Blue Slime

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Blue Slime
Blue Slime.gif
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeSlime AI
Max Life25/50274330/75411495
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
BannerBlue Slime BannerBlue Slime Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Immune toPoisoned
Coins25 CCPre-Hardmode: 62 CCHardmode: 2 SC50 CCPost-Plantera: 3 SC

The Blue Slime is a pre-Hardmode enemy and a slime variant that commonly spawns in Forest biomes during the daytime, as well at any time in the Underground layer. Blue Slimes only target the player when damaged, during the night, or at any time when underground.

Like most other slimes, the Blue Slime will be passive towards any player with the Royal Gel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) accessory equipped.

On Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and 3DSNintendo 3DS version, they can rarely be found carrying bonus drops, which the player receives upon the slime's death.


  • Blue Slimes cannot spawn naturally within 200 tiles horizontally of the world's spawn point. This does not occur in Expert Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
  • Blue Slimes fall from the sky during the Slime Rain regardless of the biome or time of day.
  • Blue Slimes can be summoned with a Slime Statue, and are also summoned by King Slime when it is damaged.
  • Blue Slimes summoned with a Slime Statue do not drop Goodie Bags or Presents.


Achievement Gelatin World Tour.png
Gelatin World Tour • “Defeat every type of slime there is!”
Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Challenger Challenger
Achievement Slimer.png
Slimer • “You have killed every type of slime!”
Defeat at least one of every type of slime. (Old-gen console version)


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Blue Slime: "A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything."


  • Desktop 1.0.5: Now floats in liquids and does not make a splash sound when hitting water.