For the worthy

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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Map view of a small For the worthy world.
Screen shown while a For the worthy world is generating.

For the worthy is a secret world seed with features that aim to increase the game's difficulty drastically.

The following seeds can be used to generate a For the worthy world (case-insensitive):[1]

  • for the worthy
  • fortheworthy



  • This seed increases the selected world difficulty by one level during actual gameplay. This also affects the displayed difficulty in the world selection menu. The increased difficulty enables mode-exclusive features, such as AI changes and Treasure Bag drops.
    • For example, after selecting "Classic" option in the world creation menu, the actual difficulty will be Expert, and the difficulty displayed in the world selection menu will be "Expert".
    • Specially, in Journey Mode worlds with the Enemy Difficulty Slider set to less than 1×, the actual difficulty will still be Expert.
    • A For the worthy world in Master Mode is displayed as having "Legendary" difficulty (with the color  #32CD32[2]), which does not have any exclusive content despite the name.
Normal seed For the worthy
Classic Classic Expert Expert
Expert Expert Master Master
Master Master Legendary

World generation

  • Some water pools throughout the world are replaced with lava.
  • Demonite or Crimtane and Gold or Platinum Ore generate more commonly as well as having larger vein sizes.
  • Spider Nests, Granite Caves, Marble Caves, and Glowing Mushroom biomes are much more common.
    • Glowing Mushroom biomes are furthermore much larger.
  • Floating Islands are always infected with the world's evil biome, with matching Water Fountains.
    • Skyware Chests are replaced with locked Gold Chests but still have their respective loot. However, it is still possible to get Skyware Chest loot before Skeletron by opening Sky Crates.
  • The Dungeon is painted with seemingly random Deep Paint and filled with many more Spike traps. Additionally, the surface building of the Dungeon is inverted (the opening faces towards the nearest Ocean).
  • The Jungle Temple is painted with Deep Green Paint and is about three times as large as normal.
  • All Chests, except Chests in the Dungeon, have a 1/15 (6.67%) chance to contain an Angel Statue instead of the first, usually most valuable item in the Chest.[3]
  • Glowing moss biomes are 50% larger.[4]
  • It is possible for some random amount of Forest to be replaced with the Jungle, still with all of the same structures that a Forest biome would have, like similar surface caves and a less open Underground than a typical Jungle would have. It is even possible that the Jungle will replace the spawn area and can take up nearly half of the world, from spawn point to one of the Oceans.
    • It is also possible for the world to generate with no surface Jungle at all.


NPCs, critters, and enemies

  • The Demolitionist replaces the Guide as the starting NPC.
  • All enemies' contact damage, health, and coin drop rates are increased, in addition to the world difficulty multiplier, by their standard amount in a normal Classic Mode world.[5] If the world is in Master Mode ("Legendary Mode"), contact damage is further multiplied by 4/3.[6] Damage from ranged attacks (i.e. projectiles) is unchanged.
    • For instance, in an Expert For the worthy world ("Master Mode"), enemy health and contact damage are increased by 50% compared to standard Expert Mode; in a Master For the worthy world ("Legendary Mode"), enemy health is increased by 33.33% and contact damage is increased by 77.78% compared to standard Master Mode. Therefore, many Hardmode enemies and bosses are capable of killing end-game characters in one hit.
    • This can be unintuitive due to some NPCs appearing to function as projectiles. For instance, Burning Spheres may seem like projectiles, but they are handled as NPCs so that they can be destroyed, meaning they have increased contact damage. Additionally, the Eye of Cthulhu in its second form and Plantera do not have their own contact damage increased due to the particular method the game uses in their AI to set their damage stats; their minions will have increased contact damage.
    • The base value for coin drops from enemies is increased by 100%. This is in addition to the 250% increase already present in Expert Mode.
  • Bunnies (even when they are placed or spawned from Statues) and Demons have a 2/3 (66.67%) chance of being replaced by Explosive Bunnies and Voodoo Demons, respectively.[7]
  • Hornets and Moss Hornets shoot stingers roughly twice as fast and shoot stingers in random directions upon death.
  • Web Spit projectiles from the Black Recluse and Jungle Creeper randomly place Cobwebs within a 13×13 rectangular area when the projectile disappears.[8]
  • Rock Golems release one Boulder projectile upon death.[9]



