Chlorophyte Extractinator

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Chlorophyte Extractinator
  • Chlorophyte Extractinator item sprite
  • Chlorophyte Extractinator placed
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Placeable✔️ (3 wide × 3 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipPlacing silt/slush/fossil piles into the extractinator turns them into something more useful
Place contaminated blocks into the extractinator to purify them
Other items placed inside may have interesting effects
RarityRarity level: 7
Sell2 GC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 5296 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Tile ID: 642

The Chlorophyte Extractinator is a Hardmode, post-mechanical bosses upgrade to the Extractinator. It is an item that converts Silt, Slush, and Desert Fossils into more valuable items such as ores, coins, and gems, as well as fishing trash into low level bait. The Chlorophyte Extractinator converts items faster, and can produce Hardmode ores; it can also exchange Glowing Mosses into all kinds of mosses (except Helium Moss), instead of only regular ones.

It can also turn the Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow variants of most blocks into their normal variants. Alongside this, it can also be used to convert ores/bars into their alternate ore types (such as Tin being converted into Copper), and Dungeon Bricks into their variants.

To use the Chlorophyte Extractinator, it first needs to be placed in the world. Afterward, suitable blocks need to be consumed (with the Use / Attack key) directly on the Chlorophyte Extractinator within its 3×3 frame. Holding the Auto Select key and clicking on the Chlorophyte Extractinator will automatically insert extractable items from the player's inventory without having to pick them up manually.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Chlorophyte ExtractinatorChlorophyte Extractinator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil

Possible conversions

With Silt BlockSilt Block / Slush BlockSlush Block
Item Chance Quantity Average Yield/1000
Platinum CoinPlatinum Coin 0.0073% 1–11 1.2758 0.09 (9 GC)
Gold CoinGold Coin 0.1017% 1–100 10.3346 10.51 (10 GC51 SC)
Silver CoinSilver Coin 1.3534% 1–100 17.7843 240.69 (≈ 2 GC41 SC)
Copper CoinCopper Coin 64.2145% 1–100 35.5588 22833.91 (≈ 2 GC28 SC)
Amber MosquitoAmber Mosquito 0.01% 1 1 0.1
AmethystAmethyst 0.3333% 1–16 1.1775 3.92
TopazTopaz 0.3333% 1–16 1.1775 3.92
SapphireSapphire 0.3333% 1–16 1.1775 3.92
EmeraldEmerald 0.3333% 1–16 1.1775 3.92
RubyRuby 0.3333% 1–16 1.1775 3.92
DiamondDiamond 0.3333% 1–16 1.1775 3.92
AmberAmber 0.9598% 1–16 1.1775 11.3
Copper OreCopper Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Tin OreTin Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Iron OreIron Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Lead OreLead Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Silver OreSilver Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Tungsten OreTungsten Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Gold OreGold Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Cobalt OreCobalt Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Palladium OrePalladium Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Mythril OreMythril Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Orichalcum OreOrichalcum Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Adamantite OreAdamantite Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
Titanium OreTitanium Ore 2.239552% 1–16 1.1775 26.37
With Desert FossilDesert Fossil
Item Chance Quantity Average Yield/1000
Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossil 10% 1–7 1.3 130
Platinum CoinPlatinum Coin 0.0066% 1–11 1.2758 0.08 (8 GC)
Gold CoinGold Coin 0.0915% 1–100 10.3345 9.46 (9 GC46 SC)
Silver CoinSilver Coin 1.2178% 1–100 17.7839 216.57 (2 GC17 SC)
Copper CoinCopper Coin 57.7876% 1–100 26.892 15540.24 (1 GC55 SC)
Amber MosquitoAmber Mosquito 0.027% 1 1 0.27
AmethystAmethyst 0.15% 1–16 1.1775 1.77
TopazTopaz 0.15% 1–16 1.1775 1.77
SapphireSapphire 0.15% 1–16 1.1775 1.77
EmeraldEmerald 0.15% 1–16 1.1775 1.77
RubyRuby 0.15% 1–16 1.1775 1.77
DiamondDiamond 0.15% 1–16 1.1775 1.77
AmberAmber 1.7629% 1–16 1.1775 20.76
Copper OreCopper Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Tin OreTin Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Iron OreIron Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Lead OreLead Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Silver OreSilver Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Tungsten OreTungsten Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Gold OreGold Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Cobalt OreCobalt Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Palladium OrePalladium Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Mythril OreMythril Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Orichalcum OreOrichalcum Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Adamantite OreAdamantite Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
Titanium OreTitanium Ore 1.9938% 1–16 1.1775 23.48
With Glowing MossGlowing MossGlowing MossGlowing MossGlowing MossGlowing MossGlowing Moss
Item Chance Quantity
Green MossGreen Moss 18% 1
Brown MossBrown Moss 18% 1
Red MossRed Moss 18% 1
Blue MossBlue Moss 18% 1
Purple MossPurple Moss 18% 1
Lava MossLava Moss 2% 1
Krypton MossKrypton Moss 2% 1
Xenon MossXenon Moss 2% 1
Argon MossArgon Moss 2% 1
Neon MossNeon Moss 2% 1
With Old ShoeOld Shoe / Seaweed (junk)Seaweed / Tin CanTin Can
Item Chance Quantity
SnailSnail 16.67% 1
Apprentice BaitApprentice Bait 75% 1
WormWorm 5.56% 1
Journeyman BaitJourneyman Bait 2.78% 1

