Bladed Glove

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Halloween-Only Content
Halloween-Only Content
The content described on this page will only appear during the Halloween event.
Bladed Glove
  • Bladed Glove item spriteold Bladed Glove item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 12 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) (Melee)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time8 (Insanely fast)
RarityRarity level: 2
Sell1 GC
Research1 required
Using the Bladed Glove to attack a Target Dummy. Note the short range, but fast attack speed.

The Bladed Glove is a rare pre-Hardmode sword with a short range, but an exceptionally low use time (in other words, an exceptionally high attack speed). The Bladed Glove has a 1/2000 (0.05%) chance of being dropped by any weak enemy during the Halloween seasonal event. The Fetid Baghnakhs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can be considered its Hardmode upgrade.

Its best modifier is Legendary.


  • The Bladed Glove only receives 50% of any melee speed bonus.
  • As a weapon with autoswing that has its swing speed affected by melee speed, its swings are 1 tick[1] faster than suggested by their use time; this reduction occurs after melee speed is applied and for any weapon with speed affected by melee speed and autoswing, but is more notable for the Bladed Glove due to its already fast use time.


  • It can be a very effective weapon when fighting pre-Hardmode melee enemies due to its high attack speed and resulting damage output.
  • Due to the reduced impact of melee speed bonuses on the Bladed Glove, there are two melee speed benchmarks that affect the weapon's performance. Any first melee speed bonus (such as from Well Fed) will drop the use time by 1 tick[1], while the other melee speed benchmark is 34% (29% with no modifier), which speeds up the swing by another tick[1].
  • Broadswords like the Bladed Glove have a cooldown of use time * 0.33 between hits, rounded down[2]; this means that by default, the Bladed Glove can hit an enemy once per 2 ticks[1], while a Legendary Bladed Glove with nonzero melee speed (a use time of 6) can hit an enemy every tick. A given target can still only be hit once per swing, however.
  • With its incredibly fast attack speed and powerful knockback, it is a safe and effective weapon for fighting numerous enemies as the knockback practically creates a shield around the player. It is not advised to use it on enemies that are immune to knockback, nor on enemies that have high defense, such as most Hardmode enemies, unless the player is farming them for money with the Lucky Coin or its upgrades.
  • Using the Goblin Army is a good way to farm this item, as most of the enemies qualify for it to drop and they spawn constantly.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria's updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method ApplyAttackCooldown() in Player.cs.