Slap Hand

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Slap Hand
  • Slap Hand item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage55 (Melee)
Knockback20 (Insane)
Critical chance19%
Use time20 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 4
Buy25 GC
Sell5 GC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 3258 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Animation of the Slap Hand against a group of Skeletons. Note the extremely high knockback.

The Slap Hand is a Hardmode broadsword that is notable for having extremely high base knockback – a rating of 20, one of the highest values among all player-caused sources of knockback. Additionally, the Slap Hand also has a 19% base critical strike chance as opposed to the usual 4%.

The Slap Hand can be purchased from the Skeleton Merchant for 25 GC during a Hardmode Blood Moon.

Its best modifier is Legendary.


  • While not an especially potent weapon, the Slap Hand's extremely high knockback makes it a good choice for keeping enemies away instead of directly fighting.
  • With a decent knockback modifier and a Titan Glove (or one of its upgrades) equipped, the Slap Hand can easily catapult most enemies very far away.
  • It can be useful when spelunking or exploring when the player does not want to fight, due to the ease at which it can force enemies out of one's way.
  • Hitting a Snow Flinx, wingless Slimer, or especially a Pinky results in massive knockback, as they have negative knockback resistance.
  • Due to their nature, flying enemies (notably Corruptors) can be easily sent flying far off the screen with this weapon, causing them to despawn.
  • A Blood Moon, the requirement for purchasing the Slap Hand, can be summoned manually with a Bloody Tear.


  • The Jousting Lance and its upgrades have no upper limit on knockback and can thus surpass the Slap Hand's knockback. For instance, the Shadow Jousting Lance inflicts a knockback value of 23.47 if the player is moving at 60 mph.
  • The Gray and Orange Zapinator can surpass the Slap Hand's knockback as well. Their beam has a 1/20 (5%) chance to multiply the knockback by 9 upon hitting an enemy, increasing it to 54. If the knockback is increased on two subsequent hits (1/400 (0.25%) chance), then the beam inflicts a knockback value of 486.


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Damage increased from 35 to 55.
    • Use time reduced from 21 to 20.
    • Now has a unique sound when hitting an enemy with it.