A player riding in a Minecart.
Minecarts are mounts that allow players to ride on Minecart Tracks. When the player is near a Minecart Track, pressing the Quick Mount hotkey or pressing the ⚷ Open / Activate key on a point on the track causes a Minecart to spawn, which the player is automatically placed in. Once inside, the ▶ Right and ◀ Left direction keys either accelerate, decelerate, or reverse the cart's movement. The cart will maintain its current speed and direction if no keys are pressed and no obstacles are reached. The cart can also "jump" with the ↷ Jump key.
Weapons and tools, as well as most other items except hooks, can be used while riding a Minecart. The Minecart will deal damage to enemies it collides with and knock them back, with higher potency at higher speeds (see below for details).
To exit the Minecart (which causes the Minecart to despawn), the player can use a hook, press the Quick Mount hotkey, or cancel the buff by right-clicking the icon (
), by selecting the icon using Cycle Next/Previous Buff and then pressing Remove Buff (
), or by double-tapping the buff icon (
). The Minecart will also despawn if the player jumps off the tracks, lands on blocks, and attempts to move sideways.
By default, a Wooden Minecart is spawned for the player. This can be overridden by equipping other Minecart items in the Minecart equipment slot of the player's inventory. The corresponding dye slot allows dyeing the Minecart.
Using a Minecart Upgrade Kit will significantly boost the speed of all Minecarts, equip them with a laser that fires at nearby enemies, and increase the player's defense while moving. The boost effect is permanently available after using the item, though it can be toggled on and off through a probe icon next to the Minecart slot.
There are 27 different types of Minecarts.
Wooden Minecart
Press Quick Mount near (or ⚷ Open / Activate on) a Minecart Track without a Minecart equipped.
- This is the default Minecart. It is not available as an item and will only appear if no Minecart is equipped.
MinecartInternal Item ID: 2343
Let's ride the rails
2 SC
Mechanical CartInternal Item ID: 3353
Obtained by using a Minecart Upgrade Kit.
1 GC
Desert MinecartInternal Item ID: 4066
50 SC
MinecarpInternal Item ID: 4067
Allows quick travel in water 'Deal with it'
Received as a quest reward from the Angler.
1 GC
- Does not slow down in water (nor does it get a speed boost).
Bee MinecartInternal Item ID: 4426
1 GC
- Includes a wing flapping animation.
Ladybug MinecartInternal Item ID: 4427
50 SC
Pigron MinecartInternal Item ID: 4428
'Powered by Bacon!'
1 GC
Sunflower MinecartInternal Item ID: 4429
50 SC
Demonic HellcartInternal Item ID: 4443
Provides 7 seconds of immunity to lava
1 GC
- Provides 7 seconds of lava immunity.
- Emits glowing purple particles from its eyes at low speeds and when stopped.
Shroom MinecartInternal Item ID: 4450
'The shroom goes vroom'
1 GC
Amethyst MinecartInternal Item ID: 4451
1 GC
Topaz MinecartInternal Item ID: 4452
1 GC
Sapphire MinecartInternal Item ID: 4453
1 GC
Emerald MinecartInternal Item ID: 4454
1 GC
Ruby MinecartInternal Item ID: 4455
1 GC
Diamond MinecartInternal Item ID: 4456
1 GC
Amber MinecartInternal Item ID: 4467
1 GC
Beetle MinecartInternal Item ID: 4468
4 GC
Meowmere MinecartInternal Item ID: 4469
10 GC
- Emits a rainbow trail. Meows when jumping.
- Generates rainbow particles when braking.
Party WagonInternal Item ID: 4470
'All aboard the party wagon!'
2 GC
- Emits a multicolored trail. The player is shown holding three balloons that bob up and down, similarly to the Bundled Party Balloons.
The DutchmanInternal Item ID: 4471
1 GC
- The flag begins fluttering when moving, blowing faster with increasing speed.
Steampunk MinecartInternal Item ID: 4472
'Steam powered!'
2 GC
- Emits smoke particles that resemble the smoke of a train.
- The smoke changes color based on the dye applied to it.
- The wheel rotation resembles train wheels.
Coffin MinecartInternal Item ID: 4745
20 SC
Digging MolecartInternal Item ID: 4763
Will dig through blocks and lay new track if carrying minecart tracks Only digs when underground
10 GC
- Creates track in front of the player.
- The player must have Minecart Tracks in their inventory.
- Digs through blocks in front of the player.
- The player must have a pickaxe or drill in their inventory.
- Only sold when the Bestiary has been filled to at least 35% (189 entries).
Fart KartInternal Item ID: 5125
50 SC
- Creates fart sounds and particle effects when bouncing off a track bumper.
Terra Fart KartInternal Item ID: 5288
1 GC
- Creates fart sounds and particle effects when bouncing off a track bumper.
- Generates unique green particles when braking.