Special conversions

Below is a list of items that are guaranteed to be exchanged to another item via the Chlorophyte Extractinator.[1]

Input Output
Copper Ore Copper Ore Tin Ore Tin Ore
Tin Ore Tin Ore Copper Ore Copper Ore
Iron Ore Iron Ore Lead Ore Lead Ore
Lead Ore Lead Ore Iron Ore Iron Ore
Silver Ore Silver Ore Tungsten Ore Tungsten Ore
Tungsten Ore Tungsten Ore Silver Ore Silver Ore
Gold Ore Gold Ore Platinum Ore Platinum Ore
Platinum Ore Platinum Ore Gold Ore Gold Ore
Demonite Ore Demonite Ore Crimtane Ore Crimtane Ore
Crimtane Ore Crimtane Ore Demonite Ore Demonite Ore
Cobalt Ore Cobalt Ore Palladium Ore Palladium Ore
Palladium Ore Palladium Ore Cobalt Ore Cobalt Ore
Mythril Ore Mythril Ore Orichalcum Ore Orichalcum Ore
Orichalcum Ore Orichalcum Ore Mythril Ore Mythril Ore
Adamantite Ore Adamantite Ore Titanium Ore Titanium Ore
Titanium Ore Titanium Ore Adamantite Ore Adamantite Ore
Copper Bar Copper Bar Tin Bar Tin Bar
Tin Bar Tin Bar Copper Bar Copper Bar
Iron Bar Iron Bar Lead Bar Lead Bar
Lead Bar Lead Bar Iron Bar Iron Bar
Silver Bar Silver Bar Tungsten Bar Tungsten Bar
Tungsten Bar Tungsten Bar Silver Bar Silver Bar
Gold Bar Gold Bar Platinum Bar Platinum Bar
Platinum Bar Platinum Bar Gold Bar Gold Bar
Demonite Bar Demonite Bar Crimtane Bar Crimtane Bar
Crimtane Bar Crimtane Bar Demonite Bar Demonite Bar
Cobalt Bar Cobalt Bar Palladium Bar Palladium Bar
Palladium Bar Palladium Bar Cobalt Bar Cobalt Bar
Mythril Bar Mythril Bar Orichalcum Bar Orichalcum Bar
Orichalcum Bar Orichalcum Bar Mythril Bar Mythril Bar
Adamantite Bar Adamantite Bar Titanium Bar Titanium Bar
Titanium Bar Titanium Bar Adamantite Bar Adamantite Bar
Shadow Scale Shadow Scale Tissue Sample Tissue Sample
Tissue Sample Tissue Sample Shadow Scale Shadow Scale
Ebonstone Block Ebonstone Block Stone Block Stone Block
Crimstone Block Crimstone Block
Pearlstone Block Pearlstone Block
Ebonsand Block Ebonsand Block Sand Block Sand Block
Crimsand Block Crimsand Block
Pearlsand Block Pearlsand Block
Ebonsandstone Block Ebonsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sandstone Block Sandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Crimsandstone Block Crimsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pearlsandstone Block Pearlsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hardened Ebonsand Block Hardened Ebonsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Hardened Sand Block Hardened Sand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hardened Crimsand Block Hardened Crimsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hardened Pearlsand Block Hardened Pearlsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Purple Ice Block Purple Ice Block Ice Block Ice Block
Red Ice Block Red Ice Block
Pink Ice Block Pink Ice Block
Pink Brick Pink Brick Blue Brick Blue Brick
Blue Brick Blue Brick Green Brick Green Brick
Green Brick Green Brick Pink Brick Pink Brick



  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method CreateChlorophyteExtractinator() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemTrader.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is