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Devourer.pngOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeWorm AI
Max Life100/200220/300330
BannerDevourer BannerDevourer Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Immune toConfused
Coins1 SC40 CCPre-Hardmode: 3 SC50 CCHardmode: 2 SC80 CC
Not to be confused with its Hardmode counterpart, the World Feeder.

The Devourer is a pre-Hardmode worm enemy that spawns in the Corruption, though it is less common than the abundant Eaters of Souls. Like other worms, it attacks by burrowing through blocks to reach the player.

The Devourer requires 25 kills to be awarded completion of its Bestiary entry and corresponding banner, as opposed to the usual 50 kills.


The Devourer consists of 10–14 segments in total.

Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
2 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode
3 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode › Post-Plantera
NPC ID Type Damage Defense
7 Devourer Head.png Devourer Head 31/6254/9381 2
8 Devourer Body.png Devourer Body 16/322856/484284 6/6612
9 Devourer Tail.png Devourer Tail 13/262246/393369 10/101020


  • Devourers will not spawn if the player is standing in front of safe walls.
  • Only hitting the head of a Devourer will display their kill count on the Tally Counter(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), although killing them will always add to it.
    • Additionally, the Devourer Banner will only affect damage taken and dealt by the Devourer's head.
  • Devourers are much less common than the secondary enemies spawned in The Crimson.


  • Effective weapons for fighting Devourers include spears, long-range weapons like the Wooden Boomerang, and flails like the Ball O' Hurt.
  • A distinctive burrowing sound can be heard when a Devourer is approaching. Devourers will also cause small dirt particles to spring up where the worm is located.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Devourer: "Worm-like monstrosities are the Corruption's most favored creatures, tunneling underneath unsuspecting victims."


  • Desktop 1.4.4: Monster Meat drop rate reduced from 1/1000 (0.1%) to 1/1500 (0.07%). In Constant worlds, changed from 1/200 (0.5%) to 1/500 (0.2%).
  • Desktop 1.1: All segments now share a life counter, instead of individual life counters for all segments. Previously head, body, and tail had 40, 60, and 100 health, respectively.
  • Desktop 1.0.5:
    • No longer chases players out of the Corruption.
    • No longer displays other enemies in place of its head.