Many bosses and/or their minions are either larger or smaller than normal:

As a general rule, bosses and their minions are affected by the same contact damage buffs reported above for regular enemies, while damage from other attacks is not affected. However, there are some exceptions. For instance:

  • The Eye of Cthulhu's contact damage in its second form is unchanged.
  • Plantera's contact damage is unchanged.
  • The Moon Lord's socket contact damage is unchanged, leaving only the contact damage from True Eyes of Cthulhu boosted.
  • 2 other unintuitive changes:
    • The Lunatic Cultist's damage from Ancient Light and Prophecy's End is increased, because they are NPCs that deal contact damage.
    • Duke Fishron's damage from Detonating Bubble, Sharknado, and Cthulunado's Sharkrons is increased, because they are NPCs that deal contact damage.

Many bosses and their minions/parts/segments will reflect the projectiles from the Star Cannon and Super Star Shooter, this includes:[14] Eye of Cthulhu and its Servant of Cthulhu, all Eater of Worlds' segments, Brain of Cthulhu and its Creepers, Skeletron (head and both hands), Wall of Flesh and its Hungries and Leeches, Retinazer, Spazmatism, all the Destroyer's segments and its Probes, Skeletron Prime (head and all four hands), Plantera, Plantera's Hook and Plantera's Tentacle, all parts of the Golem, and all parts of the Moon Lord.

All bosses (with the exception of Duke Fishron, Deerclops, and Moon Lord) receive certain changes:

