Pre-Hardmode is the initial state of the player's world. It is essentially an "easy" version of the world, featuring enemies and items appropriate for new characters. Pre-Hardmode begins at world creation and ends with the defeat of the Wall of Flesh. Defeating the Wall of Flesh will irreversibly turn the world to Hardmode which adds more content and makes the game more difficult. This is part of systematic game advancement.
The term "pre-Hardmode" refers both to the pre-Hardmode world itself and to content accessible in pre-Hardmode worlds.
There is little reason to keep a world pre-Hardmode as Hardmode does not remove pre-Hardmode content (with a few exceptions). Reasons for postponing Hardmode include having an easier game experience, or to make extra preparations (such as building Houses secure against enemies, or digging tunnels to protect biomes) before Hardmode begins.
Pre-Hardmode features vs. Hardmode features
Some items and enemies are not available in Hardmode, or lose a source of attainability.
Pre-Hardmode |
Giant Wormnaturally spawns Underground |
Diggerspawns more frequently than Giant Worm Underground ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) replaces Giant Worm Underground ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Blue Jellyfishnaturally spawns Underground and in Cavern |
Green Jellyfishspawns more frequently than Blue Jellyfish Underground and in Caverns ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) replaces Blue Jellyfish Underground and in Caverns ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions)) note: Blue Jellyfish are still spawnable using a Jellyfish Statue
Blue Jellyfish Banner |
Green Jellyfish Banner ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Cave Batnaturally spawns Underground |
Giant Batspawns more frequently than Cave Bat Underground ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) replaces Cave Bat Underground ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Cave Bat Banner |
Giant Bat Banner ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Wall Creepernaturally spawns in Spider Nests |
Black Reclusespawns more frequently than Wall Creeper in Spider Nests ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) replaces Wall Creeper in Spider Nests ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Wall Creeper Banner |
Black Recluse Banner ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Meteor Headsdrop loot ((Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)) |
Meteor Headswill not drop loot ((Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions))
Meteor Head Banner |
Meteor Head Bannerare considered loot and will not drop ((Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Shurikenfrom Pots |
Grenadefrom Pots.note: Shurikens can be obtained from other sources.
Silver Bullet(from Arms Dealer)only during Blood Moon |
Silver Bullet(from Arms Dealer)anytime
Cascade(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)dropped by any enemy in or near The Underworld |
Hel-Fire(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)will drop instead of Cascade
Gray Zapinator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(from Traveling Merchant) |
Orange Zapinator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)is sold instead of Gray Zapinator
  Pre-Hardmode cratescan be caught while fishing ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) |
  Hardmode cratescan be caught while fishing, replacing pre-Hardmode cratesnote: pre-Hardmode crates can be obtained from other sources. ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions))
Pre-Hardmode content
As mentioned, these features (aside from the exceptions shown above) are still available in Hardmode.
- Achievements(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
- AI
- Camera Mode(Desktop version)
- Command-line parameters(Desktop version)
- Config.json(Desktop and Mobile versions)
- Credits(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Cursor modes
- Data IDs
- Difficulty
- Journey(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Classic
- Expert(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Master(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Emotes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Fishing
- Game controls
- Game platform
- Golf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Hoik
- Lighting mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Music
- NPC names
- Parallax(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- Projectiles
- Pylons(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- RGB(Desktop version)
- Settings(Desktop, Console, Mobile and 3DS versions)
- Toggles
- Town(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)