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Question mark displayed above Confused enemies.

Confused is a debuff that causes the player's controls to reverse. When applied to the player, ◀ Left acts as ▲ Up and ▶ Right; ▶ Right acts as ◀ Left; ▲ Up acts as ▼ Down, and ▼ Down has no effect[1]. See Notes for more detailed control behavior. When applied to enemies, a purple question mark appears above them, and causes them to move away from the player rather than towards them. Enemies with ranged attacks will be unable to use those attacks.

About 70% of enemies and all of the bosses in Terraria are immune to the Confused debuff. Many of the vulnerable enemies include slimes, bats, and most fighters.

The debuff can be negated by equipping the Trifold Map or its derivatives.


From player

From Duration Chance
Brain of Confusion Brain of Confusion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1.5 seconds at minimum;
depends on damage taken, see notes
Dao of Pow Dao of Pow 2–4 seconds 80%
Bee Keeper Bee Keeper 2 seconds 90%
Nano Bullet Nano Bullet 1–3 seconds 100%
Flask of Nanites Flask of Nanites 1–3 seconds 100%

From enemy

From Duration Chance
Giant Bat Giant Bat 5 / 10 / 12.5 seconds 1/14 (7.14%)
Light Mummy Light Mummy 5 / 10 / 12.5 seconds 1/14 (7.14%)
Clown Clown 5 / 10 / 12.5 seconds 1/14 (7.14%)
Brain Scrambler Brain Scrambler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(ranged attack) 5 / 10 / 12.5 seconds 3/5 (60%)
Brain of Cthulhu Brain of Cthulhu 1.5-3 / 1.87-3.75 seconds 2/243 (0.82%)
Creeper Creeper 1.5-3 / 1.87-3.75 2/81 (2.47%)
Dreamer Ghoul Dreamer Ghoul(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 14 / 28 / 35 seconds 1/1 (100%)

From debuff

From Duration Chance
Feral Bite Feral Bite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.9–1.5 / 1.8-3 / 2.25-3.75 seconds 1/6 (16.67%), 1/20 (5%) every second


From Duration Chance
Red Potion Red Potion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(except For the worthy and Get fixed boi worlds) 1 / 2 / 3 hours 1/1 (100%)

Immune NPCs

Enemies immune to Confused


  • When the player is inflicted with Confused, the control behaviors are as follows:
  • On the Console version Console version, players inflicted with Confused have reversed movement, but not reversed aiming.



  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Update() in Terraria.Player.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is