  • Eye of Cthulhu
    • First form:
      • Spawns one more Servant of Cthulhu per each cycle (4 -> 5).
      • When spawning Servants of Cthulhu, its maximum speed is faster (Expert: 36 mph -> 41 mph, Classic: 26 mph -> 31 mph); acceleration is also powered.
      • Then it will slowly charge to the player three times; the initial speed is increased (Expert: 36 mph -> 41 mph, Classic: 31 mph -> 36 mph).
      • The deceleration between two charges is enhanced and the period of deceleration is shortened (Expert: 1.67s -> 1.42s, Classic: 2.5s -> 2.25s when 60 FPS)
    • Second form:
      • When heading to the player while above 50% health, the initial speed is increased by 20%.
      • When hanging in the air above the player, its maximum moving speed (which depends on the distance to the player) is increased by 10 mph; acceleration is also powered.
      • Pauses after charges, spins, reflects projectiles, and spawns new Servants of Cthulhu.
  • Eater of Worlds
    • All segments have +2 defense.
    • Maximum speed is increased by 20 mph (Expert: 61 mph -> 81 mph, Classic: 51 mph -> 71 mph); acceleration is also powered.Verify
    • Body segments shoot Vile Spit twice as often[15], and can shoot while below the surface in Expert Mode. Body segments still cannot shoot Vile Spit if in front of background walls.[15]
    • All Vile Spits above the surface cannot be destroyed.[16]
    • Killing head segments releases Big Eaters of Souls that can shoot Vile Spit at the player.
      • When Eater of Worlds is alive, all Eaters of Souls will gain +2 defense and have 1.5× health.[17]
        • This stat change affects all Eaters of Souls that spawn during the fight and overrides Hardmode stat changes.
  • Brain of Cthulhu
    • Has +20% damage (applied before any Expert/Master difficulty bonuses)
    • Has +7 defense for a total of 21 defense, making the Brain's second phase rather difficult when using most pre-BoC weapons, as the damage of those weapons is typically lower than 25.
    • Spawns with 40 Creepers, twice as many as normal.
    • When Creepers are charging at the player, their acceleration is about 8/3 times compared to Expert Mode. Creeper charging frequency is √(8/3)~1.6 times compared to Expert Mode.[18]
    • The Brain of Cthulhu itself moves 3 times as fast in its first phase.
    • The Brain of Cthulhu has fully opaque shadows for the entirety of its second phase after taking its first hit, regardless of difficulty.
    • Gravity is reversed during its second phase, and cannot be reversed by gravity-reversing items (e.g. Gravitation Potions and the Gravity Globe).
  • Queen Bee
    • Adds 0.5 enrage coefficient constantly wherever the player fights the Queen Bee.[19] The following discussion shows how the enraged Queen Bee behaves differently.
    • Phase 0 (Dashing at the player)[20]
      • Dashing is not strictly horizontal. With more enrage coefficient, the dashing can be more tilted.
      • Dashing speed increased (FTW contribution is 18 mph).
      • After dashing at the player, the Queen Bee needs to adjust her position. The enraged Queen Bee can adjust faster.
      • Braking capability after dashing is also enhanced.
      • Dashing distance is shortened (FTW contribution is 3.125 block tile width, or 6.25 longitude).
    • Phase 1 (Spawning Bees)
      • Spawns Bees more frequently.
    • Phase 3 (Shooting stingers)
      • Shoots stingers more frequently (FTW contribution is that the interval of two stingers is 2 frames shorter (0.033 seconds if 60 FPS)).
      • Stinger speed is increased (FTW contribution is 18 mph).
      • Precision of stingers targeting the player is increased (FTW contribution is 24%).
      • In one phase cycle, the Queen Bee will shoot less stingers (FTW contribution is 3).
      • If the Queen Bee cannot shoot stingers at the player due to its position, its acceleration to adjust itself is increased dramatically.
    • No changes applied to the second phase (Approaching the player to prepare shooting bees) and fourth phase (Charging at the player if they are too far away).
  • Skeletron
    • When Skeletron is not spinning, its acceleration is increased. Compared to Expert Mode, vertical acceleration is increased by 33%, horizontal acceleration is increased by 71%.
    • When Skeletron is shooting homing skulls at the player (in Expert/Master difficulty), frequency is increased by 25% (one hand down or life below 75%: 10 -> 13 per cycle, two hands down: 20 -> 25 per cycle).
    • When spinning at the player, its velocity is increased by 30%.[21]If any Skeletron Hand is alive, Skeletron will reflect projectiles when spinning.[16]
    • Summons Dark Casters throughout the fight.
      • When Skeletron is alive, all Dark Casters will gain +6 defense and have 1.5× health,[17] and all Water Spheres cannot be destroyed.[16]
        • This stat change affects all Dark Casters that spawn during the fight and overrides Hardmode stat changes.
        • Skeletron also allows all Dungeon casters, including those that spawn post-Plantera, to teleport to locations without Dungeon walls. They lose this ability again after Skeletron is defeated or despawns.
      • Dark Casters summoned by Skeletron do not drop Bones.
      • 3 Dark Casters will be spawned when the first hand is killed. When both hands are killed, they will continuously spawn, and up to 6 can exist at the same time.
Classic Mode
Health Speed
≥75% 9 mph
<75% 11 mph
<50% 13 mph
<25% 16 mph
<10% 19 mph
Expert Mode
Health Speed
≥75% 14 mph
<75% 16 mph
<66% 19 mph
<50% 22 mph
<33% 24 mph
<25% 28 mph
<10% 32 mph
<5% 37 mph
<3.5% 41 mph
<2.5% 46 mph
  • Has an additional 1.5× health multiplier applied after the regular For the worthy bonus, for a total of 25,200 maximum health in Expert Mode and 28,560 in Master Mode.
  • The Wall of Flesh's mouth and eyes have +3 defense.
  • Increased speed, see tables to the right.[22]
  • Summons Fire Imps throughout the fight.
    • While the Wall of Flesh is alive, all Fire Imps will gain +10 defense and have 1.5× health,[17] and all Burning Spheres cannot be destroyed. They will also teleport and shoot Burning Spheres faster with greatly increased velocity.[16]
    • Up to 4 Fire Imps can exist at the same time.
  • Queen Slime
    • When performing her first phase slam attack, she does not pause between the rise and the fall and moves around much faster. She also launches 15 Gel per attack in her second phase, as opposed to 10. Also, the orientation of the Regal Gel attack is randomized.
  • The Twins
    • Retinazer
      • When shooting lasers in its first form, its maximum velocity and acceleration are increased by 15% (Expert: 42 mph -> 48 mph, Classic: 36 mph -> 41 mph).
      • Can shoot 5 more lasers during its first form in one cycle (Expert: 9~21 -> 14~26 per cycle depending on health, Classic: 9 -> 14 per cycle, one cycle equals to 600 frames or 10 seconds if 60 FPS).
      • Initial velocity of dashing at the player in its first form increased by 10 mph, thus dashing distance increased (Expert: 13%, Classic: 17%).
      • Maximum velocity and acceleration in the whole second form are increased by 15% (Expert: 49 mph -> 56 mph, Classic: 41 mph -> 47 mph).
    • Spazmatism
      • When shooting cursed flames in both forms, its maximum velocity and acceleration are increased by 15% (first form: 61 mph -> 71 mph, second form Expert: 37 mph -> 43 mph, second form Classic: 20 mph -> 24 mph).
      • Can shoot 4 more Cursed Flames in its first form in one cycle (Expert: 9~15 -> 13~19 per cycle depending on health, Classic: 9 -> 13 per cycle, one cycle equals 600 frames or 10 seconds if 60 FPS).
      • Initial velocity dashing to the player in its first form is increased by 20%, thus the dashing distance is also increased by 20%. The second form is not affected.
  • The Destroyer
    • Has an increased number of segments (80 -> 100, not including the head and tail).
    • Acceleration increased.
  • Plantera
    • Maximum speed and acceleration increased by 15% (Expert: 20/34/45 mph -> 23/39/52 mph, Classic: 13/26/36 mph -> 15/29/41 mph at 100%/50%/25% health).
    • Projectile frequency increased (one more projectile in time interval: Seed 1.33s, Poison Seed: 1.83s, Thorn Ball: 3.33s if 60 FPS).
    • More Plantera's Tentacle in her second form (around Plantera: +6, around Plantera's Hook: +3).
    • Plantera's Tentacle's acceleration dramatically increased (this acceleration increase actually makes Tentacles fixed at a position around Plantera or her Hook at a radius depending on health value, instead of swinging which actually makes the battle more complicated).
    • Plantera's Hooks will spawn pink thorny bushes around it each time it grabs on a tile. These do 100 base damage.[23]
  • Golem
    • Attacks significantly faster, in addition to being able to phase through blocks much faster. In the second stage, the body jumps much higher and the head fires lasers faster.
    • While Golem is alive, nearby players (125 tiles or less away from the Golem) will have their light vision further reduced by 40%.[24] The resulting effect of this is similar to the effect of the Darkness and Blackout debuffs.
    • Destroys any torches that come into contact with the body or hands
  • Empress of Light
    • Cycles faster between attacks (0.75s/0.33s -> 0.38s/0.17s for normal/enraged stage).

