Secret world seeds
Secret world seeds are world seeds which have been discovered as secret easter eggs that generate worlds with strange or unique features. Unlike regular world seeds – which only affect the usual world structure – secret seeds can produce worlds with characteristics that would not be attainable through normal world generation (i.e., they can affect the game's mechanics while playing in that world). For instance, they may change enemy statistics and behavior, item drops, graphics, theme music, and more.
Secret seeds use unique world-generating mechanics that differ from normal seeds. Using a secret seed overrides the normal use of seeds as a source of randomness and two worlds created via the same secret seed will not necessarily be identical.
There are currently eight different secret seeds.
Drunk world

- Seeds:[1]
This seed references May 16, 2020, which is Terraria's 9th birthday and the release date of It invokes a highly extraordinary world generation referred to in the source code as
.[2] It has therefore come to be referred to by the Terraria community as drunk world.
In this seed, both evil biomes will generate, as well as both variants of any ore that comes in two varieties. The Party Girl replaces the Guide as the starting NPC, and the Dungeon entrance is now generated under a Living Tree with brown painted leaves. The Snow Biome and the Jungle Biome will be generated on the same side of the world.
While generating
- Generation descriptions and tips become random numbers that change every tick (except when "Placing traps").
- The background shows a Glowing Mushroom biome, with clouds that resemble Redigit's head. The moon moves backward and resembles a smiley face (see Trivia). Once the world finishes generating, it is possible to go back to the main menu with these effects still visible.
- The outline of the progress bar rapidly flashes between Corruption and Crimson.
- The Console Title music plays, instead of the normal Title Screen music.
- The Terraria logo spins out and disappears along with the version number.
- The time of the day is always night, and it never turns into day.
World icons
The world icon of a drunk world shows a tree infected with both world evils.
Not the bees

- Seeds (case-insensitive):[3]
not the bees
not the bees!
This seed generates a world dominated by bee-themed biomes and bee-related items and structures.
Most of the world is replaced with the Jungle biome, with Hive and Honey Blocks found in abundance, and Larvae spawn throughout the world. The Merchant replaces the Guide as the starting NPC.
While generating
- All generation descriptions say "Generating bees".
World icons
The world icon of a Not the Bees world is a Mahogany tree surrounded by Bees.
For the worthy

- Seeds (case-insensitive):[3]
for the worthy
This special world's features aim to drastically increase the difficulty of the game.
This seed increases the world difficulty by one level (e.g. a Classic Mode For the worthy world is equivalent to a normal Expert Mode world). Master Mode worlds using this seed will display as having "Legendary" difficulty on the world select menu.
All enemies' contact damage, health, and coin drop rates are increased, in addition to the world difficulty multiplier, by their standard amount in a Classic world.[4] Enemies' contact damage in Master Mode worlds is further multiplied by 4/3.[5] Damage from ranged attacks (i.e. projectiles) is unchanged.
Bunnies (even when placed) and Demons have a 2/3 (66.67%) chance to be replaced with Explosive Bunnies and Voodoo Demons, respectively.[6] The Demolitionist replaces the Guide as the starting NPC.
There are also many other changes to world generations and game mechanics. For instance, some water pools throughout the world are replaced with lava. Pots and trees may drop lit Bombs that shortly explode, instead of their usual items. Skyware Chests are replaced with locked Gold Chests, but still have their respective loot.
Bosses also receive changes to their size and/or AI that make their battles much more difficult.
While generating
- All generation descriptions and tips are spelled backwards.
World icons
The world icon of a For the worthy world is a Yellow Willow tree.

- Seeds (case-insensitive):[7]
This seed celebrates Terraria's tenth birthday, on May 16, 2021, and generates a world that offers several unique and highly beneficial features for players.
The player's spawn point is on the beach of one Ocean. Andrew the Guide, Whitney the Steampunker, Yorai the Princess, the Party Girl, and an Angora Town Bunny will also spawn there and a Party immediately starts. A majority of the world is painted in bright colors.
Items in chests always have a "best" modifier such as Menacing or Legendary.
Two unique enemies can be encountered in this seed:
- The Jungle Mimic can be found in the Hardmode Jungle.
- Golden Slimes can rarely spawn.
The chance of obtaining rare items (such as the Rod of Discord and developer items) is substantially increased, the Traveling Merchant always sells 2 extra items, and the Princess sells rare items (such as the Slime Staff and Discount Card).
While generating
- All generation descriptions and tips become pink.
- The Underground Hallow music will be played.
World icons
The world icon of a Celebrationmk10 world is a Pink Sakura tree with a blue bowknot.
The Constant

- Seeds (case-insensitive):[3]
the constant
This seed is part of the crossover with Klei Entertainment's Don't Starve Together.
It introduces hunger and darkness mechanics that make the early game especially challenging. Marble biomes with statues and Spider Nests will generate on the surface, and Cacti will damage the player.
The entire game uses a dark sepia shader that gives the game a gloomier look, similar to the shader applied by the Radio Thing. This shader is not visible if the player has the lighting mode set to Retro or Trippy in their video settings. Items that are Don't Starve crossover content are more likely to drop from enemies.
While generating
- The generation description "Generating wavy caves" is added.
- A constant shader that significantly darkens the screen will be applied.
World icons
The world icon of a Constant world is an Evergreen from Don't Starve.
No traps
- Seeds (case-insensitive):[3]
no traps
This seed generates a world with significantly more traps than a normal world. It also contains new traps, including Bouncy Boulders, Life Crystal Boulders, and TNT Barrels.
While generating
- The generation description "Placing traps" is replaced with "Not placing traps".
World icons
The world icon of a No traps world is identical to the regular icon, only with Wire coming from the tree's bottom.
Don't dig up

