-4 health per second -16 health per second when moving left/right No health regeneration
Internal name
Electrified is a Hardmode , post-Golem debuff that causes the player to take significant damage when moving horizontally (-16 health per second) and a smaller amount of damage when not moving (-4 health per second). The damage inflicted by this debuff is capable of killing or severely weakening players relying on constant movement to avoid damage from enemies . Using a hook or teleporting with a Rod of Discord will not increase damage. Pressing ◀ Left or ▶ Right when unable to move (hooks, blocks , other debuffs, etc.) will also increase damage.
From enemy
Total damage
Tesla Turret
5 seconds
2/3 (66.67%)
20 / 80
4-8 seconds
1/1 (100%)
16-32 / 64-128
Technically, the -16 HP/s life draining only happens if player presses ◀ Left or ▶ Right controls, whether player is actually moving is not the reason for it happening.
Dying from the Electrified debuff will display one of the following unique death messages :
"<Player name> couldn't contain the watts. "
"<Player name> was turned into a battery. "
"<Player name>'s positive lifeforce became negative. "
"<Player name> became a lightning rod. "
The method in which Electrified damages the player is similar to how static electricity shocks people when they rub a static surface.
Desktop : Tooltip changed from "You cannot move" to "Moving hurts! ".
Desktop : Can no longer be cancelled by right-clicking the buff icon.
A Nice Buff (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ammo Box (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Ammo Reservation
Ballista Panic! (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Beetle Might
Bewitched (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Damage Nebula (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Durendal's Blessing (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Harvest Time (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Jungle's Fury (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Leaf Crystal
Magic Power
Sharpened (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Solar Blaze (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Strategist (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Striking Moment (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Titan (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Alien Skater (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Dinosaur
Baby Eater
Baby Grinch
Baby Hornet
Baby Imp (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Ogre (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Penguin
Baby Red Panda (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Skeletron Head
Baby Snowman
Baby Truffle
Baby Werewolf (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bernie (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Black Cat
Caveling Gardener (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Chester (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Companion Cube (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Cursed Sapling
The Dirtiest Block (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Destroyer-Lite (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Dynamite Kitten (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Eater of Worms (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Estee (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Everscream Sapling (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Eyeball Spring
Fennec Fox (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Glittery Butterfly (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Glommer (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hoardagron (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Honey Bee (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ice Queen
Itsy Betsy (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Junimo (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lil' Harpy (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Mini Minotaur
Mini Prime (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Moonling (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pet Bunny (Desktop and Mobile versions)
Pet Lizard
Pet Parrot
Pet Sapling
Pet Spider
Pet Turtle
Phantasmal Dragon (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pig (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Plantera Seedling (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Plantero (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Propeller Gato (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Puppy (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Rez and Spaz (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Shadow Mimic
Shark Pup (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Skeletron Jr. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Prince (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Princess (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Royals (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Spider Brain (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Spiffo (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Suspicious Eye (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tiki Spirit
Tiny Deerclops (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tiny Fishron (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Volt Bunny (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Zephyr Fish
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Pets
Basilisk (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bee (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Blessing of the Moon (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Book (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bunny (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Cute Fishron (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Dark Horse (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Drill (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Flamingo (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Goat (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Golf Cart (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lava Shark (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Majestic Horse (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Painted Horse (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pigron (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Pirate Ship (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pogo Stick (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tree (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Santank (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Scutlix (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Turtle (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
UFO (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Unicorn (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Winged Slime (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Witch's Broom (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Finch (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Slime
Deadly Sphere (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Desert Tiger (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Enchanted Daggers (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Sanguine Bat (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stardust Cell (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stardust Dragon (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Terraprisma (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
UFO (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Vampire Frog (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lovestruck (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Sparkle Slime (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Wet (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Dazed (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)