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Silenced is a debuff that prevents the player from using any item which uses mana, stopping them from using magic and summon weapons (though existing summons will still remain).

The debuff can be prevented from afflicting the player by equipping the Megaphone or its derivatives.


From enemy

From Duration Chance
Pixie Pixie 7 / 14 / 17.5 seconds 1/10 (10%)
Dark Mummy Dark Mummy 7 / 14 / 17.5 seconds 1/5 (20%)
Blood Mummy Blood Mummy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 7 / 14 / 17.5 seconds 1/5 (20%)
Shadow Mummy Shadow Mummy(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 7 seconds 1/5 (20%)
Green Jellyfish Green Jellyfish 7 / 14 / 17.5 seconds 1/5 (20%)
Brain of Cthulhu Brain of Cthulhu 1.5-3 / 1.87-3.75 seconds 11/243 (4.53%)
Creeper Creeper 1.5-3 / 1.87-3.75 seconds 11/81 (13.58%)

From debuff

From Duration Chance
Feral Bite Feral Bite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.6–1 / 1.2-2 / 1.5-2.5 seconds 1/6 (16.67%), 1/20 (5%) every second


From Duration Chance
Red Potion Red Potion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(except For the worthy and Get fixed boi worlds) 1 / 2 / 3 / hours 1/1 (100%)


  • The Silenced debuff will still prevent the player from using the Space Gun with a full set of Meteor armor, despite it costing no mana.
  • The Silenced debuff only prevents item usage via Use / Attack. Items used via other methods can still be used (e.g. the Forbidden armor's set bonus).
  • Although inflicted by a small pool of enemies, it is recommended that mages worried about this debuff should bring a Megaphone or make a Ankh Shield as the debuff is extremely deadly when there are many enemies on screen.


  • The effect of Silenced is related to how in popular fiction, casting magic sometimes requires saying certain words out loud. Therefore, being silenced would prevent casting any magic.