While generating

  • All generation descriptions and tips are spelled backwards.

World icons

The world icon of a For the worthy world is a Yellow Willow tree.


  • Due to the essentially doubled amount of drops, farming the Brain of Cthulhu, and more significantly, its Creepers can be a reliable way to make absurd amounts of money.
  • Explosive Bunnies can be collected and used as weapons early on, due to their high damage and abundance. However, caution is advised, as they can easily take out the player as well.
  • Lowered visibility in Dungeons and Jungle Temples can be circumvented by changing the lighting mode to either "Trippy", or "Retro". The former tends to provide the highest increase to visibility.


  • For the worthy directly references the tooltip of the Red Potion, "'Only for those who are worthy'".
  • In For the worthy, several mechanics reference very early versions of Terraria where they were standard behavior: This includes the Locked Gold Chests generating on Floating Islands, all Ruined Houses being made out of Hellstone Bricks, Ash Blocks collapsing at random, and Chests containing an Angel Statue instead of a valuable item.
  • A For the worthy world is referred to in the source code as getGoodWorld.[25]
  • The frame of Demonite Bricks/Crimtane Bricks created by the defeat of the Wall of Flesh in For the worthy worlds will be slightly smaller, going from 9×9 blocks to 7×7 blocks, likely to stay consistent with the Wall of Flesh's decreased size.


