Grown blocks

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Main article: Blocks

Grown blocks are blocks which are obtained from naturally-grown objects (such as Grass and Trees) and can be walked in front of before they are obtained, but afterwards, are placed down as solid blocks. Examples include all types of wood, Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Cacti, Glowing Mushrooms from Giant Glowing Mushrooms, Hay, and Pumpkins.

Block Appearance Dropped By Environment Notes
WoodWood Wood (placed).png Trees Forests Can be grown manually with Acorns on Grass. All tree types can be harvested with an Axe or Chainsaw.
Boreal WoodBoreal Wood(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) Boreal Wood (placed).png Boreal Trees Snow Biomes Can be grown manually with Acorns on Snow.
Palm WoodPalm Wood(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) Palm Wood (placed).png Palm Trees Ocean Biomes, Deserts Can be grown manually with Acorns on Sand.
Rich MahoganyRich Mahogany Rich Mahogany (placed).png Jungle Trees Jungle, Underground Jungle Grows naturally on Jungle Grass.
EbonwoodEbonwood Ebonwood (placed).png Corrupt Trees The Corruption Can be grown manually with Acorns on Corrupt Grass as of 1.2.3.
ShadewoodShadewood Shadewood (placed).png Crimson Trees The Crimson Can be grown manually with Acorns on Crimson Grass as of 1.2.3.
Ash WoodAsh Wood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Ash Wood (placed).png Ash Trees Underworld Can be grown manually with Acorns on Ash Grass.
PearlwoodPearlwood Pearlwood (placed).png Hallowed Trees The Hallow Can be grown manually with Acorns on Hallowed Grass.
Glowing MushroomGlowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom (placed).png Glowing Mushrooms, Giant Glowing Mushrooms Glowing Mushroom biome Giant Glowing Mushrooms must be harvested with an Axe or Chainsaw, but regular ones can be looted like all other plants. All Glowing Mushrooms spawn naturally on Mushroom Grass.
HayHay Hay (placed).png Grass All Biomes that feature Grass variants. Hay is harvested by using a Sickle on tall Grass

( Short Grass Plants.png ).

CactusCactus Cactus (placed).png Cactus All Deserts Can be harvested with a Pickaxe, Axe, or Chainsaw. Though Cacti in Corrupt, Crimson, and Hallowed Desert has a different appearance, they all drop the same block when harvested.
PumpkinPumpkin Pumpkin (placed).png Pumpkin Non-evil Grass Can be harvested with a Pickaxe. Up to 10 blocks can be harvested per plant. The amount depends on how developed the plant is.
BambooBamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Bamboo (placed).png Bamboo stems Jungle Can be harvested with a Pickaxe. The amount depends on how developed the plant is.
