Items are entities that are among the most basic components of Terraria. The player can interact with most items by using, consuming, or placing them. Items are always in one of two forms: "dropped", i.e. being part of the world, or in an inventory pertaining to a player, NPC vendor, or storage item. Dropped items can usually be picked up by the player to move them into their inventory, and they can usually be dropped out of the inventory again.
Most items can be grouped based on certain shared characteristics, e.g. armor items, blocks, or weapons. See Category:Items for the complete categorization.
Items can be obtained in numerous ways in Terraria. They can be
- picked up after an entity has dropped them (e.g. defeated enemies, or mined blocks or furniture);
- transferred from another inventory (e.g. an NPC vendor's or a Chest's); or
- placed directly in the player's inventory as part of other processes (e.g. crafting or being rewarded by NPCs like the Angler).
When an item is in its "dropped" form, any player making contact with the item will pick it up, automatically placing it in their inventory (if there is sufficient space and no Encumbering Stone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is in the inventory). In addition, all players draw ("pull") all items within a certain range towards them in order to make contact with them. This range is referred to as pickup range. It consists of a rectangular area of, by default, 5.25×5.25 tiles, centered on the player (i.e. 2.625 tiles in all directions). Certain effects increase the pickup range for certain items:[1]
Effect / Equipped item | Affected items | Pickup range increase |
n/a | All items and pickups | 0 total: 2.625 tiles
n/a | ![]() |
+3.125 tiles total: 5.75 tiles
n/a | +6.25 tiles total: 8.875 tiles
| |
+21.875 tiles total: 24.5 tiles
| ||
+18.75 tiles total: 21.375 tiles
| ||
![]() |
+15.625 tiles total: 18.25 tiles
| |
All items and pickups | +9.375 tiles total: 12 tiles
Effects/equipped items in the same row do not stack.
"Pulled" items have an acceleration and maximum speed, hence it is possible that an item is not pulled in completely, e.g. if the player is moving very fast and causes it to be out of pickup range before they could make contact with it.
In an inventory, items can be stacked in a single slot to a certain limit. Virtually all stackable items can stack up to 9999. The only exceptions are Copper, Silver, and Gold Coins, which cannot be stacked past 100. Items like equipment (weapons, accessories, armor, etc.) and quest fish cannot stack at all; their stack limit is 1.
Items that are in the "dropped" state will disappear ("despawn") upon exiting the world.
If there are more than 400 "dropped" items existing on the world, items will also start despawning. In this instance, the items that have remained dropped for the longest amount of time may vanish as new items are dropped into the world.
It is impossible to reacquire despawned items.
See also
- Dirt
- Stone
- Clay
- Mud
- Silt
- Sand
- Hardened Sand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardened Ebonsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardened Crimsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardened Pearlsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ebonsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crimsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snow
- Ice
- Thin Ice
- Slush
- Ash
- Wood
- Boreal(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Palm(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Rich Mahogany
- Ebonwood
- Shadewood
- Ash Wood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlwood
- Living Wood
- Leaf
- Living Mahogany(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mahogany Leaf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hay
- Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Large(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cactus
- Pumpkin
- Glowing Mushroom
- Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hive
- Desert Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cloud
- Sunplate
- Aetherium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobweb
- Spike
- Shell Pile(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glass
- Waterfall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lavafall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Honeyfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snowfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Midnight Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Blue Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gold Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gemspark(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Slime
- Fragments (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Asphalt
- Bone
- Spider Nest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flesh
- Lesion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Reef(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wood
- Red Dynasty Shingles(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Blue(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Anti-Portal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bubble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Candy Cane
- Cog
- Coralstone
- Echo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Martian Conduit Plating(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pine Tree(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Smoke(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Team(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silly Balloon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Marble Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Granite Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Poo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Active Stone Block
- Inactive Stone Block
- Grate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dart
- Venom Dart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Super Dart
- Spear
- Spiky Ball
- Flame
- Golf Cup(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gray
- Stone Slab(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Accent(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Red
- Mudstone
- Stucco
- Sandstone
- Slab(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Snow
- Ice
- Smooth Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Iridescent
- Ebonstone
- Crimstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlstone
- Aetherium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rainbow
- Dungeon
- Glowing Moss Bricks
- Lihzahrd
- Copper
- Tin
- Plating(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Iron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lead(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silver
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tungsten
- Gold
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Platinum
- Demonite
- Crimtane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meteorite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hellstone
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Palladium Column
- Mythril
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bubblegum Block
- Adamantite Beam
- Titanstone Block
- Chlorophyte(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shroomite Plating(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Solar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vortex(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nebula(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Heavenforge(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lunar Rust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Astra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dark Celestial(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mercury(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Star Royale(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cryocore(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cosmic Ember(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dirt
- Cave(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cracked(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crumbling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Layered(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rocky(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rough(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wavy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stone
- Craggy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fractured(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ivy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lichen(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mottled(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Old(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smouldering(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stalactite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Worn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Planked
- Wood
- Boreal(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Palm(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Rich Mahogany
- Ebonwood
- Shadewood
- Ash Wood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlwood
- Living Wood
- Leaf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardened Sand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardened Ebonsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardened Crimsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardened Pearlsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Treacherous(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ebonsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crimsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Treacherous(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cinder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ember(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Magma(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Corrupt Growth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crimson Blister(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hallowed Cavern(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystalline(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Prism(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Large(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cactus
