemies for items like Souls or Pixie Dust. Consider building mini-bases with proper protections that involve shallow lava pits above small access tunnels that run between Underground Hallow and Corruption/Crimson biomes. Use Active Stone Blocks to make the "doors" that let the player jump up and grab floating souls. Place walls to prevent spawns inside their mini-base. The player will still need to fight off the occasional Enchanted Sword (NPC) or Cursed Hammer/Crimson Axe, but it's a much easier job to farm these enemies when the player reduce the threats to a few at a time. Eventually, they will drop either a good weapon, or the resources needed to craft one.
- Mechanical bosses and invasions can take the player off guard. It's best to leave and rejoin if player is ill prepared.
- Don't throw away Iron Ore/Bars, Lead Ore/Bars, Bones, Lenses, Vertebrae, and Rotten Chunks, as these are used for crafting Boss-summoning items in Hardmode. If the player needs to collect more, it may be easier to create a new non-Hardmode world and collect them there, along with any other pre-Hardmode materials the player finds themself needing.
- Wait to open Crates until Hardmode so as to be able to immediately get some hardmode ores and bars without even smashing any altars or mining. The Enchanted Sundial can also be salvaged from crates; it is an immensely useful item as it allows the player to skip a day every week. Souls of Night and Ichor/Cursed Flames can be looted from crates without even visiting the Crimson/Corruption. With a sufficient stockpile of crates, the player may not need to break any altars, allowing them to face the Mechanical Bosses on their own schedule with proper Hardmode equipment. Selling spare accessories and weapons from the crates will also provide considerable money.
- The Eater of Worlds and Eye of Cthulhu are commonly used by players as a good source of money, and this is still useful during the beginning stages of Hardmode. However, summoning them in Hardmode can be more difficult: eg. the player has probably destroyed any close Demon Altars (needed to craft the Worm Food and Suspicious Looking Eye), the player may have demolished their nearby Corruption farm or Arena, and trips to the naturally-occurring Corruption are now more hazardous (Eater of Worlds must be summoned and fought within Corruption). It is much easier to simply create a new non-Hardmode world to farm these bosses, then use the funds collected from them in their Hardmode world. The Wall of Flesh can be farmed and drops about 8 , and items which each sell for approximately 3 .
- One way to farm money in Hardmode once the player becomes reasonably able to traverse the Underground Hallow (aside from using a glitch) is to collect Crystal Shards, which are common and sell for 1 59 84 for a full stack of 999 (each one sells for 16 ). Since they grow naturally on any pearlstone surface facing air, the player can mine away stripes of pearlstone in areas they visit often to farm crystals more readily.
- Farming the Destroyer once the player can beat it is another way to make a considerable amount of money, since they can farm it without too much additional effort. Because it is relatively easy to kill quickly and can easily be meleed to death (avoiding spending any money on ammunition), the Hallowed Bars it drops can be crafted into Light Discs, together with the Souls of Might it also drops, and with Souls of Light which can be obtained in the Underground Hallow. Each Light Disc sells for 10 . As it drops 15-30 Hallowed Bars and 20-40 Souls of Might per kill, that is typically 3-7 Light Discs per run (if the player has enough Souls of Light, that is). The Souls of Might it drops may also be sold for additional money, 80 each, which is another 16-32 per run if they don't spend the souls on Light Discs, in addition to the 12 the boss drops. In total, they net 42-82 , and due to the ease of crafting the Mechanical Worm and the relative quickness with which they can dispatch the boss, they can fight it multiple times in a single in-game night.
- If you need money fast in the Mobilos változat, you can simply go to the main menu and backup your character into local storage, thus duplicating your character. Now you have a duplicate of your character, you can simply make both of them place the money (which was duplicated in the backup process) in a chest in your main world. This can also be very handy if what you need is a lot of rare items and you have collected one (e.g. Chlorophyte bars, Turtle Shells, souls) whereas you can just duplicate your character and do the process. This isn't a bug, though, as duplicating the character is classified as backing up the character into the local storage. You can also do this with worlds.
- Desktop 1.3.2: You can now choose between Corruption and Crimson after entering Hardmode.
- Desktop
- Martian Madness event added.
- Lunar Events added, along with the Lunatic Cultist and Moon Lord
- Tax Collector NPC added.
- Desktop 1.2.4: Duke Fishron boss added.
- Desktop 1.2.2: Frost Moon event added, summoned with the Naughty Present.
- Desktop 1.2.1:
- Added messages to help the player progress in hardmode.
- Pumpkin Moon event added, summoned with the Pumpkin Moon Medallion.
- Desktop 1.2:
- Jungle, Dungeon, Crimson and Snow biomes are all affected by hardmode now.
- Cobalt/Palladium Drill cannot mine Adamantite and Titanium.
- There are 2 new hardmode events: Solar Eclipse and Pirate Invasion.
- A massive amount of Hardmode items/monsters added, including the Cyborg, Pirate, Steampunker, and Truffle NPCs, and the bosses Plantera and Golem.
- Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense.
- Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game.
- Current hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased.
- Desktop 1.1.1:
- Frost Legion event added, summoned with the Snow Globe.
- Santa Claus NPC added.
- Desktop 1.1: Introduced with the Wall of Flesh, and the hardmode Mechanical Bosses: The Twins, The Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime; also the Wizard NPC.
- Console-Release: Introduced.
- Mobile 1.1.5536: Now available.
- Mobile 1.1.8: Introduced, but not available.
- 3DS-Release: Introduced.
- Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplvar parser function
- Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplreplace parser function
- Entities patched in Desktop 1.3.2
- Entities patched in Desktop
- Entities patched in Desktop 1.2.4
- Entities patched in Desktop 1.2.2
- Entities patched in Desktop 1.2.1
- Entities patched in Desktop 1.2
- Entities patched in Desktop 1.1.1
- Entities introduced in Desktop 1.1
- Entities introduced in Console-Release
- Entities patched in Mobile 1.1.5536
- Entities introduced in Mobile 1.1.8
- Entities introduced in 3DS-Release
- Game mechanics