Palladium armor

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Palladium armor
  • Palladium armor equipped (male)old Palladium armor item sprite
  • Palladium armor equipped (female)
Stack digit 1.png
DefensePalladium Mask : 32 / Palladium Helmet : 23 / Palladium Headgear : 21 (set)
Set BonusGreatly increases life regeneration after striking an enemy
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell3 GC60 SC (set)
Grants Buff
BuffRapid HealingRapid Healing
Buff tooltipLife regeneration is greatly increased
Duration5 seconds (after hitting an enemy)

Palladium armor is a Hardmode armor set crafted from Palladium Bars and is the alternative to Cobalt armor.

The set consists of the Palladium Breastplate and Palladium Leggings, as well as three different headpiece variants: the Palladium Mask, Palladium Helmet, and Palladium Headgear, geared towards melee, ranged, and magic damage respectively.

With the full set equipped, hitting an enemy grants the Rapid Healing buff, which heals (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 2 / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 3 health per second. This lasts for 5 seconds, but can be canceled at any time by right-clicking the icon (Desktop version), by selecting the icon using Cycle Next/Previous Buff and then pressing Remove Buff (Console version), by selecting the icon and canceling it in the equipment menu (Old-gen console version), by double-tapping the buff icon (Mobile version), or by canceling the buff from the buffs screen (Nintendo 3DS version). Further attacks will refresh the duration. The buff is not canceled if the armor is removed.

Crafting a one-headpiece set requires 54 Palladium Bars, or 162 Palladium Ore. Crafting all five pieces requires 78 Palladium Bars, or 234 Palladium Ore.


Palladium Breastplate
  • Palladium Breastplate item spriteold Palladium Breastplate item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotShirt
Tooltip3% increased damage
2% increased critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC20 SC
Research1 required
Palladium Leggings
  • Palladium Leggings item spriteold Palladium Leggings item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotPants
Tooltip2% increased damage
1% increased critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell90 SC
Research1 required

Helmet variants

Palladium Mask
  • Palladium Mask item spriteold Palladium Mask item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip12% increased melee damage
12% increased melee speed
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC50 SC
Research1 required
Palladium Helmet
  • Palladium Helmet item spriteold Palladium Helmet item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip9% increased ranged damage
9% increased ranged critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC50 SC
Research1 required
Palladium Headgear
  • Palladium Headgear item spriteold Palladium Headgear item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip9% increased magic damage and critical strike chance
Increases maximum mana by 60
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC50 SC
Research1 required



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Palladium BreastplatePalladium BreastplateIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Palladium HeadgearPalladium Headgear
Palladium HelmetPalladium Helmet
Palladium LeggingsPalladium Leggings
Palladium MaskPalladium Mask


  • The set bonus allows regeneration while afflicted with the Bleeding debuff.
  • The buff can be triggered with the player's minions' attacks, and can be triggered when attacking critters or Target Dummies.


  • While not the largest or quickest heal, it can be useful for the beginning of Hardmode, especially when used with ranged weapons, to safely regenerate from a distance.
  • In comparison to the melee version of Adamantite armor, the melee Palladium armor is still valuable. It grants 18 less defense than the Adamantite armor, so the player will take 9 / 14 / 18 more damage. Therefore, as long as they get hit less often than every 4.5 / 7 / 9 seconds (the time needed to heal the damage the Adamantite armor would have prevented), the player's survivability is greater with Palladium armor.
  • The Squire armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can be considered an upgrade to Palladium armor, as the Squire's Great Helm provides a constant 2 HP/sec regeneration. Later on, the Valhalla Knight armor's breastplate provides 4 HP/sec regeneration.
  • The Rapid Healing buff stacks additively with the Life Drain's buff.


  • Desktop 1.4.1:
    • Reduced the potency of the healing set bonus from 6 to 4.
    • Palladium Mask melee damage bonus increased from 8% to 12%.
    • Palladium Headgear magic damage bonus increased from 7% to 9%.
    • Palladium Headgear magic critical strike chance increased from 7% to 9%.
  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Required bars increased from 10 to 12 for each of the headpieces.
    • Required bars increased from 20 to 24 for the Palladium Breastplate.
    • Required bars increased from 15 to 18 for the Palladium Leggings.