- Pumpkin
- Mushroom
- Jungle
- Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hive
- Desert Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cloud
- Disc
- Glass
- Stained
- Waterfall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lavafall(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Honeyfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snowfall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Midnight Confetti(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Blue Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gold Starry(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gemspark(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Offline(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Silly Balloon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slime Block
- Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone Block
- Spider Nest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flesh
- Lesion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cog(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aetherium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hay
- Reef(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fences
- Arcane Rune(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Dynasty(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Flower
- Grass
- Jungle
- Sail(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Wallpapers(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
/ Unobtainable(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Mud
- Snow
- Dirt(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cave
- Gem
- Spider
- Infested(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ice
- Corruption(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crimson(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hallow(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jungle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lava
- Candy Cane
- Echo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spooky
- Martian Conduit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Poo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gray
- Slab(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Red
- Mudstone
- Stucco
- Sandstone
- Snow
- Ice
- Smooth Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Smooth Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Iridescent
- Ebonstone
- Crimstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlstone
- Aetherium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rainbow
- Dungeon
- Glowing Moss Brick Walls
- Lihzahrd
- Forbidden(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Copper
- Tin
- Plating(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Iron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lead(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silver
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tungsten
- Gold
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Platinum
- Demonite
- Crimtane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meteorite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hellstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Palladium Column
- Mythril
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bubblegum Block
- Adamantite Beam
- Titanstone Block
- Chlorophyte(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shroomite Plating(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Solar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vortex(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nebula(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Heavenforge(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lunar Rust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Astra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dark Celestial(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mercury(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Star Royale(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cryocore(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cosmic Ember(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wooden Sword
- Cactus Sword
- Zombie Arm
- Gladius(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Breathing Reed(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ruler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Umbrella(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tragic Umbrella(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tentacle Spike(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mandible Blade(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bladed Glove
- Stylish Scissors(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Candy Cane Sword(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bat Bat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone Sword
- Flymeal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Katana(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Ice Blade
- Muramasa
- Exotic Scimitar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Phaseblade
- Starfury
- Purple Clubberfish
- Enchanted Sword
- Bee Keeper
- Blade of Grass
- Falcon Blade
- Night's Edge
- Pearlwood Sword
- Classy Cane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Waffle's Iron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ham Bat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slap Hand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Breaker Blade
- Phasesaber
- Ice Sickle
- Cutlass
- Frostbrand
- Excalibur
- Seedler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Beam Sword
- Bladetongue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Brand of the Inferno(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Death Sickle
- Fetid Baghnakhs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Keybrand
- Psycho Knife(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flying Dragon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Horseman's Blade
- Christmas Tree Sword
- True Excalibur
- True Night's Edge
- Terra Blade
- Influx Waver(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Starlight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Star Wrath(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meowmere(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tizona(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Spear
- Trident
- Storm Spear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Rotted Fork
- Swordfish
- Dark Lance
- Mushroom Spear
- Ghastly Glaive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian Swordfish
- North Pole
- Tonbogiri(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Wooden
- Enchanted
- Ice
- Shroomerang(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Trimarang(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fruitcake Chakram(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bloody Machete
- Thorn Chakram
- Combat Wrench(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flamarang
- Flying Knife(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Light Disc
- Bananarang
- Sergeant United Shield(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Paladin's Hammer
- Possessed Hatchet
- Chain Knife
- Mace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flaming Mace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ball O' Hurt
- The Meatball
- Blue Moon
- Anchor
- Sunfury
- KO Cannon
- Chain Guillotines(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dao of Pow
- Drippler Crippler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flower Pow
- Golem Fist
- Flairon
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Terragrim(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Arkhalis(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shadowflame Knife(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jousting Lance(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sleepy Octopod(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Scourge of the Corruptor
- Vampire Knives
- Sky Dragon's Fury(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Daybreak(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Solar Eruption(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Zenith(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Scythe(3DS version)
- Soul Scythe
- Icemourne(3DS version)
- Wooden
- Copper
- Tin
- Iron
- Lead
- Silver
- Tungsten
- Gold
- Platinum
- Blood Rain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Demon
- Tendon
- Hellwing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Bee's Knees(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Molten Fury
- Marrow
- Phantom Phoenix(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Daedalus Stormbow(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ice
- Shadowflame(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aerial Bane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tsunami
- Pulse(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Eventide(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Phantasm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sharanga(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Hallowed
- Chlorophyte Shotbow
- Vulcan(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Flintlock Pistol
- Boomstick
- The Undertaker
- Handgun
- Shotgun
- Quad-Barrel Shotgun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Revolver(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Phoenix Blaster
- Onyx Blaster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Venus Magnum
- Sniper Rifle
- Egg Cannon(3DS version)
- Minishark
- Pew-matic Horn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Clockwork Assault Rifle
- Red Ryder(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Gatligator(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Megashark
- Musket
- Tactical Shotgun
- Uzi
- Chain Gun
