Thrown Water

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Thrown Water refers to a set of three consumable weapons that each convert a small area into a biome (Hallow, Corruption, or Crimson for Holy Water, Unholy Water, and Blood Water respectively) when thrown. This conversion affects a roughly circular area with a radius of four tiles from the center. Enemies within this radius are also damaged slightly; this damage is not classified as any of the four damage types and therefore cannot be modified by any buffs or equipment.

Holy Water is only available in Hardmode. It is possible for Corrupted or Crimson Deserts to be generated naturally with the world, making the other two throwable waters available from the beginning of the game. However, these biomes will not spread onto sand until Hardmode begins; therefore, worlds generated without Corrupted/Crimson Deserts will not have Ebonsand/Crimsand until then. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, however, Vile Powder or Vicious Powder can be used to convert sand into its corrupt counterpart.

Animation of the Holy Water, Blood Water, and Unholy Water. Note how they convert a small area into their respective biome.


Holy Water
  • Holy Water item spriteold Holy Water item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipSpreads the Hallow to some blocks
RarityRarity level: 3
Sell40 CC
Research99 required
Projectile created
  • Holy Water
    Holy Water
Unholy Water
  • Unholy Water item spriteold Unholy Water item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipSpreads the Corruption to some blocks
RarityRarity level: 3
Sell20 CC
Research99 required
Projectile created
  • Unholy Water
    Unholy Water
Blood Water
  • Blood Water item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipSpreads the Crimson to some blocks
RarityRarity level: 3
Sell20 CC
Research99 required
Projectile created
  • Blood Water
    Blood Water



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Blood WaterBlood Water(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)10By Hand
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Holy WaterHoly Water10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Holy WaterHoly Water5
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Unholy WaterUnholy Water10
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Unholy WaterUnholy Water5


Thrown water converts blocks and walls as displayed below.[1]

Holy Water

This content is transcluded from Solutions § Blue Solution.

Resulting converted tile Original tiles
Pearlstone BlockPearlstone BlockInternal Tile ID: 117
Mowed Hallowed grassMowed Hallowed grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 492
Hallowed grassHallowed grassInternal Tile ID: 109
Pink Ice BlockPink Ice BlockInternal Tile ID: 164
Pearlsand BlockPearlsand BlockInternal Tile ID: 116
Hardened Pearlsand BlockHardened Pearlsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 402
Pearlsandstone BlockPearlsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 403
(will be destroyed)
Dirt BlockDirt BlockInternal Tile ID: 0 Mud BlockMud BlockInternal Tile ID: 59
(only if surrounded by Hallowed grass in all four directions)
Hallowed Grass WallHallowed Grass Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 70
Pearlstone WallPearlstone Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 28
Hardened Pearlsand WallHardened Pearlsand Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 219
Pearlsandstone WallPearlsandstone Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 222
Hallowed Prism WallHallowed Prism Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 200
Hallowed Cavern WallHallowed Cavern Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 201
Hallowed Shard WallHallowed Shard Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 202
Hallowed Crystalline WallHallowed Crystalline Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 203

Unholy Water

This content is transcluded from Solutions § Purple Solution.

Resulting converted tile Original tiles
Ebonstone BlockEbonstone BlockInternal Tile ID: 25
Corrupt Jungle grassCorrupt Jungle grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 661
Corrupt grassCorrupt grassInternal Tile ID: 23
Purple Ice BlockPurple Ice BlockInternal Tile ID: 163
Ebonsand BlockEbonsand BlockInternal Tile ID: 112
Hardened Ebonsand BlockHardened Ebonsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 398
Ebonsandstone BlockEbonsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 400
Corruption thorny bushesCorruption thorny bushesInternal Tile ID: 32
Corrupt Grass WallCorrupt Grass Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 69
Ebonstone WallEbonstone Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 3
Hardened Ebonsand WallHardened Ebonsand Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 217
Ebonsandstone WallEbonsandstone Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 220
Corrupt Growth WallCorrupt Growth Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 188
Corrupt Mass WallCorrupt Mass Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 189
Corrupt Pustule WallCorrupt Pustule Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 190
Corrupt Tendril WallCorrupt Tendril Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 191

Blood Water

This content is transcluded from Solutions § Red Solution.

Resulting converted tile Original tiles
Crimstone BlockCrimstone BlockInternal Tile ID: 203
Crimson Jungle grassCrimson Jungle grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 662
Crimson grassCrimson grassInternal Tile ID: 199
Red Ice BlockRed Ice BlockInternal Tile ID: 200
Crimsand BlockCrimsand BlockInternal Tile ID: 234
Hardened Crimsand BlockHardened Crimsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 399
Crimsandstone BlockCrimsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 401
Crimson thorny bushesCrimson thorny bushes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 352
Crimson Grass WallCrimson Grass Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 81
Crimstone WallCrimstone Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 83
Hardened Crimsand WallHardened Crimsand Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 218
Crimsandstone WallCrimsandstone Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 221
Crimson Crust WallCrimson Crust Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 192
Crimson Scab WallCrimson Scab Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 193
Crimson Teeth WallCrimson Teeth Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 194
Crimson Blister WallCrimson Blister Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 195


Area of effect
  • The effects of Thrown Water can be reversed with Thrown Powder.
  • For creating large areas of Hallow, Corruption or Crimson, a Clentaminator (or its upgrade, the Terraformer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) may be a better choice. It fires a stream of solution with a range of about 60 tiles.


  • The Holy Water, including its sprite and the way it is thrown, is possibly a reference to the item of the same name in the action-adventure video game series Castlevania.

See also


  • Desktop
    • Updated sprites of Holy and Unholy Waters. Previous sprites were: Holy Water (old).png Unholy Water (old).png
    • Holy Water's crafting recipe changed from 5 Pixie Dust and 1 Bottled Water to 10 Bottled Water and 2 Pixie Dust.
    • Unholy Water's crafting recipe now requires 10 Bottled Water, and produces 10 Unholy Water at a time.
    • Added Blood Water.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with changes up to Desktop 1.2.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Convert() in Terraria.WorldGen.cs.