  • Desktop
    • Master For the worthy and Get fixed boi worlds now show their difficulty as "Legendary".
    • Crispy Honey Blocks are now highlighted by Dangersense Potions in For the worthy worlds.
    • The random Angel Statue Chest item replacement should no longer impact Dungeon Chests, including the Biome Chests.
    • Fixed an issue with boss projectile NPCs being inconsistently killable in single-player and multiplayer in For the worthy/Get fixed boi worlds.
  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Added fortheworthy as an alias for this seed.
    • Numerous changes and threats have made their way to the For the worthy seed, to demand even more worthiness from players, including:
      • The Star Cannon and Super Star Shooter now only deal 90% damage and their use time is increased by 10%.
      • For the worthy worlds increases the world difficulty by one level. Classic difficulty For the worthy worlds automatically behave as Expert. Expert For the worthy worlds are automatically Master.
    • Regular Bunnies and Demons can now spawn, thus making it possible to 100% complete the Bestiary.
    • A 1/3 (33.33%) damage increase to enemies now only applies to worlds created with Master Mode. Previously, it was applied in all difficulties.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method ProcessSpecialWorldSeeds() in Terraria.GameContent.UI.States.UIWorldCreation.cs.
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field legendaryModeColor in Terraria.Main.cs.
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AddBuriedChest() in Terraria.WorldGen.cs.
  4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method neonMossBiome() in Terraria.Worldgen.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  5. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method ScaleStats_ApplyGameMode() in Terraria.NPC.cs.
  6. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method ScaleStats() in Terraria.NPC.cs.
  7. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method NewNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  8. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SpawnWeb() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  9. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method checkDead() in Terraria.NPC.cs.
  10. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method BoulderExplosion() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  11. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method KillTile() in Terraria.WorldGen.cs.
  12. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method CanExplodeTile() in Terraria.Projectile.cs.
  13. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods SetDefaults1() in Terraria.Item.cs and SetDefaults5() in Terraria.Item.cs.
  14. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs and field ReflectStarShotsInForTheWorthy in Terraria.ID.NPCID.Sets.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  15. 15.0 15.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_006_Worms() in Terraria.NPC.cs.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method ScaleStats_ApplyMultiplayerStats() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  18. Acceleration is also proportional to the distance between player and creeper, so we can establish differential equation for distance(x) - time (t) relationship as x"(t) = - 2η x'(t) - ω^2 x(t) if player's velocity is constant and paralleled to creeper-player vector; which solution is x(t) = A e^(-ηt) sin(ωt + b), in which amplitude (A) and phase (b) is determined by initial condition. Creeper frequency (ω) towards to player is √(8/3)~1.6 times compared to Expert Mode and amplitude decay coefficient (η) is 2 times as well. It is not appropriate to say that Creepers in FTW are 1.6 times faster than that in Expert Mode, since the average velocity ∫|x'(t)|dt is almost proportional to distance x(t) in this ideal model.
  19. When Queen Bee is above the surface or the player leaves the Jungle Biome, the enrage coefficient is increased by 1, respectively. So the maximum enrage coefficient is 2.5 in FTW. There is a bug that occurs in the version, in which the Queen Bee cannot shoot its stingers when the player is fighting at the surface area outside Jungle in FTW. So the 2.5 enrage coefficient is only theoretical.
  20. Queen Bee also adds two extra dashes to the player per enrage coefficient. However, FTW only adds a 0.5 enrage coefficient, so there's no extra dash in FTW.
  21. When spinning to the player, in Classic Mode, this means its velocity change is 7.7 mph -> 10 mph. Expert Mode changes are a little complex since the velocity of Skeletron's head is related to its distance to the player, ranging from 18 mph to 49 mph; so after FTW is applied to Expert Mode, velocity range become 23 mph to 63 mph. However, note that Skeletron's head is weakened in Terraria compared to The velocity range was 20 mph to 61 mph in
  22. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI() in Terraria.NPC.cs. The relevant part is the aiStyle == 27 block.
  23. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field TouchDamageImmediate in Terraria.ID.TileID.Sets.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  24. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods UpdateBiomes() in Terraria.Player.cs and UpdateLightDecay() in Terraria.Graphics.Light.LightingEngine.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  25. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, fields getGoodWorldGen in Terraria.WorldGen.cs and getGoodWorld in Terraria.Main.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is