- Xenopopper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vortex Beater(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- S.D.M.G.(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Proximity Mine Launcher
- Rocket Launcher
- Grenade Launcher
- Snowman Cannon
- Electrosphere Launcher(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Celebration(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Celebration Mk2(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stynger
- Jack 'O Lantern Launcher
- Nail Gun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blowpipe
- Blowgun
- Dart Pistol(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dart Rifle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ale Tosser(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandgun
- Snowball Cannon
- Star Cannon
- Super Star Shooter(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Water Gun(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Slime Gun(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Paintball Gun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Harpoon
- Piranha Gun
- Toxikarp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Paper Airplanes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snowball
- Rotten Egg
- Shuriken
- Throwing Knife
- Star Anise(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Spiky Ball
- Frost Daggerfish(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Javelin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Holy Water
- Bone
- Molotov Cocktail(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Beenade
- Grenade
- Amethyst Staff
- Topaz Staff
- Sapphire Staff
- Emerald Staff
- Amber Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ruby Staff
- Diamond Staff
- Wand of Sparking(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wand of Frosting(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gray Zapinator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aqua Scepter
- Thunder Zapper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Space Gun
- Ice Rod
- Golden Shower
- Demon Scythe
- Laser Rifle
- Magic Dagger
- Orange Zapinator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sky Fracture(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shadowflame Hex Doll(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal Serpent(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Leaf Blower
- Frost Staff
- Poison Staff
- Razorpine
- Heat Ray
- Venom Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Unholy Trident
- Bubble Gun
- Laser Machinegun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Charged Blaster Cannon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Last Prism(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Betsy's Wrath(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Zapinator(3DS version)
- Vilethorn
- Nettle Burst
- Crimson Rod
- Nimbus Rod
- Clinger Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal Vile Shard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blood Thorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Magnet Sphere
- Rainbow Gun
- Inferno Fork
- Toxic Flask(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tome of Infinite Wisdom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Resonance Scepter(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bee Gun
- Book of Skulls
- Weather Pain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Medusa Head(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spirit Flame(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wasp Gun
- Bat Scepter
- Razorblade Typhoon
- Nightglow(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stellar Tune(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spectre Staff
- Nebula Blaze(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nebula Arcanum(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Magic Missile
- Flamelash
- Meteor Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rainbow Rod
- Life Drain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blizzard Staff
- Lunar Flare(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Finch Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slime Staff
- Flinx Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Abigail's Flower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vampire Frog Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hornet Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Imp Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Blade Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spider Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Sanguine Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Optic Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Pirate Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Pygmy Staff
- Desert Tiger Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Raven Staff
- Deadly Sphere Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tempest Staff
- Terraprisma(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Xeno Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardust Cell Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardust Dragon Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Houndius Shootius(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Queen Spider Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Staff of the Frost Hydra
- Lunar Portal Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rainbow Crystal Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ballista Cane/Rod/Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Explosive Trap Cane/Rod/Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flameburst Cane/Rod/Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lightning Aura Cane/Rod/Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Usual Tools
Grappling Hooks
Summoning Tools
Other Tools
- Copper
- Tin
- Cactus
- Iron
- Lead
- Silver
- Tungsten
- Bone
- Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Candy Cane(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Gold
- Platinum
- Nightmare
- Deathbringer
- Molten
- Reaver Shark
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Chlorophyte
- Spectre
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Chlorophyte
- Laser Drill(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gravedigger's Shovel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Copper
- Tin
- Iron
- Lead
- Silver
- Tungsten
- Gold
- Platinum
- War Axe of the Night
- Blood Lust Cluster
- Axe of Regrowth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lucy the Axe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Chlorophyte
- Sawtooth Shark
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Chlorophyte
- Butcher's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pickaxe Axe
- Drax
- Shroomite Digging Claw(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Picksaw
- Web Slinger
- Slime(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Skeletron Hand
- Fish
- Ivy Whip
- Dual
- Thorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Illuminant(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Worm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tendon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Anti-Gravity(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spooky
- Christmas
- Lunar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Static(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Amber Mosquito
- Baby Grinch's Mischief Whistle
- Ball O' Fuse Wire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bamboo Leaf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bedazzled Nectar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bernie's Button(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Betsy's Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Birdie Rattle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blue Chicken Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone Key
- Bone Rattle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Brain in a Jar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Carrot(Desktop and Mobile versions)
- Celestial Wand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Companion Cube(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cosmic Skateboard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cursed Sapling
- Deactivated Probe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Deerclops Eyeball(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dog Whistle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Dragon Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eater's Bone
- Eucalyptus Sap(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Exotic Chew Toy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eye Bone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eye Spring
- Fish
- Frozen Crown(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Full Moon Squeaky Toy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gato Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glommer's Flower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glow Tulip(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lightning Carrot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lizard Egg
- Magical Pumpkin Seed
- Monster Meat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mud Bud(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nectar
- Ogre's Club(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ornate Shadow Key(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pair of Eyeballs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Parrot Cracker
- Piece of Moon Squid(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Plantera Seedling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pork of the Sea(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Possessed Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Regal Delicacy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Resplendent Dessert(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Robotic Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Royal Delight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Seaweed
- Seedling
