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Naturally generated
Naturally generated
The content described on this page is only generated naturally and therefore cannot be collected.
  • Pot placed graphic old Pot placed graphic
Stack digit 1.png
Coin Portal in the Underworld
This article is about the naturally-generated pots, broken upon contact with weapons. For the craftable pots, see Clay Pot and Cooking Pot.

Pots are common items generated at world creation in random areas. When broken with any weapon or tool, they will drop coins and/or random common items. Pots cannot be picked up, never respawn, and cannot be crafted, even with Ecto Mist.

Upon breaking

Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version

Upon breaking a Pot, the game follows the process below to decide what happens:[1]

  • There is a small chance that a Coin Portal will spawn in place of the Pot's normal drops. A Coin Portal displays briefly as a floating circular effect, dispensing 5–15, one at a time, before disappearing. The chance of a portal spawning is based on the pot type and the closest player's luck.
Image Pot Type Chance of coin portal spawning
Forest Pots Forest Pots 1/500
Tundra Pots Tundra Pots 1/461
Jungle Pots Jungle Pots 1/400
Dungeon Pots Dungeon Pots 1/384
Underworld Pots Underworld Pots 1/365
Corruption Pots
Crimson Pots
Corruption/Crimson Pots 1/365
Spider Nest Pots Spider Nest Pots 1/272
Pyramid Pots Pyramid Pots 1/125
Lihzahrd Pots Lihzahrd Pots 1/250 (Hardmode) / 1/500 (pre-Hardmode)
Marble Pots Marble Cave Pots 1/375
Underground Desert Pots Underground Desert Pots 1/461
  • If it is in front of natural dungeon walls and below the surface level, there is a 1/35 (2.85%) to drop a Golden KeyGolden Key. If it drops, the process ends.
  • If the player is playing on the secret world seed for the worthy, there is a 1/6 chance the pot will drop a lit bomb. If this happens, the process ends.
  • If the player is playing on the secret world seed don't dig up, there is a 1/5 chance that a Fallen StarFallen Star will spawn. Half of the time this will be as an item, and the other half it will be within a slime. If the pot is in the underworld, it will always drop a star instead. If this happens, the process ends.
    • If the pot is within the "safe area" of the underworld (here up to 20 blocks above the underworld and within the center 26% of the world), if a star fails to drop, the pot will always drop 20–40 RopeRope.
  • 1/45 (2/45) chance to drop a potion. If a potion drops, the process ends. The possible types of potions vary with depth:
Surface Underground Cavern Underworld

Ironskin PotionIronskin Potion (1/10)

Shine PotionShine Potion (1/10)

Night Owl PotionNight Owl Potion (1/10)

Swiftness PotionSwiftness Potion (1/10)

Mining PotionMining Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/10)

Calming PotionCalming Potion (1/10)

Builder PotionBuilder Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/10)

Recall PotionRecall Potion (3/10)

Regeneration PotionRegeneration Potion (1/11)

Shine PotionShine Potion (1/11)

Night Owl PotionNight Owl Potion (1/11)

Swiftness PotionSwiftness Potion (1/11)

Archery PotionArchery Potion (1/11)

Gills PotionGills Potion (1/11)

Hunter PotionHunter Potion (1/11)

Mining PotionMining Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/11)

Dangersense PotionDangersense Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/11)

Recall PotionRecall Potion (2/11)

Spelunker PotionSpelunker Potion (1/15)

Featherfall PotionFeatherfall Potion (1/15)

Night Owl PotionNight Owl Potion (1/15)

Water Walking PotionWater Walking Potion (2/15)

Archery PotionArchery Potion (1/15)

Gravitation PotionGravitation Potion (1/15)

Hunter PotionHunter Potion (1/15)

Invisibility PotionInvisibility Potion (1/15)

Thorns PotionThorns Potion (1/15)

Mining PotionMining Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/15)

Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion (1/15)

Flipper PotionFlipper Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/15)

Dangersense PotionDangersense Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/15)

Recall PotionRecall Potion (1/15)

Spelunker PotionSpelunker Potion (1/14)

Featherfall PotionFeatherfall Potion (1/14)

Mana Regeneration PotionMana Regeneration Potion (1/14)

Obsidian Skin PotionObsidian Skin Potion (1/14)

Magic Power PotionMagic Power Potion (1/14)

Invisibility PotionInvisibility Potion (1/14)

Hunter PotionHunter Potion (1/14)

Gravitation PotionGravitation Potion (1/14)

Thorns PotionThorns Potion (1/14)

Water Walking PotionWater Walking Potion (1/14)

Battle PotionBattle Potion (1/14)

Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion (1/14)

Titan PotionTitan Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) (1/14)

Potion of ReturnPotion of Return(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) (1/5) (May drop along with any of the potions above)