- Seeds (case-insensitive):[3]
don't dig up
dont dig up
This seed flips the usual order of player progression through biomes by having the player spawn in the central part of the Underworld. Above that are, in order, a Glowing Mushroom biome, an underground version of the Surface biomes, the Underground layer, the Cavern layer, and finally the "true surface" which is entirely contaminated by the evil biome, without a sun. The Tax Collector replaces the Guide as the starting NPC.
A flat Ash Block "island" is generated in the central part of the Underworld, with Ash Trees growing and lava not spawning at all. Mimics now spawn in pre-Hardmode, but drop Gold Chest loot during this period instead. Plus, slimes have a chance to contain Fallen Stars as their bonus drop, and they can also spawn from broken Pots (such ones will always contain a Fallen Star). In addition, Lava Slimes do not generate lava upon death in Expert Mode and above.
While generating
- The Terraria logo rotates and flips upside down.
- The background turns into the starry sky background of Space.
- The Corruption music will be played, regardless of world evil.
World icons
The world icon of a Don't dig up world is an Ash tree.
Get fixed boi

- Seeds (case-insensitive):[3]
get fixed boi
This seed is a combination of drunk world, Not the bees, For the worthy, Celebrationmk10, The Constant, No traps, and Don't dig up seeds, making it the most challenging world for player progression.
It also contains unique features, including the boss Mechdusa, which replaces the mechanical bosses in progression, as well as features like Crispy Honey Blocks that burn the player and release lava when mined.
While generating
The generating screen combines features of the other seeds:
- The outline of the progress bar rapidly flashes between Corruption and Crimson.
- Most generation descriptions and tips are displayed backwards, except for "Not placing traps".
- The Terraria logo rotates and flips upside down.
- The background turns into the starry sky background of Space.
- The Otherworldly Space music will be played.
- A star minigame is initiated: reflecting falling stars with the cursor will increase the spawn rate of certain objects and structures during world generation.
- The cursor becomes the "smiley moon" seen during the drunk world's generation. Any falling stars in the background that hit the moon will be reflected, making a cat sound (same as the Meowmere's projectiles) and the sound of coins being picked up at the same time.
- The shader effect similar to the Constant seed will be applied, and gets more obvious as the stars are reflected.
World icons
The world icon of a Get fixed boi world is a flickering, glitchy tree that shows multiple versions of the standard tree icon, with different combinations of colors. Unlike other world icons, the icon does not change with player progression.
- The seed being randomized can technically lead the game to create a drunk world or a Celebrationmk10 world without specifying the seed, but the chances of it happening are astronomically low (1/2,147,483,648 (0.000000047%) for the drunk world, 1/1,073,741,824 (0.000000093%) for the Celebrationmk10 seed).
- This is due to the random seed being a random number between 0 and 2147483647; the random seed can match the one needed for one of these secret seeds. The chances are doubled for the Celebrationmk10 seed due to the fact that two seed numbers trigger the secret seed.

- The smiley-faced moon seen during the generation of a drunk world is a reference to an astronomy hoax that was said to happen the same day Journey's End was released on PC.[8][9]
- Unlike the other secret seeds, the drunk world and Celebrationmk10 seeds are interpreted as numbers, so any number of 0s can be added in the front (e.g.
for the drunk world). In addition, there are numerous unintended strings that generate these two secret seeds (due to the use of the CRC-32 algorithm[10]), such as:- Drunk world (case-sensitive):
now aunt brush
Joke Disappear Horizon
disapprove stiff solution
- Celebrationmk10 (case-sensitive):
Thirst of dress
engineer governor reproduction
inform Representative yorai
- Drunk world (case-sensitive):
- If a modified world were to have 2 or more active secret seeds at the same time, the icon for it would follow this priority: Get fixed boi > Drunk world > For the worthy > Not the bees > Celebrationmk10 > The Constant > Don't dig up > No traps.
- Desktop Master For the worthy and Get fixed boi Seeds now show their difficulty as "Legendary" in the world selection menu.
- Desktop 1.4.4:
- Added three secret seeds
,no traps
anddon't dig up
.get fixed boi
- Added an achievement for entering any secret seed.
- Made changes to several secret seeds, including Not the bees, For the worthy, Celebrationmk10, and the Constant.
- Added three secret seeds
- Desktop 1.4.3:
- Added secret seed
- Worlds using special seeds now have unique icons in the World Select menu to better tell them apart.
- Added secret seed
- Desktop Added secret seed
- Desktop
- Chest loot is now replaced by Angel Statues instead of Dirt Blocks in "For the worthy" and the chance for this to occur was lowered from 1/5 (20%) to 1/15 (6.67%).
- Glowing moss biomes are now 50% larger than normal in "For the worthy".
- Desktop Added secret seed
.for the worthy
- Desktop Introduced secret seeds
.not the bees
- Console Introduced with changes up to Desktop
- Switch Introduced with changes up to Desktop
- Mobile Introduced with changes up to Desktop
- ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, method
. - ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, field
. There may be inaccuracies, as the currentDesktop version is
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Information taken from the
Desktop source code, method
. - ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, method
. - ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, method
. - ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, method
. There may be inaccuracies, as the currentDesktop version is
- ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, methods
. - ↑ No, There Won't Be A "Smiley Face" In The Night Sky In May (But Something Else Will Make You Happy) May 1, 2020
- ↑ BBC Radio Tees on Twitter March 30, 2020
- ↑ Information taken from the
Desktop source code, method
. There may be inaccuracies, as the currentDesktop version is