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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
EntitySpecial dropRate
SteampunkerSteampunker.pngSteampunkerIvyIvy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(Only if name is Whitney)100%

The Ivy is a novelty instrument. It will always drop from the Steampunker, but only when her name is Whitney. When used, the player strums a chord depending on how far the cursor is from the player.


  • (Desktop version) The required NPC names are hard-coded strings when checking condition for name-based NPC drops.[1] As a result, the game's translation and Resource Packs both affect name-based item drops: Ivy cannot drop from the Steampunker if the name Whitney is translated or changed to something else; if a Resource Pack changes any of the applicable names of Steampunker to Whitney, she will drop Ivy when that name is chosen.
  • This content is transcluded from NPCs/dropnote.Since town NPCs cannot be damaged by players normally, external damage sources must be used to obtain this item. The Flymeal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is one of the easiest options; other effective options include traps, lava, drowning, Boulders or Rolling Cacti(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), enemies, Explosive Bunnies, Land Mines, or the Halloween-exclusive Rotten Eggs (in tandem with Frost armor).


  • This content is transcluded from Instruments/Guitar chords.In order from closest to furthest away from the player, the chords played are as follows: G majorA minorB minorC majorD majorE minor. When the item is selected in the hotbar, the chord the instrument will currently play will be displayed underneath the cursor.
  • The name Whitney is a reference to Whitney "Cenx" Spinks, the lead developer of Terraria and wife of Redigit.
  • It is one of the only three items dropped by NPCs with special names, the others being the Green Cap, which is dropped by a Guide named Andrew, and Jim's Cap, which is dropped by a Painter named Jim.
  • The tooltip is a reference to Redigit's and Cenx's band, Dead Man's Sweater.[2]

See also


  • Desktop 1.4.4: Changed the guitar chords from (closest to furthest) A minor – G major – E minor – D major – C major – F major to G major – A minor – B minor – C major – D major – E minor.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method RegisterTownNPCDrops() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs.
  2. My best friend plays drums. Our band is Dead Man's Sweater. We are horrible. (archived from the original on 10 Mar 2024, 19:45:10 UTC) April 19, 2020
    Context: @Cennxx: "The backside of our office. :)" (archived from the original on 10 Mar 2024, 20:27:57 UTC)@pinheadpatt: "That big painting is awesome! Which one you guys play the guitar?" – @Cennxx: "Both." (archived from the original on 10 Mar 2024, 20:22:56 UTC)