All Minecart variants have the same maximum speed and acceleration, with the exception of the Wooden Minecart (the default cart given when the player does not have a Minecart equipped) and the Digging Molecart.[1]
Max speed
Time to reach max speed
 Other Minecarts
66 mph (48.75 tiles/second)
9 tiles/second² (12 mph/second)
5.42 seconds
Wooden Minecart
51 mph (37.5 tiles/second)
6.75 tiles/second² (9 mph/second)
5.56 seconds
Digging Molecart
31 mph (22.5 tiles/second)
4.5 tiles/second² (6 mph/second)
5 seconds
Minecart Upgrade Kit(All Minecarts when Minecart boost is on)
102 mph (75 tiles/second)
22.5 tiles/second² (31 mph/second)
3.33 seconds
Damage and knockback
The contact damage and knockback dealt by a Minecart when it collides with an entity is based on its speed at the moment of collision. The damage is boosted by 1.5× in Hardmode, and another 1.5× in Expert Mode and above. The Wooden Minecart deals lower damage than the others, and the Minecart Upgrade Kit increases the damage.
The table below lists the damage formulas and the damage at maximum speed.[2] All decimals are rounded down. The variable [math]\displaystyle{ s_p }[/math] is the percentage of the Minecart's total speed potential: [math]\displaystyle{ s_p = \frac{ \text{current speed} }{ \text{maximum speed} } }[/math]
Damage at max speed
  Other Minecarts
[math]\displaystyle{ 25 + 55 * s_p }[/math]
80 / 120
120 / 180
Wooden Minecart
[math]\displaystyle{ 15 + 30 * s_p }[/math]
45 / 67
67 / 101
Minecart Upgrade Kit(All Minecarts when Minecart boost is on)
[math]\displaystyle{ 50 + 100 * s_p }[/math]
150 / 225
225 / 337
Minecarts can inflict critical strikes. The chance is equal to the highest critical strike chance out of the player's melee, ranged, and magic critical strike chances.
The knockback formula is: [math]\displaystyle{ 10 + 40 * s_p }[/math]. At maximum speed, all Minecarts inflict a knockback of 50 (Insane).
- Colliding with an enemy in Classic pre-Hardmode while riding an Amethyst Minecart at 20 mph will inflict the following:
- [math]\displaystyle{ \left\lfloor 25 + 55 * \frac{ 20 \mathrm{\ mph} }{ 66 \mathrm{\ mph} } \right\rfloor = \left\lfloor 25 + 55 * \frac{10}{33} \right\rfloor = 41 }[/math]
- [math]\displaystyle{ \left\lfloor 10 + 40 * \frac{ 20 \mathrm{\ mph} }{ 66 \mathrm{\ mph} } \right\rfloor = \left\lfloor 10 + 40 * \frac{10}{33} \right\rfloor = 22 }[/math]
- Colliding with an enemy in Expert/Master Hardmode while riding a Wooden Minecart at 42 mph will inflict the following:
- [math]\displaystyle{ \left\lfloor \left( 15 + 30 * \frac{ 42 \mathrm{\ mph} }{ 51 \mathrm{\ mph} } \right) * 1.5 * 1.5 \right\rfloor = \left\lfloor \left( 15 + 30 * \frac{14}{17} \right) * 1.5 * 1.5 \right\rfloor = 89 }[/math]
- [math]\displaystyle{ \left\lfloor 10 + 40 * \frac{ 42 \mathrm{\ mph} }{ 51 \mathrm{\ mph} } \right\rfloor = \left\lfloor 10 + 40 * \frac{14}{17} \right\rfloor = 42 }[/math]

Vehicular Manslaughter •
“Defeat an enemy by running it over with a minecart.”Kill an
enemy by running over it with a
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Category:

The original teaser for the Minecarp.
- The hook fired when Quick Mount is pressed is identical to the Grappling Hook in appearance.
- The Minecarp's name is a portmanteau, combining the words Minecart and carp fish.
- Its tooltip is a reference to the original teaser it was first shown in.
- Despite all of the Large Gems differing in appearance, all the Gem Minecarts look almost the same aside from color and detailing on the gem.
- Desktop 1.4.4:
- Added the Fart Kart and Terra Fart Kart.
- Added the Minecart Upgrade Kit.
- The Mechanical Cart no longer has special properties. Previously, its stats are the same as Minecarts boosted by the Minecart Upgrade Kit.
- Minecarts now hit harder in higher difficulties, deal more knockback, and are generally better at hitting enemies without letting the player be hurt when colliding with enemies.
- Desktop
- Now equippable, dyeable and has a sell value.
- Added 2 new variants.
- ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, methods Initialize()
in Terraria.Mount.cs
and HorizontalMovement()
in Terraria.Player.cs
- ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, methods Update()
in Terraria.Player.cs
and GetMinecartDamage()
in Terraria.Player.cs
- Amber Mosquito
- Baby Grinch's Mischief Whistle
- Ball O' Fuse Wire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bamboo Leaf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bedazzled Nectar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bernie's Button(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Betsy's Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Birdie Rattle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blue Chicken Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone Key
- Bone Rattle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Brain in a Jar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Carrot(Desktop and Mobile versions)
- Celestial Wand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Companion Cube(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cosmic Skateboard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cursed Sapling
- Deactivated Probe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Deerclops Eyeball(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dog Whistle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Dragon Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eater's Bone
- Eucalyptus Sap(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Exotic Chew Toy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eye Bone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eye Spring
- Fish
- Frozen Crown(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Full Moon Squeaky Toy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gato Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glommer's Flower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glow Tulip(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lightning Carrot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lizard Egg
- Magical Pumpkin Seed
- Monster Meat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mud Bud(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nectar
- Ogre's Club(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ornate Shadow Key(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pair of Eyeballs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Parrot Cracker
- Piece of Moon Squid(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Plantera Seedling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pork of the Sea(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Possessed Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Regal Delicacy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Resplendent Dessert(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Robotic Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Royal Delight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Seaweed
- Seedling
- Shark Bait(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shrub Star(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slice of Hell Cake(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sparkling Honey(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spider Egg
- Spiffo Plush(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardrop(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Strange Glowing Mushroom
- Suspicious Grinning Eye(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tablet Fragment(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tartar Sauce
- The Dirtiest Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tiki Totem
- Toy Sled
- Unlucky Yarn
- Writhing Remains(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Zephyr Fish
- Ancient Horn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Black Studded Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blessed Apple(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Brain Scrambler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cosmic Car Key(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dark Mage's Tome(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Drill Containment Unit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dusty Rawhide Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fuzzy Carrot(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Gelatinous Pillion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Goat Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golf Cart Keys(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Hexxed Branch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honeyed Goggles(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lilith's Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mollusk Whistle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pogo Stick(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Reindeer Bells
- Royal Gilded Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Scaly Truffle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Shrimpy Truffle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slimy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Superheated Blood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Black Spot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Toy Tank(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Witch's Broom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wooden(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Minecart
- Mechanical(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Desert(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Minecarp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bee(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ladybug(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pigron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sunflower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Demonic Hellcart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shroom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Amethyst(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Topaz(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sapphire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Emerald(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ruby(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Diamond(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Amber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Beetle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meowmere(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Party Wagon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Dutchman(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Steampunk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Coffin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Digging Molecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fart Kart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Terra Fart Kart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bucket
- Sponges(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dirt Bomb(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sticky(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dry Bomb(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honey(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lava(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bug Net
- Lavaproof(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golden(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sickle
- Bubble Wand
- Fishing Poles
- Golf Clubs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golf Whistle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snake Charmer's Flute(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rain Song(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ivy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Encumbering Stone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guide to Critter Companionship(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guide to Environmental Preservation(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guide to Peaceful Coexistence(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
A Nice Buff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ammo Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Ammo Reservation
Ballista Panic!(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Beetle Might
Bewitched(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Damage Nebula(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Durendal's Blessing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Harvest Time(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Jungle's Fury(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Leaf Crystal
Magic Power
Sharpened(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Solar Blaze(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Strategist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Striking Moment(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Titan(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Alien Skater(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Dinosaur
Baby Eater
Baby Grinch
Baby Hornet
Baby Imp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Ogre(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Penguin
Baby Red Panda(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Skeletron Head
Baby Snowman
Baby Truffle
Baby Werewolf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bernie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Black Cat
Caveling Gardener(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Chester(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Companion Cube(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Cursed Sapling
The Dirtiest Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Destroyer-Lite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Dynamite Kitten(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Eater of Worms(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Estee(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Everscream Sapling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Eyeball Spring
Fennec Fox(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Glittery Butterfly(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Glommer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hoardagron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Honey Bee(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ice Queen
Itsy Betsy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Junimo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lil' Harpy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Mini Minotaur
Mini Prime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Moonling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pet Bunny(Desktop and Mobile versions)
Pet Lizard
Pet Parrot
Pet Sapling
Pet Spider
Pet Turtle
Phantasmal Dragon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pig(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Plantera Seedling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Plantero(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Propeller Gato(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Puppy(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Rez and Spaz(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Shadow Mimic
Shark Pup(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Skeletron Jr.(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Prince(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Princess(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Royals(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Spider Brain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Spiffo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Suspicious Eye(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tiki Spirit
Tiny Deerclops(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tiny Fishron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Volt Bunny(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Zephyr Fish
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Pets
Basilisk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bee(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Blessing of the Moon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Book(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bunny(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Cute Fishron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Dark Horse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Drill(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Flamingo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Goat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Golf Cart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lava Shark(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Majestic Horse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Painted Horse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pigron(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Pirate Ship(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pogo Stick(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tree(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Santank(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Scutlix(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Turtle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
UFO(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Unicorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Winged Slime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Witch's Broom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Finch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Slime
Deadly Sphere(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Desert Tiger(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Enchanted Daggers(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Sanguine Bat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stardust Cell(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stardust Dragon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Terraprisma(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
UFO(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Vampire Frog(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lovestruck(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Sparkle Slime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Wet(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Dazed(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)