Ivy Chest

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Ivy Chest
  • Ivy Chest item spriteold Ivy Chest item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Placeable✔️ (2 wide × 2 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Sell10 SC
Research1 required

The Ivy Chest is a chest storage item found only in Jungle Shrines and Living Mahogany Trees in the Underground Jungle.


Each Ivy Chest will always contain one primary item, and can potentially contain multiple secondary items, or none at all. Besides one of the items listed here, they will also contain common items depending on the height they were found: Underground or Caverns.

Primary items (only one)
Feral ClawsFeral Claws121.72% (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
23.68% (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Anklet of the WindAnklet of the Wind121.72% (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
23.68% (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Staff of RegrowthStaff of Regrowth121.72% (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
23.68% (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
BoomstickBoomstick121.72% (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
23.68% (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Flower BootsFlower Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)14.57%
Fiberglass Fishing PoleFiberglass Fishing Pole16.53% (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
3.27% (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Secondary items
Living Mahogany WandLiving Mahogany Wand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
+ Rich Mahogany Leaf WandRich Mahogany Leaf Wand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
11/6 (16.67%)
Bee MinecartBee Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/10 (10%)
Honey DispenserHoney Dispenser(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)11/4 (25%)
Wolf FangWolf Fang(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)1??%
Vial of BloodVial of Blood(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)1??%


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Trapped Ivy ChestTrapped Ivy Chest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Heavy Work BenchHeavy Work Bench(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)


  • Desktop 1.4.1: Chance to contain the Fiberglass Fishing Pole increased from 3.27% to 6.53%.