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This article is about the enemies. For the collectible bait items, see Jellyfish (bait).

Jellyfish are enemies found in water. When underwater, they attack by propelling themselves towards the player in short bursts. When outside of water, they will be unable to move or pursue the player in any way. Jellyfish are able to jump out of the water to attack players, often leaving them stranded on land. Most varieties of Jellyfish produce light, making them easy to spot in dark areas. There are 5 Jellyfish variants, 3 of which only appear during Hardmode.

In Expert Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), a Jellyfish will periodically become "electrified" (except for Fungo Fish). During this electrified state, it is invincible, and will constantly maintain its speed unless it comes into contact with a solid block or the water's surface. Certain attacks to Jellyfish in this state will hurt the player by 1.3× the contact damage of the Jellyfish (see Notes for details).



Blue Jellyfish
Blue Jellyfish.gifOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Blue Jellyfish2.gif
Electrified state
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeJellyfish AI
Max Life34/68148/102222
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
BannerBlue Jellyfish BannerBlue Jellyfish Banner
Immune toConfused
Coins1 SCPre-Hardmode: 2 SC50 CCHardmode: 4 SC
Pink Jellyfish
Pink Jellyfish.gifOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Pink Jellyfish2.gif
Electrified state
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeJellyfish AI
Max Life70/140154/210231
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
BannerPink Jellyfish BannerPink Jellyfish Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Immune toConfused
Coins1 SCPre-Hardmode: 2 SC50 CCHardmode: 2 SC


Green JellyfishHardmode exclusive
Green Jellyfish.gifOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Green Jellyfish2.gif
Electrified state
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeJellyfish AI
Max Life120/240/360
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
BannerGreen Jellyfish BannerGreen Jellyfish Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Immune toConfused
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Debuff tooltipCannot use items that require mana
Duration7 seconds14 seconds17.5 seconds
Coins8 SC20 SC
Blood JellyHardmode exclusive
Blood Jelly.gif
Blood Jelly2.gif
Electrified state
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeJellyfish AI
Max Life150/300/450
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
BannerBlood Jelly BannerBlood Jelly Banner
Immune toConfused
Coins8 SC20 SC
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • Monster MeatMonster Meat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Fungo FishHardmode exclusive
Fungo Fish.gifOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeJellyfish AI
Max Life140/280/420
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
BannerFungo Fish BannerFungo Fish Banner
Immune toConfused
Coins12 SC30 SC


