Fishing catches

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Main article: Fishing

Below is a list of fish commonly caught during fishing. These are mostly used as crafting materials for various potions. This does not include quest fish or the fish in Other fishing catches. The fish used for brewing potions (not those cooked for other food items), plus the Neon Tetra and Honeyfin, can also be used in pairs to craft a Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).

Type Sell Rarity Height Biome Catch Quality Used In Notes
Armored Cavefish Armored CavefishInternal Item ID: 2303 15 SC Rarity level: 1 Underground, Cavern, Underworld Any (except Desert[1] (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Uncommon[2] Endurance PotionEndurance Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Atlantic Cod Atlantic CodInternal Item ID: 2299 7 SC50 CC Rarity level: 0 Any Snow biome Common Cooked FishCooked Fish
Bass BassInternal Item ID: 2290 5 SC Rarity level: 0 Any Any[1] (except Desert (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Plentiful Cooked FishCooked Fish
Blue Jellyfish (bait) Blue Jellyfish (bait)Internal Item ID: 2436 3 GC50 SC Rarity level: 1 Cavern, Underworld Not Corruption or Hallow (or Desert[1] (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Rare Blue Jellyfish JarBlue Jellyfish Jar Can be used as bait
Chaos Fish Chaos FishInternal Item ID: 2317 3 GC Rarity level: 4 Underground, Cavern, Underworld Hallow Very Rare Teleportation PotionTeleportation Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Crimson Tigerfish Crimson TigerfishInternal Item ID: 2305 7 SC50 CC Rarity level: 1 Any Crimson Common Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Damselfish DamselfishInternal Item ID: 2304 30 SC Rarity level: 1 Sky Not Snow, Corruption/Crimson, Hallow, or Jungle (or Desert[1] (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Uncommon Calming PotionCalming Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Double Cod Double CodInternal Item ID: 2313 15 SC Rarity level: 1 Sky, Surface Jungle Uncommon Ammo Reservation PotionAmmo Reservation Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ebonkoi EbonkoiInternal Item ID: 2318 15 SC Rarity level: 1 Any Corruption Uncommon Wrath PotionWrath Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Flarefin Koi Flarefin KoiInternal Item ID: 2312 50 SC Rarity level: 2 Any Any (caught in LavaLava) Very Rare Inferno PotionInferno Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Requires Lava fishing gear or bait
Flounder Flounder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4401 1 SC50 CC Rarity level: 0 Any Desert (Oasis) Plentiful SashimiSashimi
Frost Minnow Frost MinnowInternal Item ID: 2306 15 SC Rarity level: 1 Any Snow biome Uncommon Warmth PotionWarmth Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Golden Carp Golden CarpInternal Item ID: 2308 10 GC Rarity level: 4 Underground, Cavern, Underworld Not Desert[1] (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Not Corrupted, Crimson, or Hallowed Snow (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Extremely Rare No use beyond its sell value
Green Jellyfish (bait) Green Jellyfish (bait)Internal Item ID: 2437 3 GC50 SC Rarity level: 1 Cavern, Underworld Not Corruption or Hallow (or Desert[1] (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Rare Green Jellyfish JarGreen Jellyfish Jar Hardmode-only
Can be used as bait
Hemopiranha HemopiranhaInternal Item ID: 2319 15 SC Rarity level: 1 Any Crimson Uncommon Rage PotionRage Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Honeyfin HoneyfinInternal Item ID: 2314 15 SC Rarity level: 1 Any Any (Caught in HoneyHoney) Uncommon Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Heals 120 health
Neon Tetra Neon TetraInternal Item ID: 2302 15 SC Rarity level: 0 Any Jungle Common Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Obsidifish ObsidifishInternal Item ID: 2315 15 SC Rarity level: 2 Any Any (caught in LavaLava) Rare Inferno PotionInferno Potion
Potion of ReturnPotion of Return(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Requires Lava fishing gear or bait
Pink Jellyfish (bait) Pink Jellyfish (bait)Internal Item ID: 2438 3 GC50 SC Rarity level: 1 Sky, Surface Ocean[3] Rare Pink Jellyfish JarPink Jellyfish Jar Can be used as bait
