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SteampunkerHardmode exclusive
Map Icon Steampunker.png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • IvyIvy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(Only if name is Whitney)
Projectile created
  • High Velocity Bullet
    High Velocity Bullet

Should I become an air pirate? I've considered becoming an air pirate.

Emote Town Steampunker.gif The Steampunker

The Steampunker is a Hardmode NPC vendor who sells the Clentaminator, various furniture crafting stations, and other steampunk-themed items. She will move in once the following criteria have been met:

The Steampunker will attack nearby enemies using a Clockwork Assault Rifle and High Velocity Bullets for defense.

Items sold

Note: All item prices can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or Greedy Ring(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, prices can also be higher or lower based on the NPC's happiness level.
Item Cost Availability

ClentaminatorClentaminator 2 PC When not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world.
Steampunk HatSteampunk Hat 1 GC50 SC During the moon phases 1–4: Moon phase 1 (Full Moon) Moon phase 2 (Waning Gibbous) Moon phase 3 (Third Quarter) Moon phase 4 (Waning Crescent)
Steampunk ShirtSteampunk Shirt 1 GC50 SC During the moon phases 1–4: Moon phase 1 (Full Moon) Moon phase 2 (Waning Gibbous) Moon phase 3 (Third Quarter) Moon phase 4 (Waning Crescent)
Steampunk PantsSteampunk Pants 1 GC50 SC During the moon phases 1–4: Moon phase 1 (Full Moon) Moon phase 2 (Waning Gibbous) Moon phase 3 (Third Quarter) Moon phase 4 (Waning Crescent)
JetpackJetpack 40 GC Hardmode, During the moon phases 5–8: Moon phase 5 (New Moon) Moon phase 6 (Waxing Crescent) Moon phase 7 (First Quarter) Moon phase 8 (Waxing Gibbous)
Blend-O-MaticBlend-O-Matic 10 GC Always available, or during Hardmode in Get fixed boi and For the worthy worlds.
Flesh Cloning VatFlesh Cloning Vat(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC In Crimson worlds.
Decay ChamberDecay Chamber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 GC In Corruption worlds.
Ice MachineIce Machine(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When spoken to in a Snow biome.
Sky MillSky Mill(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When spoken to in Space.
Honey DispenserHoney Dispenser(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When spoken to in the Jungle.
Bone WelderBone Welder(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When spoken to in a Graveyard.
Living LoomLiving Loom(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC If the player has a Living Wood Wand in their inventory.
Steampunk BoilerSteampunk Boiler(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC If the Eye of Cthulhu, Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu, and Skeletron have been defeated.
Purple SolutionPurple Solution 15 SC During a Blood Moon or Solar Eclipse in Corruption worlds, when not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world.
Red SolutionRed Solution 15 SC During a Blood Moon or Solar Eclipse in Crimson worlds, when not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world.
Blue SolutionBlue Solution 15 SC When spoken to in a Hallow or Underground Hallow, and not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world. (When there is no Blood Moon or Solar Eclipse.)
Green SolutionGreen Solution 15 SC When spoken to in any other biome, and not in a Don't dig up(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world. (When there is no Blood Moon or Solar Eclipse.)
Yellow SolutionYellow Solution(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 15 SC After defeating Moon Lord, when not in a Don't dig up or Get fixed boi world.
White SolutionWhite Solution(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 15 SC After defeating Moon Lord, when not in a Don't dig up or Get fixed boi world.
Brown SolutionBrown Solution(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 15 SC After defeating Moon Lord, when not in a Don't dig up or Get fixed boi world.
CogCog 7 SC During Hardmode.
Steampunk MinecartSteampunk Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 GC During Hardmode.
Steampunk GogglesSteampunk Goggles 3 GC During Halloween.
Steampunk WingsSteampunk Wings(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 3 PC After defeating Golem.
Logic GatesLogic Gates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 2 GC Always available.
Logic Gate Lamp (Off)Logic Gate Lamp (Off)(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 SC Always available.
Logic Gate Lamp (On)Logic Gate Lamp (On)(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 SC Always available.
Logic Gate Lamp (Faulty)Logic Gate Lamp (Faulty)(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 2 GC Always available.
Static HookStatic Hook(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 50 GC During Hardmode.
Conveyor BeltConveyor Belt(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 5 SC Always available.
Any PylonAny Pylon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

Living preferences

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.

For more information, see NPC happiness.

Shimmered form

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Shimmered Steampunker
Steampunker (Shimmered).png Map Icon Steampunker (Shimmered).png
NPC Map icon

When submerged in Shimmer, the Steampunker will transform into her Shimmered form. This has no impact on gameplay or dialogue and is only a visual change. She can be returned to her classic look by submerging her in Shimmer again.


