Ghost (enemy)

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Ghost (enemy).gif
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeHovering AI
Max Life50/100220330/150330495
KB Resist50%/55%/60%
BannerGhost BannerGhost Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Immune toOn Fire!Acid VenomFrostbiteShadowflameConfusedIchorCursed InfernoBetsy's CursePoisonedOiledDaybrokenFrostburnHellfire
Coins90 CCPre-Hardmode: 2 SC25 CCHardmode: 3 SC60 CCPost-Plantera: 5 SC40 CC
Not to be confused with the Ghost, the form Hardcore players take after dying.

The Ghost is a pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Cavern and Underground layers during the Halloween seasonal event.

On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, Ghosts will also spawn in the Graveyard mini-biome, regardless of time, and have a chance to spawn when breaking Tombstones.

Ghosts behave like Wraiths, hovering above the ground and passing through solid tiles to reach the player. In order for Ghosts to travel up to players, they must have a solid block to pass through, or else they will stay hovering just above the ground.


  • When a Tombstone is broken, there is a 1/2 (50%) chance it will cause a Ghost to spawn if there are already less than 2 Ghosts active in the world, and any of the following conditions are met:[1]
    • It is nighttime.
    • The player is in a Graveyard biome.
    • The Tombstone was placed below the surface layer.
  • If spawning when a Tombstone is broken and there is no off-screen ground suitable for the ghost to spawn, the ghost will instead spawn on-screen and can even spawn directly next to the player.


  • Ghosts can be attacked through walls with melee weapons that cannot usually hit through walls – this makes spears and whips(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) especially effective. Both are still great for dealing with large hordes of Ghosts, because they can hit many of them at once.
  • In Journey Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), even when the enemy spawn rate is set to 0× the normal rate, mining up Tombstones may still cause Ghosts to spawn.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Ghost: "During the most harrowing times, these apparitions float aimlessly through the depths to steal the life from those they envy."


  • Desktop 1.4.1:
    • Knockback resistance increased from 40% to 50%.
    • Damage decreased from 18 to 15.
    • Defense decreased from 8 to 4.
    • Health decreased from 70 to 50.
  • Desktop Ghosts are more likely to despawn, and the conditions which allow them to spawn has been reduced as well as the maximum number of them.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method CheckSign() in Terraria.WorldGen.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is