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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
  • Plate item sprite
  • Plate placed
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Placeable✔️ (1 wide × 1 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipRight click to place item on plate
RarityRarity level: 0
Sell30 CC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 4326 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Tile ID: 520

The Plate is a decorative furniture item that can be placed. Once placed, food can be placed onto or removed from the Plate by pressing Open / Activate.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
PlatePlate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)FurnaceFurnace

Placed food items

Food item Placed

AleAle Ale

AppleApple Apple

Apple JuiceApple Juice Apple Juice

Apple PieApple Pie Apple Pie

ApricotApricot Apricot

BaconBacon Bacon

BananaBanana Banana

Banana SplitBanana Split Banana Split

BBQ RibsBBQ Ribs BBQ Ribs

BlackcurrantBlackcurrant Blackcurrant

Blood OrangeBlood Orange Blood Orange

Bloody MoscatoBloody Moscato Bloody Moscato

Bowl of SoupBowl of Soup Bowl of Soup

Bunny StewBunny Stew Bunny Stew

BurgerBurger Burger

Carton of MilkCarton of Milk Carton of Milk

CherryCherry Cherry

Chicken NuggetChicken Nugget Chicken Nugget

Chocolate Chip CookieChocolate Chip Cookie Chocolate Chip Cookie

Christmas PuddingChristmas Pudding Christmas Pudding

CoconutCoconut Coconut

CoffeeCoffee Coffee

Cooked FishCooked Fish Cooked Fish

Cooked MarshmallowCooked Marshmallow Cooked Marshmallow

Cooked ShrimpCooked Shrimp Cooked Shrimp

Cream SodaCream Soda Cream Soda

Dragon FruitDragon Fruit Dragon Fruit

EggnogEggnog Eggnog

ElderberryElderberry Elderberry

EscargotEscargot Escargot

Fried EggFried Egg Fried Egg

FriesFries Fries

Froggle BunwichFroggle Bunwich Froggle Bunwich

Frozen Banana DaiquiriFrozen Banana Daiquiri Frozen Banana Daiquiri

Fruit JuiceFruit Juice Fruit Juice

Fruit SaladFruit Salad Fruit Salad

Gingerbread CookieGingerbread Cookie Gingerbread Cookie

Golden DelightGolden Delight Golden Delight

Grape JuiceGrape Juice Grape Juice

GrapefruitGrapefruit Grapefruit

GrapesGrapes Grapes

Grilled SquirrelGrilled Squirrel Grilled Squirrel

Grub SoupGrub Soup Grub Soup

HotdogHotdog Hotdog

Ice CreamIce Cream Ice Cream

Joja ColaJoja Cola Joja Cola

LemonLemon Lemon

LemonadeLemonade Lemonade

Lobster TailLobster Tail Lobster Tail

MangoMango Mango

MarshmallowMarshmallow Marshmallow

MilkshakeMilkshake Milkshake

Monster LasagnaMonster Lasagna Monster Lasagna

NachosNachos Nachos

Pad ThaiPad Thai Pad Thai

PeachPeach Peach

Peach SangriaPeach Sangria Peach Sangria

PhoPho Pho

PineapplePineapple Pineapple

PizzaPizza Pizza

Piña ColadaPiña Colada Piña Colada

PlumPlum Plum

PomegranatePomegranate Pomegranate

Potato ChipsPotato Chips Potato Chips

Prismatic PunchPrismatic Punch Prismatic Punch

Pumpkin PiePumpkin Pie Pumpkin Pie

RambutanRambutan Rambutan

Roasted BirdRoasted Bird Roasted Bird

Roasted DuckRoasted Duck Roasted Duck

SakeSake Sake

SashimiSashimi Sashimi

Sauteed Frog LegsSauteed Frog Legs Sauteed Frog Legs

Seafood DinnerSeafood Dinner Seafood Dinner

Shrimp Po' BoyShrimp Po' Boy Shrimp Po' Boy

Shucked OysterShucked Oyster Shucked Oyster

Smoothie of DarknessSmoothie of Darkness Smoothie of Darkness

SpaghettiSpaghetti Spaghetti

Spicy PepperSpicy Pepper Spicy Pepper

Star FruitStar Fruit Star Fruit

SteakSteak Steak

Sugar CookieSugar Cookie Sugar Cookie

TeacupTeacup Teacup

Tropical SmoothieTropical Smoothie Tropical Smoothie

