Arms Dealer

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Arms Dealer
Arms Dealer.png
Map Icon Arms Dealer.png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypePassive AI
Damage243642152226 (Bullet) [1]
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
Projectile created
Projectile created
Projectile created
  • Bullet

Hey, this ain't a movie, pal. Ammo is extra.

Emote Town Arms Dealer.gif The Arms Dealer

The Arms Dealer is an NPC vendor who mainly sells ammunition items as well as guns. He will move in once the following criteria have been met:

These requirements only apply to the initial spawning. If the Arms Dealer is killed, he will automatically respawn after some time.

The Arms Dealer will defend himself against nearby enemies with a Flintlock Pistol, before upgrading to a Minishark during Hardmode. He deals 24 / 36 / 42 damage in pre-Hardmode, which decreases to 15 / 22 / 26 damage in Hardmode to balance the Minishark's fire rate, and gains various stat boosts as the player progresses.[1]

Spawning criteria

Below is a list of qualifying guns and bullets. At least one of these must be in the player's inventory for the Arms Dealer to spawn.[2]

  • Items sold

    Note: All item prices can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or Greedy Ring(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, prices can also be higher or lower based on the NPC's happiness level.
    Item Cost Availability

    Musket BallMusket Ball 7 CC Always available.
    Silver BulletSilver Bullet 15 CC During a Blood Moon, or always available in Hardmode.
    (In a world with Silver Ore.)
    Tungsten BulletTungsten Bullet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 18 CC During a Blood Moon, or always available in Hardmode.
    (In a world with Tungsten Ore.)
    Unholy ArrowUnholy Arrow 40 CC During the night after defeating the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu.
    (Always available in Hardmode.)
    Flintlock PistolFlintlock Pistol 5 GC Always available.
    MinisharkMinishark 35 GC Always available.
    Illegal Gun PartsIllegal Gun Parts 20 GC At night.
    Ammo BoxAmmo Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC In Hardmode.
    ShotgunShotgun 25 GC In Hardmode.
    Empty BulletEmpty Bullet 5 CC In Hardmode.
    Stynger BoltStynger Bolt 75 CC When the player possesses a Stynger.
    StakeStake 15 CC When the player possesses a Stake Launcher.
    NailNail(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC When the player possesses a Nail Gun.
    Candy CornCandy Corn 5 CC When the player possesses a Candy Corn Rifle.
    Explosive Jack 'O LanternExplosive Jack 'O Lantern 15 CC When the player possesses a Jack 'O Lantern Launcher.
    Nurse HatNurse Hat 3 GC During Halloween.
    Nurse ShirtNurse Shirt 3 GC During Halloween.
    Nurse PantsNurse Pants 3 GC During Halloween.
    Quad-Barrel ShotgunQuad-Barrel Shotgun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 35 GC In a Graveyard Biome after defeating Skeletron.
    Any PylonAny Pylon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

    Living preferences

    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
    • GolferGolfer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

    For more information, see NPC happiness.

    Shimmered form

    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
    Shimmered Arms Dealer
    Arms Dealer (Shimmered).png Map Icon Arms Dealer (Shimmered).png
    NPC Map icon

    When submerged in Shimmer, the Arms Dealer will transform into his Shimmered form. This has no impact on gameplay or dialogue and is only a visual change. He can be returned to his classic look by submerging him in Shimmer again.



    The Arms Dealer may have any of the following names:

    • Andre
    • Brimst
    • Bronson
    • Dante
    • Darius
    • Darnell
    • Darryl
    • DeAndre
    • DeShawn
    • Demetrius
    • Dominique
    • Jalen
    • Jamal
    • Malik
    • Marquis
    • Maurice
    • Reginald
    • Terrance
    • Terrell
    • Tony
    • Trevon
    • Tyrone
    • Willie
    • Xavier


    Interaction quotes

    • "Keep your hands off my gun, buddy!"
    • "Hey, this ain't a movie, pal. Ammo is extra."
    • "I see you're eyeballin' the Minishark.. You really don't want to know how it was made."

    When Nurse is present:

    • "Make it quick! I've got a date with <name of Nurse> in an hour."
    • "I want what <name of Nurse> is sellin'. What do you mean, she doesn't sell anything?"

    When Dryad is present:

    • "<name of Dryad> is a looker. Too bad she's such a prude."

    When Demolitionist is present:

    • "Don't bother with <name of Demolitionist>, I've got all you need right here."
    • "What's <name of Demolitionist>'s problem? Does he even realize we sell completely different stuff?"

