Bosses (Bosses/lt)
Bosai yra agresyvūs, atsparūs priešai, kurie žaidėjams kelia nemenką iššūkį. Boso nugalėjimas paprastai yra naudingas žaidimo progresui, pavyzdžiui, suteikiant žaidėjui naują medžiagą aukštesnės pakopos kirtikliams. Kiekvienas turi savo konkretų būdą, kaip turi būti iškviestas. Pavyzdžiui, dauguma bosų yra susieję su daiktais, kurie gali būti naudojami jų prikvietimui tam tikromis sąlygomis, o yra ir kitų, kurie pasirodys žaidėjui tam tikru būdu sąveikaujant su aplinka. Įvykių bosai pasirodys tik per atitinkamus įvykius ir išvyks jam pasibaigus. Mini bosai taip pat egzistuoja ir pasirodo tik per specialius įvykius, išreiškiantys tiek pat sunkumų, kaip ir daugeliui įprastų bosų. Jų sveikata yra labai įvairi: klasikiniame režime ji svyruoja nuo 1 000 iki 145 000.
Dauguma bosų ir mini bosų gali pereiti visų rūšių blokus, išskyrus Šliužų karalių, Šliužų karalienę, Kiškį, Nedėkingąjį kalakutą, Skraidantį nyderlandietį.
Normalaus režimo bosai
Šliužų karalius
For strategies on defeating the King Slime, see Guide:King Slime strategies.
Glitėsių Karalius yra milžiniškas glitėsis su 2000 HP. Jis galii būti iškviečiamas su Glitėsių Karūna, o kartais jis pats atsiranda pasaulio šonuose. Glitėsių Karalius turi geresnį atsiradimo šansą kai žaidėjas stovi netoli Vandeninės Žvakės arba kai jis turi Kovos Eliksyro efektą. Glitėsių Karalius nesuteikia prieigos prie geresnių daiktų nugalėjus, bet duoda auksinį Pinigą, vieną iš Nindzės Drabužių, ir vieną daiktą, susijusį su glitėsiais. |
Ktulo akis
For strategies on defeating the Eye of Cthulhu, see Guide:Eye of Cthulhu strategies.
Cthulhu akis turi 1 iš 3 šansą, kad atsirastų nakties pradžioje, kai žaidėjas turi 200 HP ar daugiau, 3 ar daugiau esančių gyventojų, ir virš 10 Apsaugos. Jis taip darys iki tol, kol bus nugalėtas pirmą kartą. Jis gali būti iškviestas su Įtartinai atrodančia akim nakties metu. Tai yra pirmasis bosas, su kuriuo žaidėjas privalo kovoti. Jis praskrenda pro blokus, ir iškviečia Cthulhu akies tarnus. |
Pasaulių rijikas
For strategies on defeating the Eater of Worlds, see Guide:Eater of Worlds strategies.
Pasaulių Valgytojas atsiranda kai kas trečias Šešėlio rutulys yra sunaikintas. Jie yra randami Korupcijos plyšyje, apsuptame Ebonstono, kuriam reikia Kirtiklio su 65% galia ar didesne, su kuria galima iškasti, netgi explosives/lt|Sprogmenys ar Valymo Milteliai gali būti panaudoti. Jei žaidėjas yra netoli šešėlio rutulio, jis gali sunaikinti su Kūju. Eater of Worlds can also be summoned with the Worm Food. Pasaulių Valgytojas gali būti iškviestas tik iškraipytoje vietovėje, ir jeigu jis babandys palikti iškraipytą vietovę, jis pradings. Pasaulių valgytojas gali būti iššūkis net vidutiniems žaidėjams, kadangi tai yra didelis sliekas, kuris keliauja pro plyteles, ir yra padarytas iš keletos sekcijų, kurios atakuoja skirtingai. (with separate heads, no less) when they are cut off. To defeat this boss, every section must be brought down to less than two body parts to be killed (the smallest possible section is a head and a tail with no body pieces). Due to how helpful corrupted items are, this will probably be the second boss faced in worlds that have corruption, rather than Crimson. Eater of Worlds is the only source of Shadow Scales in the game, and drops a large amount of Demonite Ore, which can also be sold for over 7/stack, making this technically the best pre-hardmode boss for farming in the game. |
Ktulo smegenys
For strategies on defeating Brain of Cthulhu, see Guide:Brain of Cthulhu strategies.
