Cloud in a Bottle

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Cloud in a Bottle
  • Cloud in a Bottle item spriteold Cloud in a Bottle item sprite
  • Cloud in a Bottle equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipAllows the holder to double jump
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell1 GC
Research1 required
The Cloud in a Bottle being used to gain an extra jump.

The Cloud in a Bottle is an accessory that can be found in Gold Chests in the Underground and Cavern layers. When equipped, it allows the player an extra jump. The extra jump has a 75% jump duration compared to a normal jump, increasing the maximum height the player can reach without other accessories by 5 tiles, for a total of 11 tiles.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Blizzard in a BottleBlizzard in a Bottle
Crystal BallCrystal Ball
Sandstorm in a BottleSandstorm in a Bottle
Cloud in a BalloonCloud in a BalloonTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop
Fart in a JarFart in a Jar


Stackability of jump-enhancing accessories
Items that are in the same row will not stack in regard to the respective effect.
Effect Items

Cloud double jump


  • If the player is not planning to craft the Bundle of Balloons, it is generally recommended to upgrade to a Fart in a Jar for increased jump height.
    • However, a Shimmer transmutation could be used to retrieve the Cloud in a Bottle from the Fart in a Jar, which can be used to craft the Bundle of Balloons.


  • The cloud jump goes the lowest out of all the extra jumps, but it is also arguably the most commonly found.
  • Redigit confirmed that the Angel Statue was originally intended as a placeholder sprite for the Cloud in a Bottle [1].



  • Desktop 1.4.4: Can now be used to craft the Blizzard in a Bottle and the Sandstorm in a Bottle.
  • Desktop Fixed an inconsistency with how Cloud in a Bottle behaved differently with wings than other Jump Bottles.
  • Desktop Can now be combined with the Whoopie Cushion at a Tinkerer's Workshop.
  • Desktop 1.1: Can now be combined with the Shiny Red Balloon at a Tinkerer's Workshop. Rarity changed to orange from blue.
  • Desktop 1.0.2: Double jumping right before the player hit the ground will no longer negate damage from falling.