- Shark Bait(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shrub Star(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slice of Hell Cake(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sparkling Honey(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spider Egg
- Spiffo Plush(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardrop(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Strange Glowing Mushroom
- Suspicious Grinning Eye(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tablet Fragment(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tartar Sauce
- The Dirtiest Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tiki Totem
- Toy Sled
- Unlucky Yarn
- Writhing Remains(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Zephyr Fish
- Brain(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Broken Heart(3DS version)
- Beeswax(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Cabbage(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Golden Seaweed
- Holiday Bauble(3DS version)
- Old Walking Stick(3DS version)
- Petri Dish(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Pot o' Gold(3DS version)
- Shiny Black Slab
- Suspicious Looking Apple(3DS version)
- Turkey feather(3DS version)
- Vial of Blood(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Wolf Fang(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Ancient Horn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Black Studded Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blessed Apple(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Brain Scrambler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cosmic Car Key(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dark Mage's Tome(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Drill Containment Unit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dusty Rawhide Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fuzzy Carrot(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Gelatinous Pillion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Goat Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golf Cart Keys(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hardy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Hexxed Branch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honeyed Goggles(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lilith's Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mollusk Whistle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pogo Stick(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Reindeer Bells
- Royal Gilded Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Scaly Truffle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Shrimpy Truffle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slimy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Superheated Blood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Black Spot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Toy Tank(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Witch's Broom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wooden(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Minecart
- Mechanical(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Desert(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Minecarp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bee(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ladybug(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pigron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sunflower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Demonic Hellcart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shroom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Amethyst(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Topaz(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sapphire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Emerald(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ruby(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Diamond(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Amber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Beetle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meowmere(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Party Wagon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Dutchman(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Steampunk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Coffin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Digging Molecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fart Kart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Terra Fart Kart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shadow Orb
- Crimson Heart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Magic Lantern(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fairy Bell
- Creeper Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guardian Golem(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jewel of Light(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pumpkin Scented Candle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wisp in a Bottle
- Suspicious Looking Tentacle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Money Trough(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Void Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Binoculars
- Breathing Reed
- Magic Mirror
- Ice Mirror(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cell Phone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shellphone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Trident
- Portal Gun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rod of Discord
- Rod of Harmony(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Umbrella
- Tragic Umbrella(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Magic Conch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Demon Conch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wands
- Dirt Rod
- Sandcastle Bucket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Staff of Regrowth
- Axe of Regrowth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Clentaminator
- Terraformer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lawn Mower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rubblemaker(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wrench
- Blue
- Green
- Yellow(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Multicolor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wire Cutter
- The Grand Design(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Actuation Rod(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bucket
- Bottomless Buckets(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sponges(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dirt Bomb(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sticky(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dry Bomb(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bug Net
- Sickle
- Bubble Wand
- Fishing Poles
- Golf Clubs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golf Whistle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snake Charmer's Flute(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rain Song(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ivy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Encumbering Stone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guide to Critter Companionship(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guide to Environmental Preservation(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guide to Peaceful Coexistence(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inactive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lesser Healing
- Healing
- Greater Healing
- Super Healing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mushroom
- Bottled Water
- Bottled Honey
- Eggnog(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Honeyfin
- Horn o' plenty(3DS version)
- Lesser Mana
- Mana
- Greater Mana
- Super Mana(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lesser Restoration(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Restoration
- Strange Brew(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gender Change(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hair Dyes(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Recall
- Teleportation
- Return(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wormhole(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ammo Reservation
- Archery
- Battle
- Magic Power
- Rage
- Summoning
- Titan(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Wrath
- Calming
- Endurance
- Heartreach
- Inferno
- Invisibility
- Ironskin
- Lifeforce
- Mana Regeneration
- Regeneration
- Thorns
- Warmth(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Wiesnbräu(3DS version)
- Featherfall
- Flipper(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Gills
- Gravitation
- Obsidian Skin
- Swiftness
- Water Walking
- Biome Sight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dangersense(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Hunter
- Night Owl
- Shine
- Spelunker
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Greater Luck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Luck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lesser Luck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ale
- Apple Pie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bacon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Banana Split(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- BBQ Ribs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bowl of Soup
- Bunny Stew(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Burger(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Carton of Milk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chicken Nugget(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chocolate Chip Cookie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Christmas Pudding(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Coffee(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cooked Marshmallow
- Cream Soda(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Escargot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fishing foods
