Palladium Drill

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Palladium Drill
  • Palladium Drill item spriteold Palladium Drill item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
  • Pickaxe mask.png 130%
  • Hammer mask.png 0%
  • Axe mask.png 0%
Damage12 (Melee)
Knockback0.5 (Extremely weak) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 0 (No knockback) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Bonus-1 range
Critical chance4%
Use time15 (Very fast)
Tool speed7
Tooltip(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) Can mine Mythril and Orichalcum
(3DS version) Can mine Mythril, Orichalcum, Adamantite, and Titanium
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC44 SC
Research1 required
Projectile created
  • Palladium Drill
    Palladium Drill

The Palladium Drill is a Hardmode drill, and is the drill alternative to the Palladium Pickaxe. In comparison to the Palladium Pickaxe, the drill is faster. But, unlike pickaxes, drills cannot be reforged with speed modifiers and are not boosted by Mining Speed bonuses.

The Palladium Drill can mine any block with the exception of Adamantite Ore, Titanium Ore, Chlorophyte Ore, and Lihzahrd Bricks. It is capable of mining Adamantite Ore and Titanium Ore on the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version.

(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Its best modifier is Godly or Demonic. Both modifiers increase the average damage output by the same amount. However, Ruthless might be preferred if the player already has very high critical strike chance.

(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Its best modifier is Demonic, as it does not have any knockback and thus cannot get modifiers that affect it, and furthermore cannot get modifiers that affect its speed, either.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Palladium DrillPalladium DrillIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil


  • Desktop 1.4.4: Now has a token amount of knockback to obtain better modifiers.
  • Desktop
    • Sprite updated.
    • All drills and chainsaws now dig faster than their non-mechanical counterparts, but have shorter range.
    • Use time decreased from 24 to 15.
    • Tool speed decreased from 11 to 7.
    • Range decreased from 0 to -1.
  • Desktop Tooltip updated to reflect 1.2.3's change. Old tooltip read “Can mine Mythril, Orichalcum, Adamantite and Titanium”.
  • Console 1.06:
    • Now unable to mine Adamantite and Titanium.
    • Updated tooltip to match Desktop
  • Mobile
    • Now unable to mine Adamantite and Titanium.
    • Updated tooltip to match Desktop