Hermes Boots

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Hermes Boots
  • Hermes Boots item spriteold Hermes Boots item sprite
  • Hermes Boots equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipThe wearer can run super fast
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell1 GC
Research1 required

Hermes Boots are an accessory that can be found in Chests in the Underground and Cavern layers. When equipped, they allow the player to gain a movement speed boost after running for a certain distance continuously. The speed will continue increasing until maximum speed is attained. At full sprint, they will increase the player's horizontal movement speed to 30 mph. However, if the player runs into a wall without autojumping, the player will stop and have to speed up again. (See Sprinting accessories for more information on the sprint effect).

The Hermes Boots, Flurry Boots, and the Sailfish Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) have identical functionality, with their only differences being aesthetic. In the case of the Hermes Boots, the user will leave a lasting trail of small dust clouds as they run, which persists for a few seconds. The Dunerider Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) function similarly, but additionally grant an even larger boost on sand.

All four listed boots are interchangeable when crafting Spectre Boots.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Spectre BootsSpectre BootsTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop


  • In addition to regular Chests and Gold Chests, Hermes Boots can also be found in Rich Mahogany, Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and Marble Chests(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
  • The Slow debuff only affects the player's regular acceleration, not their maximum movement speed. Therefore, when running with the Hermes Boots while affected by the debuff, the final speed will be unaffected, although it will take longer to get there.
  • Accessory dyes will change the color of both the boots and the dust trail they leave behind.


Using a Grappling Hook to reach maximum speed instantly.
  • Hermes Boots, as well as Flurry Boots and Sailfish Boots, are particularly useful for speedruns, as they can greatly shorten running time.
  • The player can engage the speed ability of the boots immediately on a flat or relatively flat surface by shooting a single-lined grappling hook in front of them at the ground in the desired direction (while simultaneously using the movement keys to move that direction) and immediately pressing Jump to disengage the hook, using the speed of the hook as a jump start for the boots. The player gets a faster jump start by shooting it nearly parallel to the ground, as the farther the hook lands from the player, the faster they are pulled.
    • The same effect can be accomplished by dashing (e.g. with the Shield of Cthulhu(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Tabi).
  • The Hermes Boots can be a very helpful item in early pre-Hardmode, and if the player is lucky, they can obtain the upgraded versions before fighting the Wall of Flesh.
  • In the early game, the Hermes Boots work well with the Aglet and Anklet of the Wind, which will further increase speed.


  • The Hermes Boots are a reference to Hermes, god of trade, roads, sports, and travelers, and emissary and messenger of the gods in Ancient Greek religion and mythology. He is known for his winged sandals, the talaria, and his incredible speed.
