Lizard Egg

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Lizard Egg
  • Lizard Egg item spriteold Lizard Egg item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Use time20 (Very fast)
TooltipSummons a Pet Lizard
RarityRarity level: 3
Sell2 GC
Research1 required
Grants Buff
BuffPet LizardPet Lizard
Buff tooltipChillin' like a reptilian
Summons Pet
  • Pet Lizard
    Pet Lizard
Pet Lizard (flying).gif
The Pet Lizard flying with wings.
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Flying SnakeFlying Snake.gifFlying Snake10.1%

The Lizard Egg is a pet-summoning item that spawns a Pet Lizard that follows the player. When the player is far enough away or in midair, the Pet Lizard will sprout wings like those of a Flying Snake to catch up with the player. The Lizard Egg has a 1/1000 (0.1%) chance of being dropped by Flying Snakes and Lihzahrds in the Jungle Temple.


  • Despite the fact that the egg hatches into a Lizard, it is still dropped by Flying Snakes.
  • The name being spelled as "Lizard" (like the real-world creature) could be referencing the strange spelling of "Lihzahrd".
  • The Pet Lizard's buff tooltip, "Chillin' like a reptilian", could be a combination of references to the phrase "chillin' like a villain" and the fact that lizards are reptiles.
  • The Pet Lizard appears to resemble a green iguana, a large, real-world lizard that is often kept as a pet due to its docile nature (see green iguana in captivity).
