Armor Bracing

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Armor Bracing
  • Armor Bracing item spriteold Armor Bracing item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipImmunity to Weakness and Broken Armor
RarityRarity level: 5
Sell2 GC
Research1 required

Armor Bracing is a Hardmode immunity accessory that combines the functions of the Vitamins and the Armor Polish. This item provides immunity from the Weak and Broken Armor debuffs.

It is one of the ingredients required to make the Ankh Charm, which is further required to make the Ankh Shield.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Armor BracingArmor BracingTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Ankh CharmAnkh CharmTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Ankh CharmAnkh Charm
