Fungi Bulb

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Fungi Bulb
Fungi Bulb.pngOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypePlant AI
Max Life90/180198396/270297594
KB Resist100%
BannerFungi Bulb BannerFungi Bulb Banner
Immune toPoisonedConfused
Coins3 SC50 CCPre-Hardmode: 8 SC75 CCHardmode: 7 SCPost-Plantera: 14 SC

The Fungi Bulb is an uncommon enemy found in Glowing Mushroom biomes above the surface. During Hardmode, they can also appear in Underground Glowing Mushroom biomes. The Fungi Bulb follows the plant behavior akin to the Man Eater, but is less aggressive. Unlike its tougher Hardmode variant, the Giant Fungi Bulb, it does not fire spore projectiles.


  • Like all creatures that can pass through blocks, the Fungi Bulb is immune to lava.
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Destroying the block a Fungi Bulb is attached to will kill it instantly without dropping any loot.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Fungi Bulb: "When the glowing fungus is ready to spread, these bulbs will sprout to spread its spores to other locations and hosts."
