Shroomite armor

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Shroomite armor
  • Shroomite armor equipped (male)
  • Shroomite armor equipped (female)
Stack digit 1.png
Defense51 (set)
Set BonusNot moving puts you in stealth,
increasing ranged ability and reducing chance for enemies to target you
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell18 GC (set)

Shroomite armor is a Hardmode, post-Plantera armor set that boosts the damage of ranged weapons. It is the second-strongest ranger armor available, only beaten by Vortex armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).

Crafting the full set with a single headpiece requires 54 Shroomite Bars (or 810 Glowing Mushrooms and 270 Chlorophyte Ore). A full set with all three headpieces requires 78 Shroomite Bars (1170 Glowing Mushrooms and 390 Chlorophyte Ores).

The set consists of the Shroomite Breastplate and Shroomite Leggings, as well as three different headpiece variants: the Shroomite Headgear, Shroomite Mask, and Shroomite Helmet, geared towards increasing the damage of specific ranged weapon classes.

A full set of Shroomite armor provides the following bonuses:

In addition, the armor provides a ×1.15[1] damage boost to ranged weapons that use a certain type of ammunition, depending on the damage boost that headpiece provides when worn:

  • Shroomite HeadgearShroomite Headgear for weapons firing arrows or Stakes
  • Shroomite MaskShroomite Mask for weapons firing bullets or Candy Corn
  • Shroomite HelmetShroomite Helmet for all other non-consumable ranged weapons

Wearing the full set will also allow the player to enter a "stealth mode" over the course of 67 ticks[2] (1.12 seconds) when standing still and not using an item. Stealth provides the following additional effects:[3]

  • Near-invisibility
  • −750 aggro
  • +60% ranged damage
  • +10% ranged critical strike chance
  • +50% knockback

The effects of stealth begin fading quickly once the player starts moving.


Shroomite Breastplate
  • Shroomite Breastplate item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotShirt
Tooltip13% increased ranged damage & critical strike chance
20% chance to save ammo
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell6 GC
Research1 required
Shroomite Leggings
  • Shroomite Leggings item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotPants
Tooltip7% increased ranged critical strike chance
12% increased movement speed
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell4 GC50 SC
Research1 required

Helmet variations

Shroomite Headgear
  • Shroomite Headgear item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIncreases bow damage by 15%
5% increased ranged critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell7 GC50 SC
Research1 required
Shroomite Mask
  • Shroomite Mask item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIncreases gun damage by 15%
5% increased ranged critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell7 GC50 SC
Research1 required
Shroomite Helmet
  • Shroomite Helmet item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIncreases specialist ranged damage by 15%
These are launchers, dartguns, or anything else that doesn't shoot arrows/bullets
5% increased ranged critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell7 GC50 SC
Research1 required



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Shroomite BreastplateShroomite BreastplateMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Shroomite HeadgearShroomite Headgear
Shroomite HelmetShroomite Helmet
Shroomite LeggingsShroomite Leggings
Shroomite MaskShroomite Mask


An invisible player revealed by a Wisp.
  • The Shroomite Helmet boosts all non-consumable ranged weapons that use neither arrows nor bullets as ammunition (e.g. launchers, the Star Cannon, Flamethrower, Dart Rifle, etc.), or no ammunition at all (e.g. the Harpoon, Paintball Gun, Toxikarp, and Piranha Gun).[4]
    • The only exception is the Coin Gun. It cannot receive a damage bonus due to its damage stat of 0.
  • The ×1.15 damage boost to the specific ammunition type is applied after applying damage increases from the rest of the armor set, accessories, and buffs. As a result, Shroomite headpieces provide a larger damage bonus than their tooltips would suggest. The overall effect is a 1.15x increase to the potency of ranged damage bonuses (not counting the headpiece itself). For example, a Ranger Emblem would effectively increase ranged damage by 17.25% instead of 15%.
  • The damage boost from the headpieces is applied to all weapons that are able to fire the respective type of ammunition. The damage of the ammunition items themselves is unaffected.
  • With a full set of Shroomite armor equipped, the player leaves an afterimage effect during motion, similar to the one displayed by Shadow armor and Hallowed armor, but with a blue tint.
  • Stealth mode does not work while mounted.
  • Using the Rod of Discord, Hook of Dissonance(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), or Rod of Harmony(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) will not cancel stealth mode.
  • Stealth mode is canceled if the player takes damage, even if they are resistant to knockback. Combined with the fact that the player must stop attacking to regain stealth, the bonus is therefore useless when facetanking or using an invulnerability machine.


  • This armor set has good synergy with the Shiny Stone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), as both require the player to stand still and not get attacked to maximize their effectiveness.
  • This armor set also has good synergy with the Sniper Rifle, as stealth massively boosts the Sniper Rifle's main strengths – damage and critical strike chance – even further. With the right loadout, each rifle shot can deal over 1000 damage, killing most non-boss enemies in one hit.
  • The set does not truly make the player invisible, as the armor glows a deep blue. For PvP purposes, consider using the Familiar set in conjunction with Shroomite armor, and with no visible accessories. With stealth active, this can render the player completely invisible to other players.
    • Using an Invisibility Potion can be a viable alternative, but on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile, the buff will wear off immediately if the player is damaged in any way, making Shroomite armor a more consistent choice in these versions.
  • Wearing a Shroomite Mask with Silver Dye can make the player's head resemble a cracked skull.
  • Because many rocket weapons have low base damage and derive their power from the high base damage of their ammo, the Shroomite Helmet is often inferior to the Hallowed Helmet or Adamantite Mask, which boost both weapon and ammunition damage.
  • If not using the stealth properties of this armor, swapping out the Shroomite Leggings for Mythril Greaves or Red Riding Leggings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) will increase ranged DPS (and minion damage, if using the Red Riding Leggings). Swapping out the Shroomite Breastplate for the Red Riding Dress will provide roughly the same ranged DPS and ammo conservation while adding another 25% minion damage.
  • Some dye combinations make the character sprite appear near-invisible at night:


  • Shroomite armor is the only armor that has different headpieces which all grant the same amount of defense.


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Shroomite Helmet now also applies its bonus to any Ranged projectile shooting weapon which is not otherwise included by the Gun or Bow helmets. This includes such weapons as Dart Guns, Flamethrowers, and Star Cannons. This category of weapons is being referred to as "Specialist" weapons.
    • Fixed a tooltip display bug that caused any weapons buffed by Shroomite Headpieces to display their damage 1 higher than it should have been.
  • Desktop
    • Sprites updated.
    • Shroomite Breastplate now properly displays +13% ranged damage in its tooltip.
  • Desktop 1.2.2: Increased the ranged damage bonus in stealth mode from 50% to 60% and the aggro reduction from 600 to 750.
  • Desktop
    • Flame and Frozen Wings now fade when stealthed.
    • Some enemies will no longer chase players depending on level of stealth and distance.
    • Shroomite armor no longer loses stealth when using items.


  1. This is not a typo. The increase is applied multiplicatively, after all other damage increases have been applied.
  2. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria's updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods Update() in Terraria.Player.cs and GetWeaponKnockback() in Terraria.Player.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method GetWeaponDamage() in Terraria.Player.cs.