Brain of Cthultu will appear after every third Crimson Heart is broken. These hearts are found in the Crimson's chasms, surrounded by Crimstone, which can be bypassed with the same methods ebonstone can. However, some of the pockets containing these will generate open. Once you are close, Crimson Hearts can be destroyed in the same way shadow orbs can. Brain of Cthulhu can also be summoned with Bloody Spine. It can only be summoned in the Crimson. Brain of Cthulhu has only 1,000 HP but has two forms. In the first form, the brain cannot be harmed and Creepers will float around it. After these are killed the brain will go into its second form, where it will teleport more frantically and move a lot faster, so you might want to have a ranged weapon. Unlike most other bosses, the Brain of Cthulhu is not immune to knockback. Brain of Cthulhu is the only source of Tissue Samples in the game (Other than the creepers spawned while fighting it), and drops a large amount of Crimtane Ore, which are their equivalents to the corruption items. |
Bičių karalienė
For strategies on defeating Queen Bee, see Guide:Queen Bee strategies.
Queen Bee is summoned by destroying the Queen Bee's offspring encased in honey in the beehive structure, located in the underground jungle, or by the use of an Abeemination anywhere in the jungle. It is the only source of Bee Wax, except on the console. Queen Bee is immune to knockback. |
For strategies on defeating Skeletron, see Guide:Skeletron strategies.
Skeletron is summoned by speaking to the Old Man and activating his curse at the entrance of the Dungeon at night. It can be summoned again by killing the Clothier with the Clothier Voodoo Doll equipped at night (He arrives after defeating Skeletron, and it is assumed he is the Old man due to the tip the guide gives indicating the old man freed from the dungeon may want a house to live in, the tips at the loading screen, and his dialogue thanking the player for freeing him from his curse). Defeating Skeletron allows you to freely access the Dungeon without being attacked by the Dungeon Guardian. The Dungeon contains many unique items, as well as hazards. It is not recommended to enter without strong armor. The Dungeon has items such as a Cobalt Shield, Handgun, Muramasa and a Blue Moon. It has enemies such as Angry Bones, and an Dark Casters, although you may notice more foes after you fight more bosses. |
Mėsos siena
For strategies on defeating the Wall of Flesh, see Guide:Wall of Flesh strategies.
The Wall of Flesh is summoned by throwing the Guide Voodoo Doll into a lava in the Underworld while the Guide is alive. It is known by most players as the hardest pre-Hardmode boss, at 8,000 health, and defeating it will irreversibly enable Hardmode in that given world. Its defeat will also allow the creation of the summoning items for various Hardmode bosses. It can drop several powerful items, one of them being the guaranteed drop Pwnhammer which can be used to break Demon Altars in order to spawn Hardmode Ores. |
Sunkiojo režimo bosai
Hardmode Bosses are significantly harder upgrades of and new additions to previous bosses. Defeating them is usually instrumental in advancing the game in some way. Each has its own particular way of being summoned, and warning messages appear whenever one is about to appear. Defeating a boss concludes with a congratulatory message and several items.
During Hardmode, each night has a one in two chance of spawning one of the three Mechanical Bosses that have not yet been defeated in the current world.
For strategies on defeating The Twins, see Guide:The Twins strategies.
The Twins are the Hardmode version of the Eye of Cthulhu. They spawn as two eyes, one with 20,000 HP (Retinazer) and one with 23,000 HP (Spazmatism). Unlike the Eye of Cthulhu, they do not immediately transform at half health - Retinazer transforms at 8,000 HP and Spazmatism transforms at 9,000 HP. The Twins are summoned by using a Mechanical Eye at night. It is worth noting that The Twins will gain defense in their second forms, unlike the Eye of Cthulhu. The two eyes have different fighting styles. Spazmatism focuses on slamming into the player and firing cursed flames. Once it reaches its second form, it will resemble a mechanical version of the Eye of Cthulhu's second form. It will deal a lot more damage, and the flames it shoots are more consistent like the Flamethrower instead of the Cursed Flames, but the flames will still inflict Cursed Inferno debuff on the player. The other eye, Retinazer, focuses on shooting the player with Death Lasers like the Destroyer's Probes. Once it reaches its second form, it will replace its pupil with a laser cannon. During this form, it will shoot lasers extremely fast, sometimes having the same fire rate as a Megashark. The last Twin destroyed will drop all of the loot. |
For strategies on defeating The Destroyer, see Guide:The Destroyer strategies.
