Squirrel Hook

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Squirrel Hook
  • Squirrel Hook item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipGrapple onto trees like a real squirrel!
'In the tree, part of the tree'
RarityRarity level: 1
Buy2 GC
Sell40 SC
Research1 required
Projectile created
  • Squirrel Hook
    Squirrel Hook
The Squirrel Hook in action.

The Squirrel Hook is a pre-Hardmode grappling hook that fires a single hook that reaches 19 tiles, and functions identically to a normal grappling hook but has the unique ability to grapple and attach to the trunks of trees and Giant Glowing Mushrooms. The Squirrel Hook can be purchased from the Zoologist for 2 GC.


  • Early in development, it was planned for all hooks to grapple to trees normally. However, this feature was later scrapped, due to Redigit finding that it "interfered with gameplay in an annoying way".[1] This feature has since been added as the Squirrel Hook's unique feature.
  • The Squirrel Hook's tooltip, 'In the tree, part of the tree', is a reference to the fourth episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy animated television series Adventure Time, "Up a Tree," in which the phrase is chanted repeatedly by a squirrel.
  • Some parts of bent palm trees do not align with the tile grid; these parts do not allow the Squirrel Hook to attach to them. This is likely to avoid visual issues.