  • The following attacks against an electrified Jellyfish will cause the player to take damage:
ID Image Name Source
46 Dark Lance (projectile).png Dark Lance Dark Lance
47 Trident (projectile).png Trident Trident
49 Spear (projectile).png Spear Dark Lance
64 Mythril Halberd (projectile).png Mythril Halberd Mythril Halberd
66 Adamantite Glaive (projectile).png Adamantite Glaive Adamantite Glaive
97 Cobalt Naginata (projectile).png Cobalt Naginata Cobalt Naginata
105 Gungnir (projectile).png Gungnir Gungnir
130 Mushroom Spear (projectile).png Mushroom Spear Mushroom Spear
153 The Rotted Fork (projectile).png The Rotted Fork The Rotted Fork
212 Palladium Pike (projectile).png Palladium Pike Palladium Pike
215 Orichalcum Halberd (projectile).png Orichalcum Halberd Orichalcum Halberd
218 Titanium Trident (projectile).png Titanium Trident Titanium Trident
222 Chlorophyte Partisan (projectile).png Chlorophyte Partisan Chlorophyte Partisan
342 North Pole (projectile).png North Pole North Pole
367 Obsidian Swordfish (projectile).png Obsidian Swordfish Obsidian Swordfish
368 Swordfish (projectile).png Swordfish Swordfish
439 Laser Machinegun.gif Laser Machinegun Laser Machinegun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
445 Laser Drill (projectile).png Laser Drill Laser Drill(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
460 Charged Blaster Cannon.png Charged Blaster Cannon Charged Blaster Cannon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
595 Arkhalis.gif Arkhalis Arkhalis(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
600 Portal Gun.png Portal Gun Portal Gun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
611 Solar Eruption (projectile).png Solar Eruption Solar Eruption(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
615 Vortex Beater.gif Vortex Beater Vortex Beater(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
630 Phantasm.png Phantasm Phantasm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
633 Last Prism (projectile).gif Last Prism Last Prism(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
697 Sleepy Octopod (projectile).png Sleepy Octopod Sleepy Octopod(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
705 Phantom Phoenix.png Phantom Phoenix Phantom Phoenix(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
707 Sky Dragon's Fury (projectile).png Sky Dragon's Fury Sky Dragon's Fury(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
714 Celebration Mk2.gif Celebration Mk2 Celebration Mk2(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
730 Storm Spear (projectile).png Storm Spear Storm Spear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
735 Terragrim (projectile).gif Terragrim Terragrim(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
802 Gladius (projectile).png Gladius Gladius(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
841 Leather Whip (projectile).png Leather Whip Leather Whip(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
842 Ruler.png Ruler Ruler(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
847 Durendal (projectile).png Durendal Durendal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
848 Morning Star (projectile).png Morning Star Morning Star(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
849 Dark Harvest (projectile).png Dark Harvest Dark Harvest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
877 Jousting Lance (projectile).png Jousting Lance Jousting Lance(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
878 Shadow Jousting Lance (projectile).png Shadow Jousting Lance Shadow Jousting Lance(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
879 Hallowed Jousting Lance (projectile).png Hallowed Jousting Lance Hallowed Jousting Lance(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
912 Cool Whip (projectile).png Cool Whip Cool Whip(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
913 Firecracker (projectile).png Firecracker Firecracker(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
914 Snapthorn (projectile).png Snapthorn Snapthorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
915 Kaleidoscope (projectile).png Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
927 Starlight (projectile).png Starlight Starlight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
938 Copper Shortsword.png Copper Shortsword Copper Shortsword
939 Tin Shortsword.png Tin Shortsword Tin Shortsword
940 Iron Shortsword.png Iron Shortsword Iron Shortsword
941 Lead Shortsword.png Lead Shortsword Lead Shortsword
942 Silver Shortsword.png Silver Shortsword Silver Shortsword
943 Tungsten Shortsword.png Tungsten Shortsword Tungsten Shortsword
944 Gold Shortsword.png Gold Shortsword Gold Shortsword
945 Platinum Shortsword.png Platinum Shortsword Platinum Shortsword
952 Spinal Tap (projectile).png Spinal Tap Spinal Tap(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
972 Terra Beam.gif Night's Edge Night's Edge, True Night's Edge
982 Terra Beam.gif Excalibur Excalibur, True Excalibur
984 Terra Beam.gif Terra Blade Terra Blade
997 Terra Beam.gif The Horseman's Blade The Horseman's Blade
  • Jellyfish Statues can be Wired to spawn Blue Jellyfish.
  • If knocked out of water and onto dry blocks, Jellyfish are rendered immobile until knocked back into water, or water reaches them again. In Expert Mode, this will also prevent them from becoming electrified.
  • Blue and Green Jellyfish are capable of spawning in the Underworld if there is a large enough body of water.


BestiaryBestiary entries

  • Blue, Pink and Green Jellyfish: "That strange tingling sensation in the water may be the unwelcome surging of electrical death from a brainless jellyfish. Swim with care."
  • Blood Jelly: "Jellyfish swimming in the bloody waters of the Crimson become infected, converting them to its all-consuming cause."
  • Fungo Fish: "Some fish exposed to glowing mushroom spores become a curious mushroom-jellyfish hybrid, glowing softly in the watery depths."


  • Desktop Fixed a bug that gave an incorrect death message when killed by Jellyfish Shock Attacks.
  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Expert Electric Shock attack now applies to certain projectiles.
    • Blood Jelly's Monster Meat drop rate reduced from 1/1000 to 1/1500. In Don't Starve seeds, changed from 1/200 to 1/500.
  • Desktop Fixed Expert Mode Jellyfish counterattack hitting the player while the player can not hit the Jellyfish.
  • Desktop
    • Expert Mode-exclusive shock attack introduced.
    • Blue Jellyfish damage increased from 20 to 25, and life from 30 to 34.
    • Green and Pink Jellyfish now drop their own respective banners.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method ItemCheck_MeleeHitNPCs() in Terraria.Player.cs.
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs and field Sets.AllowsContactDamageFromJellyfish in Terraria.ID.ProjectileID.cs.