The Destroyer is the Hardmode version of the Eater of Worlds (also with some Brain of Chulutu features), with 80,000 HP. It is considered the easiest hardmode boss by many players, despite having the most health. Although it is similar to its easy mode counterpart, it has some key differences: it won't divide into smaller segments, will shoot lasers from its body if space is available, and will deploy Probes to attack you as well. The Destroyer is summoned by crafting and using a Mechanical Worm anywhere, but can only be spawned at night. The Destroyer will shoot Death Lasers at you, increasing the attack speed with the lower health it has. Weapons that do damage to multiple segments like Flails, Water Bolt, and the Demon Scythe are recommended, because they will do a lot of damage as The Destroyer passes through them. As of 1.2.3, The Destroyer's drops now come from the closest body part. |
Skeletronas Praimas
For strategies on defeating Skeletron Prime, see Guide:Skeletron Prime strategies.
Skeletron Prime is a far more difficult Hardmode version of Skeletron, with the head alone having 28,000 HP. His limbs are different: instead of two hands, he has a vice, a laser gun, a saw and a cannon that shoots bombs. With the head and all limbs combined, Skeletron Prime has 59,000 HP. However, like Skeletron, you only have to kill the head. Skeletron Prime can be summoned as many times per world as you want, by crafting and using a Mechanical Skull, but can only be summoned at night. It is worth noting that when his head spins, his Defense increases, unlike Skeletron, whose Defense is dropped to 0 when spinning. He will drop Hallowed Bars and Souls of Fright, which are both used to craft many kinds of armor and tools. Be warned that when Skeletron Prime is still alive during morning (4:30 AM to 7:30 PM), he will be in Dungeon Guardian mode and effectively one-shot you, despawning afterwards.
For strategies on defeating Plantera, see Guide:Plantera strategies.
Plantera is summoned prior to version 1.2.3 (and in the current console version) by destroying a Plantera's Bulb, which is found in the Underground Jungle after slaying a mechanical boss. As of 1.2.3, you'll first need to kill all three Mechanical Bosses. Plantera has two stages: In the first stage Plantera clings to solid blocks using vine-like extensions. In this stage Plantera fires spiky projectiles much like Spiky Balls. In the second stage Plantera has increased speed and charges at the player. Once Plantera is defeated, the dungeon will automatically spawn hardmode monsters, such as the Paladin.Once you defeat Plantera you will be able to get brand new weapons from your hard mode dungeon such as the tactical shotgun, spectre staff, shadowbeam staff, inferno fork, and the Paladins Hammer. |
For strategies on defeating Golem, see Guide:Golem strategies.
The Golem is summoned by using a Lihzahrd Power Cell at the Lihzahrd Altar in the Jungle Temple. In order to access the Jungle Temple, you must first defeat Plantera to obtain the Temple Key. Golem has two phases. During the first phase, the pieces you can attack are his fists and his head. Once his fists are destroyed he can not shoot them at you, which is recommended before you begin the second phase. After you destroy his head, the second phase begins, and all parts of his body will be vulnerable. The body jumps around a lot more during this phase, and the head will remain in battle, flying above the body shooting fireballs and lasers, but can't be harmed. |
Kunigaikštis Žuviasparnis
For strategies on defeating Duke Fishron, see Guide:Duke Fishron strategies.
Duke Fishron is a fish-pig-dragon hybrid with 50,000 health and 50 defense. It is summoned when a Truffle Worm is used as bait with a higher-powered fishing rod in an Ocean biome. In its first stage, Duke Fishron will attempt to ram the player 5 times before either firing explosive bubbles or summoning Sharknados. In its second stage, Duke Fishron gains glowing eyes and a boost to attack and defense (needs confirmation.) Although its ramming attacks remain the same, instead of shooting bubbles directly at the player, it flies quickly around in circles, sending bubbles everywhere. Instead of summoning Sharknados in this stage, Duke Fishron summons larger Cthulhunados. These remain in place until Duke Fishron is defeated. He is said to be the hardest boss in the game, but Duke Fishron becomes much easier when the player has equipped Wings. |
Įvykių bosai
Raudojantis medis
Mourning Wood is a mini-boss that spawns during the Pumpkin Moon. Like many other bosses, it has the ability to move through necessary blocks. It shoots flaming projectiles, some of which pass through blocks. |
Moliūgų karalius
Pumpking is also found later in the Pumpkin Moon event. Multiple Pumpkings can be out at the same time, up to six at the final fifteenth wave (or even more in multiplayer). It has three modes of attack, indicated by the face carved in the pumpkin it uses as a head. |
Piktoji eglė
Everscream can be found during the Frost Moon and acts much like the Mourning Wood. The biggest difference is that its projectiles can go through blocks. |
Kalėdų Senelis NK1
Santa-NK1 appears during the Frost Moon event. Some of his attacks go through blocks. |
Ledo karalienė
Ice Queen is the third and final boss you encounter in the Frost Moon. She has three alternate attacks. She drops items like the Baby Grinch's Mischief Whistle, Reindeer Bells and also endgame weapon for each class. |
For strategies on defeating Ocram, see Guide:Ocram strategies.
