Blade of Grass

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Blade of Grass
  • Blade of Grass item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage18 (Melee)
Knockback4.5 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time20 (Very fast)
TooltipHas a chance to poison enemies
RarityRarity level: 3
Sell54 SC
Research1 required
Inflicts Debuff
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Duration7 seconds
Projectile created
  • Leaf Blade
    Leaf Blade
The Blade of Grass attacking and inflicting the Poisoned debuff on Target Dummies and a Skeleton, spawning its projectiles on each swing. Note how it targets the Skeleton and only pierces two enemies.

The Blade of Grass is a pre-Hardmode sword crafted using materials from the Underground Jungle. It has a decent size and swing reach, and has a 1/4 (25%) chance of inflicting the Poisoned debuff for 7 seconds upon striking enemies.[1]

The Blade of Grass is roughly equal to the Volcano in size, making it one of the largest swords in pre-Hardmode. When swung, it fires a small, green Leaf Blade projectile that flies upwards in a circle, leaving behind a green particle effect resembling leaves. The Leaf Blade projectile can pass through blocks, has 20 armor penetration,[2] can automatically target enemies within a radius of 9.375 tiles, deals 25% base damage (4 base damage), can pierce one enemy, and has the same chance to inflict Poisoned for the same duration as the sword itself.[3]

The Blade of Grass is one of the key ingredients in crafting the Night's Edge.

Its best modifier is Legendary.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Blade of GrassBlade of Grass
Iron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Night's EdgeNight's EdgeDemon AltarDemon Altar
Crimson AltarCrimson Altar


  • The Blade of Grass is a pun which refers to the fact that individual grass leaves are known as "blades" of grass.
  • It is the second largest sword in pre-Hardmode, after the Volcano.
  • Prior to the 1.2 update, the Blade of Grass appeared to be a grass sawtooth katana (Blade of Grass (pre-1.2).png). This was a reference to the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (literally "Grass-Cutting Sword"), a legendary Japanese sword. The sprite was changed into a larger, double-edged sword with a high increase of grass texture.


  • Desktop Fixed Blade of Grass Razor Leaves not inflicting Poisoned.
  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Sprite updated. Old sprite was: Blade of Grass (old).png.
    • Added an upward spiraling leaf-like projectile that fires on swing.
    • Damage reduced from 28 to 18.
    • Use time reduced from 30 to 20.
    • Increased knockback from 3 to 4.5.
    • Crafting recipe now requires 3 Vines, and the Jungle Spore cost has been increased from 12 to 15.
  • Desktop 1.1:
    • No longer requires the Silver Broadsword to be crafted.
    • Spore requirement reduced from 20 to 12. Stinger requirement reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Mobile 1.1.5536:
    • No longer requires the Silver Broadsword to be crafted.
    • Spore requirement reduced from 20 to 12. Stinger requirement reduced from 20 to 15.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with mechanics, recipes, and sprites from Desktop 1.2.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method StatusToNPC() in Terraria.Player.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method StatusNPC() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is