- Fried Egg(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fries(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Froggle Bunwich(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fruits(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Apple
- Apricot
- Banana
- Blackcurrant
- Blood Orange
- Cherry
- Coconut
- Dragon Fruit
- Elderberry
- Grapefruit
- Lemon
- Mango
- Peach
- Pineapple
- Plum
- Pomegranate
- Rambutan
- Spicy Pepper
- Star Fruit
- Fruit Juice
- Fruit Salad
- Apple Juice
- Bloody Moscato
- Frozen Banana Daiquiri
- Lemonade
- Peach Sangria
- Piña Colada
- Prismatic Punch
- Smoothie of Darkness
- Tropical Smoothie
- Gingerbread Cookie(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Golden Delight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grapes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grape Juice(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grilled Squirrel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grub Soup(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hotdog(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ice Cream(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Joja Cola(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Milkshake(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Monster Lasagna(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nachos(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pad Thai(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Pizza(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pho(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Potato Chips(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pumpkin Pie
- Roasted Bird(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Roasted Duck(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sake(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Sauteed Frog Legs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shrimp Po' Boy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shucked Oyster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spaghetti(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Steak(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sugar Cookie(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Teacup(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snowball
- Rotten Egg
- Shuriken
- Grenade
- Beenade
- Throwing Knife
- Star Anise(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Spiky Ball
- Frost Daggerfish(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Javelin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone
- Molotov Cocktail(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Consumable Weapons
- Holy Water
- Unholy Water
- Blood Water(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wooden
- Endless Quiver(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flaming
- Frostburn
- Unholy
- Jester's
- Hellfire
- Shimmer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Holy
- Cursed
- Ichor
- Chlorophyte
- Venom
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spectral(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Vulcan Bolt(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Heart(3DS version)
- Musket Ball
- Endless Musket Pouch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal
- Silver
- Tungsten(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Meteor Shot
- Party
- Golden
- High Velocity
- Nano
- Exploding
- Chlorophyte
- Cursed
- Ichor
- Venom
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rocket I
- Rocket II
- Rocket III
- Rocket IV
- Mini Nuke I(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mini Nuke II(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cluster Rocket I(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cluster Rocket II(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dry Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honey Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lava Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wet Rocket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stynger Bolt
- Explosive Jack 'O Lantern
- Nail(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blinkroot
- Daybloom
- Moonglow
- Shiverthorn(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Waterleaf
- Fireblossom
- Deathweed
- Acorns
- Gemcorns(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pumpkin
- Flower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sakura Sapling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Yellow Willow Sapling(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Book
- Cactus
- Cobweb
- Coral
- Crystal Shard
- Fallen Star
- Fish
- Jungle Spores
- Mushroom
- Pearls(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pumpkin
- Wood
- Empty Bullet
- Empty Dropper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cog
- Confetti
- Explosive Powder
- Gold Dust
- Nanites
- Vial of Venom
- Bell
- Harp
- Dynasty Wood(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Illegal Gun Parts
- Marshmallow
- Spell Tome
- Chain
- Black Thread
- Leather
- Sturdy Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Terrarium
- Silk
- Blinkroot
- Daybloom
- Moonglow
- Shiverthorn(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Waterleaf
- Fireblossom
- Deathweed
(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Red(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Orange
- Yellow
- Lime
- Green
- Teal
- Cyan(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Sky Blue
- Blue
- Purple(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Violet(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Pink
- Black(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Antlion Mandible
- Bee Wax(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bone
- Flinx Fur(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gel
- Hook
- Lens
- Rotten Chunk
- Shadow Scale
- Shark Fin
- Stinger
- Tattered Cloth
- Vine
- Worm Tooth
- Pink Gel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient Cloth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Beetle Husk
- Broken Hero Sword
- Cursed Flame
- Ectoplasm
- Forbidden Fragment(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frost Core(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Light Shard
- Mechanical Pieces
- Pixie Dust
- Spider Fang(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Solar Tablet Fragment(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spooky Wood
- Turtle Shell
- Unicorn Horn
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Chlorophyte
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Hallowed
- Chlorophyte
- Shroomite
- Spectre(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Luminite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Slime Crown
- Suspicious Looking Eye
- Worm Food
- Bloody Spine
- Abeemination
- Deer Thing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gelatin Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mechanical
- Ocram's Razor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lihzahrd Power Cell
- Celestial Sigil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Suspicious Looking Skull(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Suspicious Looking Egg(3DS version)
- Cursed stuffing(3DS version)
- Goblin Battle Standard
- Snow Globe
- Pirate Map
- Pumpkin Moon Medallion
- Naughty Present
- Solar Tablet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eternia Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bloody Tear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Can Of Worms(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golden Lock Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Goodie Bag
- Herb Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian Lock Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Oyster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Present
- Treasure Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wooden
- Iron
- Golden
- Jungle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sky(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Corrupt(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crimson(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hallowed(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dungeon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frozen(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Oasis(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ocean(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlwood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mythril(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Titanium(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bramble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Azure(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Defiled(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hematic(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Divine(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stockade(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Boreal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mirage(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hellstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Seaside(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Life Crystal
- Life Fruit
- Mana Crystal
- Demon Heart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Peddler's Satchel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Advanced Combat Techniques(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Advanced Combat Techniques: Volume Two(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Minecart Upgrade Kit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Artisan Loaf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Torch God's Favor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vital Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Arcane Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aegis Fruit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ambrosia(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Galaxy Pearl(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gummy Worm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Heart