Ocram is a boss that exists only on the console version and mobile version of Terraria. To summon Ocram you must get the Suspicious Looking Skull. It requires two Mechanical Eyes, one Mechanical Skull, ten Adamantite Bars, five Soul of Nights,and five Soul of Lights. Mix these at a Mythril Anvil. Upon death, he drops 5-10 Soul of Blights, used in the crafting of console-exclusive armor, Dragon armor, Titan armor, and Spectral Armor. They are also used to craft the new sword, spear and repeater, Tizona, Tonbogiri and the Vulcan Repeater. It is generally considered the hardest boss in the console and mobile versions. |
Mobile Exclusive
For strategies on defeating Lepus, see Guide:Lepus strategies.
Lepus is a large rabbit-like boss exclusive to the Mobile version of Terraria. It's summoned with a Suspicious Looking Egg at any time of day. During combat it lays two types of Easter Eggs: small ones that hatch Diseaster Bunnies and bigger ones that hatch another ,weaker, Lepus; these eggs can be damaged and destroyed by the player before hatching. A maximum of 5 Lepus can be spawned from the large eggs laid by the original Lepus.Their are three drops that you can get from Lepus. The Boots of Orstra and the Egg Canon. |
Nedėkingasis kalakutas
For strategies on defeating Turkor the Ungrateful, see Guide:Turkor the Ungrateful strategies.
Turkor the Ungrateful is a Boss. It is summoned by using Cursed stuffing while a Pet Turkey is active. It has a cooked turkey on a plate for a body and initially one head attached to the body by a long, flexible spine. The head must be destroyed first, otherwise the body will regenerate continuously. Once the head is destroyed, the body is vulnerable to attacks. |
- The messages for all the bosses are:
- Eye of Cthulhu: "You feel an evil presence watching you..."
- Eater of Worlds and Brain of Cthulhu: "A horrible chill goes down your spine..." after the first and "Screams echo around you..." after the second Shadow Orb/Crimson Heart is broken. The third only produces a standard summon message.
- The Destroyer: "You feel vibrations from deep below..."
- The Twins: "This is going to be a terrible night..."
- Skeletron Prime: "The air is getting colder around you..."
- As of 1.2.3, worlds generated in earlier versions, in which a player defeated all mechanical bosses before upgrading, will not have those bosses register as defeated; for instance, Plantera's Bulbs will not spawn, and the Steampunker will not arrive.
- There are currently 21 bosses in the game.
- Mobile 1.1.6255 Thanksgiving Update:
- Turkor the Ungrateful added.
- Desktop 1.2.4:
- Duke Fishron added.
- Desktop
- Mech bosses no longer spawn randomly if another boss is alive.
- You can still summon multiple bosses manually. Hardmode bosses will no longer spawn if no player is above ground.
- Desktop 1.2.3:
- Various boss changes and/or bug fixes.
- Mech bosses are now slightly more difficult.
- You can no longer waste boss summon items by using them after that boss has spawned.
- Fixed a bug where numerous NPCs could spawn if you beat a hardmode boss in a non-hardmode world.
- Desktop Some Plantera and Destroyer changes.
- Desktop Mechanical Bosses will no longer spawn during Pumpkin Moons.
- Desktop 1.2.1: Reduces the chance for a mechanical boss summon to drop during hardmode.
- Desktop
- Hardmode Crimson, Corruption, and Hallow spread is now slowed after killing Plantera instead of any Mechanical Boss.
- Slightly increased the chance for an eclipse to happen, but they will now only happen after killing a Mechanical Boss.
- Desktop 1.2:
- There are 4 new bosses: Brain of Cthulhu, Queen Bee, Plantera, and Golem.
- Each boss has a rare chance to drop a placeable boss trophy.
- Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game.
- Current hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased.
- Desktop 1.1:
- There are 4 new bosses, 3 of which are upgrades of the older ones.
- Desktop 1.0.4:
- King Slime introduced.
- Desktop-Release:
- Introduced Eye of Cthulhu, Eater of Worlds and Skeletron.