Golden Crate

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Golden Crate
  • Golden Crate item spriteold Golden Crate item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Placeable✔️ (2 wide × 2 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipDesktop version Right click to open /
Console version L2 to open (PlayStation) /
LT to open (Xbox One) /
Mobile version Double tap to open /
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Use to open
RarityRarity level: 3
Sell2 GC
Research10 required

The Golden Crate is a pre-Hardmode crate that can be obtained by fishing in any biome, at any layer. It is the highest tier of standard crate, having the greatest value if sold directly. Its Hardmode counterpart is the Titanium Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).


Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version

Life CrystalLife Crystal11/8 (12.5%)
Hardy SaddleHardy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)7/80 (8.75%)
Gold CoinGold Coin8–201/3 (33.33%)
Silver OreSilver Ore25–341/5 (20%)
Tungsten OreTungsten Ore
Gold OreGold Ore
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore
Silver BarSilver Bar8–114/15 (26.67%)
Gold BarGold Bar
Tungsten BarTungsten Bar
Platinum BarPlatinum Bar
Obsidian Skin PotionObsidian Skin Potion2–51/3 (33.33%)
Spelunker PotionSpelunker Potion
Gravitation PotionGravitation Potion
Mining PotionMining Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion
Healing PotionHealing Potion5–201/2 (50%)
Mana PotionMana Potion
Master BaitMaster Bait3–72/3 (66.67%)
Enchanted SwordEnchanted Sword11/30 (3.33%)
  • Only one type of item out of the ores and bars can drop, not both a type of ore and a type of bar. The table above implies otherwise with the ores and the bars being in separate rows, but that is for readability purposes. The chance that a type of ore or bar is dropped is 7/15 (46.67%).
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) A Golden Crate will always contain at least one type of item from the first four groups (or any but the last four groups) displayed in the loot table above. This means that at least one type of item from the following list will always drop from a Golden Crate:
  • Life Crystal Hardy Saddle
  • Gold Coin
  • Silver Ore Tungsten Ore Gold Ore Platinum Ore
  • Silver Bar Gold Bar Tungsten Bar Platinum Bar

Old-gen console version Old-gen console version and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version

Items Quantity Chance
Hardy SaddleHardy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 1 1/10 (10%)
Silver BarSilver BarGold BarGold BarTungsten BarTungsten BarPlatinum BarPlatinum Bar 15–30 1/3 (33.33%)
Obsidian Skin PotionObsidian Skin PotionSpelunker PotionSpelunker PotionGravitation PotionGravitation PotionMining PotionMining Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion 2–5 1/3 (33.33%)
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing PotionGreater Mana PotionGreater Mana Potion 5–15 1/2 (50%)
Gold CoinGold Coin 8–20 1/3 (33.33%)
Items Quantity Chance
Hardy SaddleHardy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 1 1/10 (10%)
Silver BarSilver BarGold BarGold BarTungsten BarTungsten BarPlatinum BarPlatinum Bar 15–30 1/9 (11.11%)
Mythril BarMythril BarAdamantite BarAdamantite BarOrichalcum BarOrichalcum BarTitanium BarTitanium Bar 5–13 2/9 (22.22%)
Obsidian Skin PotionObsidian Skin PotionSpelunker PotionSpelunker PotionGravitation PotionGravitation PotionMining PotionMining Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion 2–5 1/3 (33.33%)
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing PotionGreater Mana PotionGreater Mana Potion 5–15 1/2 (50%)
Gold CoinGold Coin 8–20 1/3 (33.33%)



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Golden CrateGolden CrateShimmerShimmer Transmutation(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Golden Crates are one of few methods of obtaining Greater Healing/Mana Potions during pre-Hardmode.
  • Golden Crates do not provide the lower-tiered metals: They do not offer Copper, Tin, Iron, nor Lead.


  • The Hardy Saddle can only be obtained by opening Golden and Titanium Crates.
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Life Crystals can be obtained by opening Golden and Titanium Crates, making them renewable.
  • Golden Crates can be obtained in worlds with Platinum Ore.


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Reduced quantity of dropped ores from 30–44 to 25–34.
    • Reduced quantity of dropped bars from 10–14 to 8–11.
    • Increased drop rate of Life Crystals from 1/15 (6.67%) to 1/8 (12.5%).
    • Reduced drop rate of Hardy Saddles from 7/75 (9.33%) to 7/80 (8.75%).
    • Increased drop rate of Enchanted Swords from 1/50 (2%) to 1/30 (3.33%).
  • Desktop
    • Will no longer drop Hardmode items, even if opened after the Wall of Flesh has been defeated in a world.
    • Loot tables re-adjusted so that Wooden, Iron, and Golden Crates now drop different metals depending on the level of crate.
    • Can now drop Heart Crystals and Enchanted Swords.