- Star
- Damage Booster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Life Booster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mana Booster(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Coins
- Defender Medal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bait
- Etherian Mana(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Paints(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Wire
- Ropes
- Rope Coils
- Marshmallow on a Stick
- Glowstick
- Vile Powder
- Vicious Powder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Purification Powder
- Smoke Bomb
- Sparkle Slime Balloon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Confetti Gun
- Bunny License(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chum Bucket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fertilizer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Geode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chest Lock(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- World Globe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tree Globe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Moon Globe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gas Trap(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- By Hand
- Work Bench
- Furnace
- Hellforge
- Iron Anvil
- Lead Anvil
- Sawmill
- Placed Bottle
- Alchemy Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chair
- Table
- Bookcase
- Loom
- Campfire
- Cooking Pot
- Cauldron
- Keg
- Teapot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tinkerer's Workshop
- Imbuing Station
- Sink(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Adamantite Forge
- Titanium Forge
- Mythril Anvil
- Orichalcum Anvil
- Autohammer
- Blend-O-Matic
- Ancient Manipulator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bone Welder(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Decay Chamber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flesh Cloning Vat(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Glass Kiln(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Honey Dispenser(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Ice Machine(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lihzahrd Furnace(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Living Loom(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Sky Mill(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Solidifier
- Steampunk Boiler(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal Ball
- Dye Vat(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Heavy Work Bench(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Meat Grinder
- Extractinator
- Chlorophyte Extractinator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
for housing
- Torches
- Fireplace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Candelabras
- Candles
- Chandeliers
- Lamps(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Lanterns
- Chinese Lantern
- Christmas Lights
- Jack 'O Lantern
- Tiki Torch
- Skull Lantern
- Hanging Brazier(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
for housing
- Lamp Post
- Campfire
- Disco Ball
- Furnace
- Hellforge
- Adamantite Forge
- Titanium Forge
- Lihzahrd Altar
- Lava Lamp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Plasma Lamp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ash Wood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bamboo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Boreal Wood(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Cactus
- Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dead Man's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dungeon
- Dynasty(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ebonwood
- Flesh(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frozen
- Glass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Granite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gold
- Golden(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golf Chest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honey
- Ivy
- Lesion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lihzahrd
- Living Wood
- Marble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Martian(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mushroom
- Nebula(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Palm Wood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pearlwood
- Pumpkin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Reef(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rich Mahogany
- Sandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shadewood
- Shadow
- Slime
- Skyware
- Solar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spider(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spooky(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Stardust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Steampunk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vortex(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Water
- Web Covered
- Piggy Bank
- Safe
- Defender's Forge(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Void Vault(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Trash Can
- Barrel
- Dressers(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mannequin
- Womannequin(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Hat Rack(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pylons(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bars
- Books
- Bottle
- Cups(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Mug
- Pink Vase
- Decorative Healing Potion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Decorative Mana Potion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bowls
- Butterfly Jars
- Prismatic Lacewing Jar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cages
- Coin Piles(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Christmas Tree
- Christmas Tree decorations(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Coral
- Crates
- Crystal Shard
- Decorative Banners
- War Table Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Decorative Statues
- Desert Spirit Lamp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dragonfly Jars(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fairy Jars(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fancy Dishes(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Fish Bowls
- Gems
- Golf Trophies(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hanging Pot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Herbs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jellyfish Jars
- Lawn Flamingo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Magic Droppers(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Minecart Track
- Mini Volcano(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Large(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pin Flags(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pin Wheel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Plate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Platforms
- Planter Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Team(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Potted Trees(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lava Plants(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal Plants(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Presents
- Party Present(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Relics(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rock Golem Head(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Seashells(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Seaweed Planter
- Ship in a Bottle
- Silly Tied Balloons(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silly Tied Bundle of Balloons(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vases
- Animal skins(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Catacomb
- Compass Rose
- Hanging Skeleton
- Holly(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Life Preserver
- Living Fire Blocks(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Paintings
- Racks(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Weapon Rack(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Item Frame(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ropes
- Ship's Wheel
- Trophies
- Treasure Map
- Wall Anchor
- Wall Skeleton
- Wooden Beam
- Grandfather Clocks
- Sign
- Tattered Wood Sign(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Announcement Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tombstone
- Target Dummy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ammo Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bewitching Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal Ball
- Slice of Cake(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sharpening Station(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- War Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Enemy Banners
- Bast Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sunflower
- Campfires
- Fireplace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Heart Lantern
- Star in a Bottle
- Water Candle
- Peace Candle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shadow Candle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Clay Pot
- Enchanted Sundial(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Enchanted Moondial(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lihzahrd Altar
- Eternia Crystal Stand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Land Mine
- TNT Barrel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pigronata(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Snowball Launcher
- Cannon
- Bunny Cannon
- Confetti Cannon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Portal Gun Station(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Boulder
