Rocket Launcher

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Rocket Launcher
  • Rocket Launcher item spriteold Rocket Launcher item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Uses ammoRockets
Damage55 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 50 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) (Ranged)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipDoes extra damage on a direct hit
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell8 GC
Research1 required
Projectiles created
  • Rocket I
    Rocket I
  • Rocket II
    Rocket II
  • Rocket III
    Rocket III
  • Rocket IV
    Rocket IV
  • Cluster Rocket I
    Cluster Rocket I
  • Cluster Rocket II
    Cluster Rocket II
  • Wet Rocket
    Wet Rocket
  • Lava Rocket
    Lava Rocket
  • Honey Rocket
    Honey Rocket
  • Mini Nuke Rocket I
    Mini Nuke Rocket I
  • Mini Nuke Rocket II
    Mini Nuke Rocket II
  • Dry Rocket
    Dry Rocket
  • Internal Item ID: 759
  • Internal Projectile ID: 134, 137, 140, 143, 776, 780, 784, 787, 790, 793, 796, 799
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Skeleton CommandoSkeleton Commando.gifSkeleton Commando15.56%10.8%
The Rocket Launcher being used with Rocket IIIs.

The Rocket Launcher is a Hardmode, post-Plantera launcher that fires explosive rockets. The rockets fired by the Rocket Launcher are not affected by gravity and leave a trail of gray and orange smoke before exploding upon impact. Additionally, on the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, rockets deal 200% or double the weapon's base damage (110 damage) upon directly hitting a target. The Rocket Launcher has a 1/18 (5.56%) / 35/324 (10.8%) chance of being dropped by Skeleton Commandos in the post-Plantera Dungeon.

(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Its best modifier is Unreal.

(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Its best modifier is Godly or Demonic. Both modifiers increase the average damage output by the same amount. However, Ruthless might be preferred if the player already has very high critical strike chance.


  • All rockets deal splash damage that will harm the player if fired too close. They will not damage other players unless PvP is enabled.


Achievement Robbing the Grave.png
Robbing the Grave • “Obtain a rare treasure from a difficult monster in the dungeon.”
Obtain a rare item from an enemy in the post-Plantera Dungeon. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Explorer Explorer


  • Using the Rocket Launcher with Rocket IIs, Rocket IVs, or Mini Nuke IIs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), it can be used for efficient terraforming.
    • When used with Rocket IVs or Mini Nuke IIs, the tunnels created by the Rocket Launcher are wide enough to completely cut off Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow. It should be noted, though, that thorny bushes can still grow in the remaining tunnel, spreading their respective biome over it.


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Damage increased from 45 to 55.
    • Fixed a bug where it couldn't receive Ranged prefixes such as Unreal.
  • Desktop
    • Damage decreased from 50 to 45.
    • Now deals 2× damage on direct hits to a single target.
  • Desktop
    • Now dropped by the Skeleton Commando instead of the Tactical Skeleton.
    • Drop chance decreased from 1/10 (10%) to 1/20 (5%).
  • Mobile
    • Damage decreased from 50 to 45.
    • Now deals 2× damage on direct hits to a single target.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with changes from Desktop