Blocks are the primary components of every Terraria world. They make up nearly all of the game's terrain, with the preponderance of a particular block type in an area determining its biome. Nearly all blocks are collectible for use by players, and are mined with a pickaxe, drill, or an explosive. All block types can be stacked up to 9999 in a single inventory slot.
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) When mined, blocks will display a visible crack if they are not broken by that hit.
There are 226 different block types, including natural, crafted, purchased, and summoned block types.
Naturally occurring blocks
These blocks are created when the world is generated. Though few of them are renewable, more can always be found by generating new worlds.
Soils are the most accessible type of block in the game, and they make up the majority of the world. Many of them grow plants naturally. All soils can be mined with a Copper Pickaxe or Tin Pickaxe (except for the Stone variants as noted below). Soils are the only blocks that can be converted by the Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow. All soils are destroyed by explosives.
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Grown blocks
These blocks drop when their respective plant is looted from the environment using the necessary tool. Once in the player's inventory, they can be placed like other blocks and likewise looted with a pickaxe, drill, or explosives.
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Other found blocks
These blocks are found in various parts of the world.
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Trap blocks
Trap blocks are likewise found throughout the world. Unlike other blocks they feature special abilities which can be activated by a trigger through Wire. All trap blocks can be destroyed by explosives. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Their direction of fire can be changed with any hammer.
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Ore blocks
Ores are found underground (with the exception of Luminite and Meteorite), some types only in certain biomes. They are used in the crafting of bars, which in turn are used to craft weapons, armor, furniture, and more. Many are used to make bricks or other blocks.
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Gem blocks
Gems are valuable materials that can be found in veins underground. They can be found in two forms; as gem blocks embedded in Stone Blocks or on the sides of Stone Blocks, or as background objects placed onto Stone Blocks. Mining either version will provide the respective gem type. Gem blocks can be created by the player in the
Desktop version,
Console version, and
Mobile version.
Amber is also a gem, but can only be obtained from Silt, Slush, or Desert Fossils(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). In the
Desktop version,
Console version, and
Mobile version, it can also be found on blocks in the Underground Desert.
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Bricks are a specific type of crafted block with a repeating rectangular pattern. Though many bricks are crafted from ores and soils, some can only be looted from the environment (or in one case, enemies). All bricks have the word brick in their name (however, Mudstone Brick is called "Mudstone Block" on
Bricks have no sell value. Most crafted bricks are made using a Furnace, Hellforge, and Hardmode Forges.
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Crafted blocks
These blocks are obtained through crafting at a crafting station.
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Other blocks
Purchased blocks
These blocks are bought from NPCs.
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Looted blocks
These blocks are obtained in various ways, mostly as drops from enemies.
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Summoned blocks
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- (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) The cracks on not fully broken blocks will recover over mining other blocks.[1] Only 20–30 blocks can have visible cracks on them at a same time, depending on the pickaxe power.
- Blocks directly below a tree, cactus, Chest, or Altar cannot be mined until the item sitting above is first removed.
- However, blocks beneath Chests and Altars can be swapped with other blocks.
- Blocks growing grass or moss cannot be mined before their vegetation is destroyed, which is generally done with a single extra hit.
- If the player ends up overlapped with a block, they will behave as if the overlapped blocks are not there.
- An exception to this is if the player is overlapped with a sloped block. In these circumstances, the player will usually be ejected depending on the orientation of the block. This can be utilized as a method of transportation, known as a hoik.

Bulldozer •
“Destroy a total of 10,000 tiles.”Mine a total of 10,000 tiles. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


Landscaper •
“You have removed more than 10,000 blocks!”Mine a total of 10,000
(Old-gen console version)
- The most common blocks from world generation are Dirt and Stone.
- Desktop Added a multitude of new blocks: Granite and variants; Marble and variants; Shroomite Plating, Pink Slime Block, Luminite and variants; Hardened Sand and variants; Sandstone and variants; and Desert Fossil.
- Desktop 1.2:
- Bricks, wood, stone and glass all now blend together.
- Changed item and tile image to be unique to others.
- 50 new blocks added.
- ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, methods ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_ActuallyUseMiningTool()
in Terraria.Player.cs
and Prune()
in Terraria.HitTile.cs
. There may be inaccuracies, as the current
Desktop version is
- Glass
- Waterfall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lavafall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Honeyfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snowfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Midnight Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Blue Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gold Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gemspark(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Slime
- Fragments (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vortex(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nebula(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Solar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Asphalt
- Bone
- Spider Nest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flesh
- Lesion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Reef(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wood
- Dynasty(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Spooky
- Red Dynasty Shingles(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Blue(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Anti-Portal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bubble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Candy Cane
- Cog
- Coralstone
- Echo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Martian Conduit Plating(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pine Tree(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Smoke(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Team(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silly Balloon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Marble Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Granite Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Poo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gray
- Stone Slab(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Accent(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Red
- Mudstone
- Stucco
- Sandstone
- Slab(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Snow
- Ice
- Smooth Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Iridescent
- Ebonstone
- Crimstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlstone
- Aetherium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rainbow
- Dungeon
- Cracked(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glowing Moss Bricks
- Lava(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Krypton(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Xenon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Argon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Neon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Helium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lihzahrd
- Copper
- Plating(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tin
- Plating(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Iron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lead(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silver
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tungsten
- Gold
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Platinum
- Demonite
- Crimtane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meteorite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hellstone
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dirt
- Cave(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cracked(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crumbling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Layered(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rocky(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rough(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wavy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stone
- Craggy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fractured(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ivy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lichen(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mottled(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Old(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smouldering(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stalactite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Worn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Planked
- Wood
- Hardened Sand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cinder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ember(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Magma(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Corrupt Growth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pustule(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tendril(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crimson Blister(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Scab(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Teeth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hallowed Cavern(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystalline(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Prism(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Large(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cactus
- Pumpkin
- Mushroom
- Jungle
- Vine(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Leafy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hive
- Desert Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cloud
- Disc
- Glass
- Stained
- Waterfall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lavafall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Honeyfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snowfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Midnight Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Blue Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gold Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gemspark(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Offline(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Silly Balloon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slime Block
- Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone Block
- Spider Nest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flesh
- Lesion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cog(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aetherium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hay
- Reef(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fences
- Arcane Rune(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Dynasty(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Flower
- Grass
- Jungle
- Sail(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Wallpapers(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Gray
- Slab(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Red
- Mudstone
- Stucco
- Sandstone
- Snow
- Ice
- Smooth Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Iridescent
- Ebonstone
- Crimstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlstone
- Aetherium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rainbow
- Dungeon
- Cursed(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glowing Moss Brick Walls
- Lava(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Krypton(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Xenon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Argon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Neon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Helium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lihzahrd
- Forbidden(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Copper
- Plating(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tin
- Plating(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Iron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lead(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silver
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tungsten
- Gold
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Platinum
- Demonite
- Crimtane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meteorite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hellstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)