Encumbering Stone

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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Encumbering Stone
  • Encumbering Stone item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipPrevents item pickups while locked
Right click to unlock
'You are over-encumbered'
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell1 GC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 4346 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Uncumbering Stone
  • Uncumbering Stone item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipPrevents item pickups while locked
Right click to lock
'You are over-encumbered'
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell1 GC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 5391 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Sandstone Chest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Sandstone ChestSandstone Chest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/7 (14.29%)

The Encumbering Stone is a pre-Hardmode tool that prevents item pickup while inside the player's inventory. While in the inventory, the Encumbering Stone will prevent the pickup of any items, even if the player already has a stackable item in their inventory. The Encumbering Stone will also prevent items from being added to the Void Bag.

Items reeled in from fishing are still placed in the player's inventory. Hearts and Stars will also be picked up even with the Encumbering Stone in the inventory.

Pressing Open / Activate on the Encumbering Stone in the player's inventory or hotbar will toggle it between the Encumbering Stone and Uncumbering Stone. Toggling it to the Uncumbering Stone disables its functions, allowing the player to pick up items again.

The Encumbering Stone has a 1/7 (14.29%) chance of being found in Sandstone Chests in the Underground Desert.


  • If the Encumbering Stone is in the player's inventory, opening any grab bag will prevent its contents from entering the player's inventory.
  • If the Encumbering Stone is placed inside a Void Vault or the inventory's trash slot, it will not block items from entering it nor prevent the player from picking up items.



  • The Encumbering Stone's tooltip, 'You are over-encumbered', is likely a reference to the weight mechanic and warning text that appears in many role-playing games (such as in the The Elder Scrolls video game series), which limits how many items the player character can carry in their inventory, with the warning text being displayed when the inventory's weight limit is reached.


  • Desktop 1.4.4: Now can be toggled to the Uncumbering Stone, which temporarily disables its functions.