- Bouncy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Life Crystal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rolling Cactus(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gem Locks(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Trapped Chests(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Arrow Signs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Drum Set(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golf Tee(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Weather Vane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Doors
- Tall Gate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Trap Door(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Music Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Monoliths(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Echo Chamber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Water Fountains
- Chimney(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bubble Machine
- Fireworks Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Firework Fountain(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Firework Rockets
- Fog Machine(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Party Center(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silly Balloon Machine(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Functional Statues
- Lever
- Switch
- Detonator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pressure Plates
- Timers
- Actuator
- Wire Bulb(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Junction Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Explosives
- Pumps
- Teleporter
- Sensor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Geyser(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pixel Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Antlion Eggs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bee Hive(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Coin Stashes
- Crimson Heart
- Fallen Log(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Larva
- Mushrooms
- Plantera's Bulb
- Plants
- Strange Plants(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pot
- Shadow Orb
- Tree
- Other
- Boots of Ostara(3DS version)
- Empty Bucket
- Diving Helmet
- Flinx Fur Coat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gi(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Goggles
- Moon Lord Legs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Night Vision Helmet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ultrabright Helmet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Viking Helmet
- Angler
- Bee(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Cactus
- Snow
- Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gladiator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jungle
- Mining
- Necro
- Ninja(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Obsidian(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pumpkin
- Rain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cobalt
- Palladium
- Mythril
- Orichalcum
- Adamantite
- Titanium
- Hallowed
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chlorophyte
- Djinn's Curse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crystal Assassin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frost
- Forbidden(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spider(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Turtle
- Apprentice(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Huntress(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Monk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Squire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dragon(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Titan(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Spectral(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Beetle
- Tiki
- Shroomite
- Spectre
- Spooky
- Dark Artist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Red Riding(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shinobi Infiltrator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Valhalla Knight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Vortex(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Nebula(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stardust(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Solar Flare(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aglet
- Anklet of the Wind
- Magiluminescence(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Footwear
- Amphibian(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dunerider(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fairy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flurry
- Frostspark
- Hellfire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hermes
- Lightning
- Sailfish(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spectre
- Tabi
- Terraspark(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Panic Necklace
- Sweetheart Necklace
- Balloons
- Amber Horseshoe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pufferfish(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Blizzard
- Blue Horseshoe
- Bundle
- Bundle of Horseshoe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cloud
- Fart
- Green Horseshoe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honey
- Pink Horseshoe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sandstorm
- Sharkron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shiny Red
- White Horseshoe
- Yellow Horseshoe
- Boots
- Amphibian(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fairy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frostspark
- Hellfire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lightning
- Rocket
- Spectre
- Terraspark(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Bottles
- Flying Carpet
- Frog Leg
- Soaring Insignia(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wings (All Types)
- Hoverboard
- Celestial Starboard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Diving Gear
- Flipper
- Frog(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Inner Tube(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Neptune's Shell
- Water Walking Boots
- Climbing Claws
- Gravity Globe(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ice Skates
- Lucky Horseshoe
- Master Ninja Gear
- Obsidian Rose
- Obsidian Skull Rose(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Molten Skull Rose(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shoe Spikes
- Tiger Climbing Gear
- Frog Webbing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frog Gear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Watches(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Compass(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Depth Meter
- GPS(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Fisherman's Pocket Guide(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Weather Radio(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sextant(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fish Finder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Metal Detector(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Stopwatch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- DPS Meter(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Goblin Tech(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tally Counter(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lifeform Analyzer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Radar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- R.E.K. 3000(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- PDA(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ruler(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Mechanical Ruler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mechanical Lens(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient Chisel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Extendo Grip(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Toolbelt(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Toolbox(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Brick Layer(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Portable Cement Mixer(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Paint Sprayer(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Architect Gizmo Pack(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Presserator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spectre Goggles(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hand Of Creation(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- FPV Goggles(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Angler Earring
- Angler Tackle Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lavaproof(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fishing Bobbers(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Regular(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lava Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Krypton Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Xenon Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Argon Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Neon Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Helium Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- High Test Fishing Line
- Lavaproof Fishing Hook(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Tackle Box
- Guide Voodoo Doll
- Clothier Voodoo Doll
- Discount Card
- Flame Waker Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Flower Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gold Ring(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Golf Balls(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Guide to Plant Fiber Cordage(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jellyfish Necklace
- Lucky Coin
