Night's Edge

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Night's Edge
  • Night's Edge item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage40 (Melee)
Knockback4.5 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time25 (Fast)
RarityRarity level: 3
Sell4 GC
Research1 required
Projectile created
  • Night's Edge
    Night's Edge
For an extensive guide to crafting this item, see Guide:Crafting a Night's Edge.
Animation of the Night's Edge.

The Night's Edge is a pre-Hardmode, post-Skeletron sword. When swung, it emits fire-like purple particles, similar to the swords used in crafting it, but the effect is more subtle and does not last as long. It is notable for having, on par with the Volcano, the highest base damage of a sword available before entering Hardmode.

A purple aura comes off of the Night's Edge when swung, following the swing and increasing the range at which it can hit enemies. Another aura swings around a second time on its own, further increasing range and even covering behind the player. Both auras can hit up to 2 targets, and a single target cannot be hit by both auras. The auras can break Pots through walls, but cannot damage enemies there. A purple flash visual effect is created when striking an enemy. The Night's Edge is also capable of autoswing.

Once in Hardmode, the Night's Edge can be upgraded into the True Night's Edge.

Its best modifier is Legendary.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Night's EdgeNight's EdgeDemon AltarDemon Altar
Crimson AltarCrimson Altar

Crafting tree

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
True Night's EdgeTrue Night's Edge
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil


  • Because the Night's Edge requires the Muramasa, which is obtained in the Dungeon, it is only obtainable after Skeletron has been defeated.


  • Its components net 3 GC10 SC in total when sold, while the sword itself nets 4 GC (29.03% more) when sold.
  • In a drunk world, a Locked Gold Chest is almost always generated above the level at which Dungeon Guardians spawn, and it will always contain a Muramasa. Therefore, it is possible to obtain the Night's Edge before defeating Skeletron.
    • Although Dungeon enemies do not drop loot before defeating Skeletron in Get fixed boi worlds, it is still possible to scout the Dungeon from the outside for a normal Chest or Pot generated inside, then break in using a Molten Pickaxe and obtain a Golden Key from it.


  • Before the 1.1 update, the Night's Edge was the strongest sword in the game, although it has been dethroned since. Nonetheless, it is still the strongest pre-Hardmode sword.
  • The four swords used to craft it all represent a major difficult pre-Hardmode biome: The Blade of Grass represents the Jungle, the Muramasa the Dungeon, the Volcano The Underworld, and the Light's Bane/Blood Butcherer represents the evil biome.
  • The sword's particles also contain all of the ones from the swords it is made from: Muramasa (upright cross), Volcano (diagonal cross), Blade of Grass (small bubbles), and Light's Bane/Blood Butcherer (large bubbles).
  • The Night's Edge is available as a real-life toy, produced by Jazwares.[1]
  • The Night's Edge appears in Dungeon Defenders 2 as the Phantom Edge.

See also


  • Desktop
    • Damage reduced from 42 to 40.
    • Use time increased from 21 to 25.
    • Projectile now only hits up to 2 targets instead of 3. As the swing actually has 2 projectiles (each of which have their own pierce counter), this is a reduction from 6 to 4 maximum possible hits per swing.
    • Range of the extended portion of the swing has been slightly reduced.
  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Now emits auras around the blade when swinging, increasing the effective range and damage.
    • Melee swing now only hits up to 3 targets per swing.
  • Desktop 1.4.1:
    • Use time decreased from 27 to 21.
    • Can now autoswing.
  • Desktop 1.0.6:
    • Sprite updated. Previous sprite was Night's Edge (pre-1.0.6).png.
    • Damage increased from 40 to 42.
    • Attack speed increased from very slow to average.
  • Console 1.02:
    • Now used in the crafting of the True Night's Edge.
    • The Blood Butcherer can now be used instead of Light's Bane in its crafting recipe.
    • Sell value increased from 54 SC to 1 GC8 SC.
  • Mobile 1.2.11212:
    • Now used in the crafting of the True Night's Edge.
    • The Blood Butcherer can now be used instead of Light's Bane in its crafting recipe.
    • Sell value increased from 54 SC to 1 GC8 SC.
  • Mobile-Release: Introduced with sprites and mechanics from Desktop 1.0.6.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with sprites, recipes, and mechanics from Desktop 1.2.