Princess Fish Princess FishInternal Item ID: 2307 25 SC Rarity level: 2 Any Hallow Uncommon Love PotionLove Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Prismite PrismiteInternal Item ID: 2310 1 GC Rarity level: 3 Any Hallow Rare Lifeforce PotionLifeforce Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Red Snapper Red SnapperInternal Item ID: 2301 7 SC50 CC Rarity level: 0 Sky, Surface Ocean[3] Common SashimiSashimi (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Cooked FishCooked Fish (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Rock Lobster Rock Lobster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4402 10 SC Rarity level: 0 Any Desert (Oasis) Plentiful Lobster TailLobster Tail(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Salmon SalmonInternal Item ID: 2298 7 SC50 CC Rarity level: 0 Sky, Surface Forest; must have more than 1000 water tiles Common (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Plentiful (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
SashimiSashimi (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Cooked FishCooked Fish (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Shrimp ShrimpInternal Item ID: 2316 15 SC Rarity level: 0 Sky, Surface Ocean[3] Uncommon Cooked ShrimpCooked Shrimp
Specular Fish Specular FishInternal Item ID: 2309 7 SC50 CC Rarity level: 1 Underground, Cavern, Underworld Not Desert[1] (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Forest or Snow biome (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Common[2] Recall PotionRecall Potion
Wormhole PotionWormhole Potion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stinkfish StinkfishInternal Item ID: 2321 25 SC Rarity level: 1 Underground, Cavern, Underworld Not Corruption or Hallow (or Desert[1] (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Rare Stink PotionStink Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Trout TroutInternal Item ID: 2297 5 SC Rarity level: 0 Sky, Surface Ocean[3] Plentiful Cooked FishCooked Fish (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
SashimiSashimi (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Tuna TunaInternal Item ID: 2300 7 SC50 CC Rarity level: 0 Sky, Surface Ocean[3] Common SashimiSashimi (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Cooked FishCooked Fish (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Variegated Lardfish Variegated LardfishInternal Item ID: 2311 15 SC Rarity level: 1 Underground, Cavern, Underworld Jungle Uncommon Summoning PotionSummoning Potion
Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 If fishing in the Ocean biome, only bodies of water with fewer than 1000 tiles will yield this fish.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Armored Cavefish and Specular Fish share portions of the Common, Uncommon, and Plentiful catch quality slots. As an approximation, Armored Cavefish can be considered Uncommon, and Specular Fish can be considered Plentiful in Snow biome or Common otherwise.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 This also implies a body of water that has at least 1000 tiles. Fishing in a small box above the ocean's surface, for instance, will not yield this fish.


Below is a list of the potion recipes that uses fish.

Ammo Reservation PotionAmmo Reservation Potion20% chance to save ammo7 minutes
Ammo Reservation.png
Calming PotionCalming PotionDecreases enemy spawn rate5 minutes
Endurance PotionEndurance PotionReduces damage taken by 10%4 minutes
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion
Increases pickup range for life hearts8 minutes
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion
Inferno PotionInferno PotionIgnites nearby enemies4 minutes
Lifeforce PotionLifeforce PotionIncreases max life by 20%5 minutes
Love PotionLove Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Throw this to make someone fall in love30 seconds
Rage PotionRage PotionIncreases critical chance by 10%4 minutes
Stink PotionStink PotionThrow this to make someone smell terrible30 seconds
Summoning PotionSummoning PotionIncreases your max number of minions by 16 minutes
Summoning (buff).png
Warmth PotionWarmth Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Reduces damage from cold sources15 minutes
Wrath PotionWrath PotionIncreases damage by 10%4 minutes