- Music Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Radio Thing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Step Stool(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Treasure Magnet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Arkhalis' Lightwings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cenx's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Crowno's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- D-Town's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- FoodBarbarian's Tattered Dragon Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ghostar's Infinity Eight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Grox The Great's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jim's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lazure's Barrier Platform(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Leinfors' Luxury Shampoo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Leinfors' Prehensile Cloak(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Loki's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Red's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Safeman's Blanket Cape(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Skiphs' Paws(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Will's Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Yoraiz0r's Scowl(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Yoraiz0r's Spell(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Feral Claws
- Magma Stone
- Titan Glove
- Berserker's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fire
- Mechanical
- Power
- Warrior Emblem
- Celestial Emblem(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Sorcerer Emblem
- Hercules Beetle
- Necromantic Scroll
- Papyrus Scarab
- Pygmy Necklace
- Summoner Emblem(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Apprentice's Scarf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Huntress's Buckler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Monk's Belt(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Squire's Shield(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Counterweight(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- String(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Yoyo Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Yoyo Glove(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Avenger Emblem
- Bee Cloak
- Bone Helm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Celestial Shell(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Celestial Stone
- Destroyer Emblem
- Eye of the Golem
- Hive Pack(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Honey Comb
- Moon Charm
- Moon Shell
- Moon Stone
- Putrid Scent(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shark Tooth Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shield of Cthulhu(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Spore Sac(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Star Cloak
- Stinger Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Sun Stone
- Volatile Gelatin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Adhesive Bandage
- Ankh Charm
- Ankh Shield
- Armor Bracing
- Armor Polish
- Bezoar
- Blindfold
- Countercurse Mantra
- Fast Clock
- Hand Warmer(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Medicated Bandage
- Megaphone
- Nazar
- Obsidian Skull
- Magma(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pocket Mirror(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Reflective Shades(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Plan
- Trifold Map
- Vitamins
- Black Belt
- Brain of Confusion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chromatic Cloak(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cross Necklace
- Flesh Knuckles(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Frozen Turtle Shell
- Lava Charm
- Molten(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Royal Gel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Shackle
- Shields
- Star Veil
- Worm Scarf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Band of Regeneration
- Charm of Myths
- Philosopher's Stone
- Shiny Stone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Valentine Ring(3DS version)
- Band of Starpower
- Celestial Magnet(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Magic Cuffs
- Celestial(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Mana Cloak(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mana Flower
- Mana Regeneration Band
- Nature's Gift
- Balla Hat
- Beanie
- Boss Mask
- Bunny Hood
- Demon Horns(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Devil Horns(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Engineering Helmet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Eyebrella(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fake Unicorn Horn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fedora(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fez(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Fish Bowls
- Gangsta Hat
- Garland(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Giant Bow
- Goblorc Ears(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gold Crown
- Green Cap
- Guy Fawkes Mask
- Heart Hairpin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- HiTek Sunglasses(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jack 'O Lantern Mask
- Jim's Cap(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mime Mask
- Moon Mask(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mushroom Cap
- Panda Ears(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Party Hat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Peddler's Hat(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Rabbit Perch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Reindeer Antlers(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Red Hat(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Robot Hat
- Rock Golem Head(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Skull
- Snow Hat(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Star Hairpin(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Summer Hat
- Sunglasses
- Sun Mask(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- SWAT Helmet
- Tam O' Shanter
- Umbrella Hat
- Vulkelf Ears(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dead Man's Sweater(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Kimono(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Robe
- Ugly Sweater(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Ancient(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Archaeologist's
- Bee
- Bunny(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Chef(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Clown
- Country Club(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cowboy
- Cultist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dog(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Familiar
- Firestarter's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fish Costume
- Fox(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Funeral(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Gentleman's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Graduation
- Gravedigger(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hero's
- Lamia(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Lizard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Maid(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pink(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Master Gamer's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Mermaid
- Mummy
- Mushroom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Ninja(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
- Pharaoh's
- Plumber's
- Pretty Pink(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Prince(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Princess
- Raynebro's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Royal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rune
- Star Princess(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Superhero(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Victorian Goth(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- The Doctor's
- Monokuma
- Shiren
- Monomi
- Toro's
- Mythical
- Horned God(Old-gen console version)
- Clothier's
- Cyborg
- Dryad
- Dye Trader's(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Nurse
- Pirate
- Steampunk
- Tax Collector's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wizard's Hat
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Silly Sunflower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Butcher's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dr. Man Fly(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Martian Costume(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Martian Uniform(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Badger's Hat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Pedguin's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- 0x33's Aviators(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Dizzy's Rare Gecko Chester(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Plaguebringer's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Wandering(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Timeless Traveler's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Floret Protector(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Capricorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- TV Head(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Aaron's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Arkhalis's
- Cenx's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Jungle Rose
- Winter Cape(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Mysterious Cape(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Red Cape(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Crimson Cloak(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Hunter Cloak(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Angel Halo(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Ginger Beard(Desktop, Console, Mobile and 3DS versions)
- Diamond Ring(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- Bundled Party Balloons(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Balloon Animal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Critter Shampoo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Rainbow Cursor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Royal Scepter(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Glass Slipper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Monoliths(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Echo Chamber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)