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  • Muramasa item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage24 (Melee)
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time18 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 2
Sell1 GC75 SC
Research1 required
Projectile created
  • Muramasa
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Gold ChestGold ChestGold Chest11/7 (14.29%)
Golden Lock Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Golden Lock BoxGolden Lock Box(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/7 (14.29%)
The Muramasa being used to attack Skeletons. Notice the blue slashes dealing extra damage.

The Muramasa is a pre-Hardmode, post-Skeletron sword that has a slightly longer reach than the Phaseblade and has a fast attack speed. It is also one of the few autoswing swords that can be found during pre-Hardmode. When swung, it emits a small amount of blue light. Striking an enemy with the Muramasa will generate a blue slash projectile from a random direction, hitting the enemy for 50% of the weapon's damage (12 base damage).[1] The smaller slashes also have 5 armor penetration.[2] The Muramasa has a 1/7 (14.29%) chance of being obtained from the Locked Gold Chests found in the Dungeon, as well as a 1/7 (14.29%) chance of being obtained from Golden Lock Boxes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).

The Muramasa is one of the key ingredients in crafting the Night's Edge.

Its best modifier is Legendary.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Night's EdgeNight's EdgeDemon AltarDemon Altar
Crimson AltarCrimson Altar


  • This weapon is useful early on when dealing with large groups of enemies due to its autoswing.
  • The Muramasa has a higher DPS than the Night's Edge, but its much shorter range makes the Night's Edge the superior choice for most players.
  • The fast attack speed of the Muramasa can be enhanced even further by equipping Feral Claws, along with the Well Fed and Tipsy buffs, making it a very viable weapon up until Hardmode.
  • It swings even faster than the Night's Edge, but its relatively weak knockback makes it a poor choice against most enemies if not backed up by melee speed enhancements.
  • Its long reach and fast speed make it effective for battling flying enemies like Demon Eyes, Cave Bats, and Demons.
  • If the first Chest generated inside of the Dungeon is not a Wooden Chest, it will usually contain the Muramasa.[3]


  • The Muramasa is named after a famous swordsmith of the same name who lived in 16th-century Japan. In lore and popular culture from the 18th century, Muramasa swords have been often depicted as demonic cursed blades that create bloodlust in those who wield them.
  • Other Muramasa swords also appear in many other video games, such as Final Fantasy.
  • The Muramasa is one of the few pre-Hardmode melee weapons that has autoswing.
  • When Terraria was first released, the Muramasa was the most powerful weapon in the game; its high attack speed combined with its knockback made it nearly impossible for enemies in front of the player to come close. This lasted until 1.0.5 (when its damage and knockback were reduced) or 1.0.6 (when the ability to equip more than one pair of Feral Claws was removed).
  • The official changelog for 1.4.1 includes the phrase "How ya doin' Muramasa?" in the header for the weapon's section.[4] This is a reference to a video of the same title by YouTuber Hectique, in which he criticizes the weapon's comparatively low damage buff in[5]


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Added a projectile that spawns when hitting an enemy.
    • Damage reduced from 26 to 24.
    • Sprite updated. Old sprite was Muramasa (pre-1.4.4).png.
  • Desktop 1.4.1:
    • Damage increased from 21 to 26.
    • Knockback increased from 2.5 to 3.
  • Desktop
    • Damage increased from 19 to 21.
    • Sell value increased from 54 SC to 1 GC75 SC.
  • Desktop
    • Damage increased from 18 to 19.
    • Knockback increased from 1 to 2.5.
    • Use time reduced from 20 to 18.
  • Desktop 1.0.5:
    • Damage reduced from 22 to 18.
    • Knockback reduced from 3 to 1.
  • Console 1.0.750.0: (PlayStation 4)
    • Sprite updated to the Desktop 1.3.1 sprite.
    • Damage increased from 18 to 19.
    • Knockback increased from 1 to 2.5.
    • Use time reduced from 19 to 17.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with the stats of Desktop 1.0.5 and Desktop 1.2 sprite.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method ApplyNPCOnHitEffects() in Terraria.Player.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  3. See Dungeon § Notes for details.
  4. 1.4.1 Summary and Changelog
  5. How ya doin' Muramasa? - YouTube May 16, 2020