    After Skeletron has been defeated, but the Wall of Flesh has not, and Guide is present:

    • "I heard there is a doll that looks very similar to <name of Guide> somewhere in the underworld. I'd like to put a few rounds in it."

    During a Blood Moon:

    • "I love nights like tonight. There is never a shortage of things to kill!"
    • "Man, it's a good night not to talk to anybody, don't you think, <name of player>?"

    During a Party(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Parties are great for getting people to come out of their shell, just like with bullets."

    During Rain (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Heard a rumor that some clouds are literally out to get you! Show 'em who's boss with one of my guns!"
    • "Flying fish? I call that target practice!"

    During a Thunderstorm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "A lightning gun? Don't have time for that, man. I love my bullets!"
    • "If you time it right, no one will hear your gunshots with the thunder."

    During a Windy Day(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Was tryin' out my new gun, but the wind kept me off target!"
    • "Don't spray and pray in the wind, buddy!"

    When in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "I hate places like this. I can't kill what's already dead!"
    • "If you see any suspicious activity out in that fog, I wasn't involved."
  • Happiness quotes (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

  • When homeless:

    • "I don't have a place to stay, pal!"

    When neutral:

    • "I'm good, buddy!"

    When far from home:

    • "I don't like doin' business this far from home."

    When in a sparse area:

    • "This is what I'm talkin' about, privacy!"

    When overcrowded:

    • "Shh, I think there's some people nearby, don't like doin' my deals here."
    • "Hey, I can't do what I do with so many people watchin' me."

    When in a Desert:

    • "Ya know, the Desert is secluded and great for business, if you catch my drift."

    When in a Snow biome:

    • "Yeah, no, the Snow makes me very uncomfortable."

    When in an evil biome or the Dungeon:

    • "I hate the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon - hunting isn't quite as fun if you're the prey!"

    When near the Nurse:

    • "Think <name of Nurse> the Nurse ever, ya know, checks me out?"

    When near the Steampunker:

    • "Yeah, I like <name of Steampunker> the Steampunker, wicked cool person."

    When near the Golfer:

    • "I don't really like <name of Golfer> the Golfer bein' on my turf, ya know?"

    When near the Demolitionist:

    • "I'd REALLY like to use <name of Demolitionist> the Demolitionist as a range target sometime."

    When near the Princess:

    • "I never would have expected it, man, but <name of Princess> the Princess knows her way around a gun!"
  • Trivia

    • The name Brimst may be a reference to brimstone (sulfur), one of the ingredients of gunpowder.
    • He seems to be attracted to both the Nurse and the Dryad. This is seen in his quote about the date with the Nurse, and the Dryad's quote about him flirting with her. He also flirts with the Mechanic, according to her quote about the pressure plate, but he seemingly has more of an interest in the Nurse.
      • His interest in the Nurse is further backed by selling her clothes on Halloween instead of his own (though on a technical level, the Nurse does not have a shop interface to sell any items with).
    • The Arms Dealer and Guide seem to argue with each other through Emotes, implying they do not get along. This is further evidenced by his quote regarding the Guide Voodoo Doll. However, the Guide has no effect on his happiness.
    • The quote about the Guide Voodoo Doll still appears even if the Guide is dead, but the name will be random each time.
    • His quote about ammo being extra is a reference to the fact that in most movies, the protagonists or other characters seemingly never run out of ammo.
    • The Arms Dealer and the Demolitionist have two quotes each that suggest a rivalry between them. For instance, the Arms Dealer can occasionally say "Don't bother with <name of Demolitionist>, I've got all you need right here." if the Demolitionist is present.
    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Arms Dealer: "The Arms Dealer has everything anyone could need to shoot things dead, from little round bullets to guns made from sharks."


    • Desktop 1.4.4:
      • Can now sell the Ammo Box in Hardmode.
      • NPCs who die will now respawn freely, ignoring the original unique conditions which were required to spawn in the first place.
    • Desktop 1.1:
      • Now has random name given to him on spawn. His death will be reported with this name. Other NPCs will also use it in their quotes.
      • Illegal Gun Parts are sold every night, not just during new moons.
      • Silver Bullets and Unholy Arrows are always available after defeating the Wall of Flesh.
      • Shotgun added to inventory.


    1. 1.0 1.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_007_TownEntities() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    2. 2.0 2.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method UpdateTime_SpawnTownNPCs() in Terraria.Main.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is