  • In multiplayer, there is 1/30 chance to drop 1 Wormhole PotionWormhole Potion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). If it drops, the process ends.
  • Generate a random number S from 0 to 6 (inclusive), then:
    • If S is 0: if the player closest to the pot is not full of health, drops 1 HeartHeart, and then 50% chance to drop 1 more. In Expert Mode, there will be 2 additional 50% chance of dropping 1 Heart. Therefore, in Expert Mode, there is a 1/8 chance to drop 1 Heart, a 3/8 chance to drop 2 Hearts, a 3/8 chance to drop 3 Hearts, and a 1/8 chance to drop 4 Hearts.
      • If the closest player is at full health, but has less than 20 torches of any kind: drop torches.
      • Otherwise, drop money, as below.
    • If S is 1: drop torches, as per the table below. Note that if the pot is in a liquid, the torches will instead be replaced with GlowstickGlowsticks. If the pot is a Tundra Pot, it will drop Sticky GlowstickSticky Glowsticks instead.
Pot Type / Pot Location Torch Type Amount
n/a / Hallow Hallowed TorchHallowed Torch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 4–12 (5–18)
Corruption Pots / Corruption Corrupt TorchCorrupt Torch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 4–12 (5–18)
Crimson Pots / Crimson Crimson TorchCrimson Torch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 4–12 (5–18)
Jungle Pots / n/a Jungle TorchJungle Torch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 4–12 (5–18)
Tundra Pots / n/a Ice TorchIce Torch 2–6 (3–12)
Underground Desert Pots / n/a Desert TorchDesert Torch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 4–12 (5–18)
    • If S is 2: Drops 10–20 ammo. The default type is Wooden ArrowWooden Arrow. If in Surface layer or Underground layer, there is a 50% chance it will be replaced by ShurikenShuriken(pre-Hardmode) / GrenadeGrenade(Hardmode). Then, if in Underworld, it will be replaced by Hellfire ArrowHellfire Arrow, otherwise, in Hardmode, it will be replaced by Unholy ArrowUnholy Arrow or Silver BulletSilver Bullet (in worlds with silver) / Tungsten BulletTungsten Bullet(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) (in worlds with tungsten) (50% chance for either Arrow or Bullet).
    • If S is 3: Drops 1 Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potion or Healing PotionHealing Potion (when in Underworld or in Hardmode). In Expert Mode, there will be 1/3 chance to drop 1 more.
    • If S is 4: if the pot is a Desert Pot, drop 1–4 (1–7) Scarab BombScarab Bombs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
      • Otherwise, if the pot is above the Underworld, drop 1–4 (1–7) ordinary BombBombs.
      • Otherwise, try dropping ropes.
    • If S is 5: if not in Underworld layer and not in Hardmode, drops 20–40 RopeRopes.
      • Otherwise, drop money.
    • If all else fails, the pot drops money. The value is heavily influenced by location and the kind of pot broken. All pots start off dropping 80 CC to 3 SC60 CC, and the game applies the bonuses below to get the total money dropped.
Criteria Money Modifier
Pot is on the surface 50%
Pot is above the cavern layer 75%
Pot is in the bottom 250 tiles of the world. 125%
25% chance 105% - 110%
12.5% chance 110% - 120%
8.33% chance 120% - 140%
6.25% chance 140% - 180%
5% chance 150% - 200%
Expert Mode 250%
Expert Mode and 25% chance 125%
Expert Mode and 33.33% chance 150%
Expert Mode and 25% chance 175%
Repeat this step for each of the following defeated: Eye of Cthulhu, Eater of Worlds / Brain of Cthulhu, Skeletron, The Destroyer, The Twins, Skeletron Prime, Plantera, Queen Bee, Golem, Pirate Invasion, Goblin Invasion, Frost Legion 110%
Image Pot Type Money Modifier
Forest Pots Forest Pots 100%
Tundra Pots Tundra Pots 125%
Jungle Pots Jungle Pots 175%
Dungeon Pots Dungeon Pots 190%
Underworld Pots Underworld Pots 210%
Corruption Pots
Crimson Pots
Corruption/Crimson Pots 160%
Spider Nest Pots Spider Nest Pots 350%
Pyramid Pots Pyramid Pots 1000%
Lihzahrd Pots Lihzahrd Pots 400% (Hardmode) / 100% (pre-Hardmode)
Marble Pots Marble Cave Pots 200%
Underground Desert Pots Underground Desert Pots 125%


  • The amount of items dropped is higher in Expert Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
  • Wormhole Potions drop only in multiplayer.
  • Pots' distribution in the different layers is about the following: Surface 4%, Underground 20%, Cavern 62% and Underworld 14%.


  • The absolute least a pot can drop is 40 CC.
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) With all bosses and events defeated, an Expert Jungle Temple Pot in the Underworld layer can drop up to 28 GC2 SC69 CC.
    • However, through thorough calculations, despite Desert Pyramid pots being closer to the surface, the highest possible a pyramid pot can drop is 46 GC24 SC44 CC, easily doubling the previous competitor.
      • Even more so, if this insanely rare pot somehow managed to summon a gold portal, this would add 15 GC to it, totaling at 61 GC24 SC44 CC



  • Desktop
    • Introduced Coin Portals.
    • Pots now drop more money based on the type of Pot and drop an additional 10% more money for every boss and invasion you defeat.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Fixed bug: pots wouldn't drop life or mana if you had boosts in effect.
  • Desktop Fixed bug: altars/pots/chests spawned in bugged conditions.
  • Console 1.0.750.0: (PlayStation 4)
    • Introduced Coin Portals.
    • Pots now drop more money based on the type of Pot and drop an additional 10% more money for every boss and invasion you defeat.
  • Console 1.02: Appearance and break sound now vary between biomes.
  • Mobile
    • Introduced Coin Portals.
    • Pots now drop more money based on the type of Pot and drop an additional 10% more money for every boss and invasion you defeat.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method CheckPot() in WorldGen.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is