  • (Desktop version) The required NPC names are hard-coded strings when checking condition for name-based NPC drops.[1] As a result, the game's translation and Resource Packs both affect name-based item drops: the Steampunker will not be able to drop Ivy if the name Whitney is translated or changed to something else; if a Resource Pack changes any of the applicable names of Steampunker to Whitney, she will drop Ivy when that name is chosen.
  • The Steampunker's move-in requirements do not expressly require a world to be in Hardmode. Summoning and defeating a mechanical boss in a pre-Hardmode world will allow the Steampunker to move in, though this can only be legitimately achieved by carrying over resources from an existing Hardmode world.
    • If summoned into a pre-Hardmode world this way, the Steampunker will not sell Cogs, the Steampunk Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), or the Static Hook(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) until the given world enters Hardmode.
  • The Steampunker is one of the starting NPC in Celebrationmk10(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) worlds. This means that it is possible to get most of her items legitimately in a pre-Hardmode world without transferring them from a Hardmode world (e.g. Asphalt Blocks for arenas).
  • Re-defeating the Eye of Cthulhu and Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu may be necessary to buy the Steampunk Boiler after the Steampunker arrives.
  • The Steampunker does not sell Dark Blue Solution if moved to the Glowing Mushroom biome. It is sold by the Truffle instead.


The Steampunker may have any of the following names:

  • Ada
  • Cornelia
  • Cynthia
  • Emeline
  • Fidelia
  • Hope
  • Isabella
  • Judith
  • Leila
  • Lilly
  • Lydia
  • Minerva
  • Phoebe
  • Savannah
  • Selina
  • Verity
  • Vivian
  • Whitney
  • Zelda
  • Zylphia


Interaction quotes

    • "Oy, whatchu got in you jiminy fluffer?"
    • "Should I become an air pirate? I've considered becoming an air pirate."
    • "Be it what it would, a jetpack would suit you nicely!"
    • "Show me some gears!"
    • "I like your... gear. Does it come in brass?"

    When Cyborg is present:

    • "I'm mighty curious about that <name of Cyborg> fellow. By what manner of consumption does he maintain such locomotion?"

    When Pirate is present:

    • "That captain fellow seems to me to be 'pretty well over the bay' if you know what I mean!"

    During a Blood Moon:

    • "I'm feeling a bit peevish as of late, so enough with your palaver you ragamuffin!"

    During a Party(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Everyone said they like stacked cakes, so I installed smokestacks in mine"

    During Rain (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "The rain is a double edged sword you see... It provides us water for steam, but it also rusts our equipment."
    • "This bloody downpour! I can't get a lick of anything done when it's all wet!"

    During a Thunderstorm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Electricity? Don't be ludicrous! Nothing beats the power of steam!"
    • "Everything I tinker up is made of metal. This current situation surely is a cause for rethinking that!"

    During a Windy Day(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Ahh... a sip of tea to enjoy the breeze."
    • "Why, this windy phenomena has inspired me ideas for a new jetpack engine!"

    When in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Golly! What uncultured swine decided to break ground here?"
    • "Neither blood nor steam pumps in this miserable locale."
  • Happiness quotes (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

  • When homeless:

    • "I could use a flat to bide in."

    When neutral:

    • "I am jolly good."

    When far from home:

    • "I'm wee far from home, an' I forgot my bloody motor!"

    When in a sparse area:

    • "Plenty o' room just for me and some good steam engines!"

    When overcrowded:

    • "I dinnae like being surrounded by folk, much."
    • "Oi, I absolutely hate crowded quarters!"

    When in a Desert:

    • "I prefer the wide open spaces here in the Desert, great for jetpack joyrides!"

    When in the Jungle:

    • "The shrubbery and mess of the Jungle really grinds my gears!"

    When in an Evil biome or the Dungeon:

    • "Truly, the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon is uncultured and unsightly - nevermind perilous!"

    When near the Cyborg:

    • "I love how unique and interesting <name of Cyborg> the Cyborg truly is, remarkable!"

    When near the Princess:

    • "The jolly <name of Princess> volunteered to try my new teleporter, I love an enthusiastic assistant!"

    When near the Painter:

    • "<name of Painter> the Painter is a likeable sort who helps me spruce up my inventions."

    When near the Party Girl:

    • "<name of Party Girl> the Party Girl is too otherworldly! I dinnae like them much."

    When near the Wizard:

    • "<name of Wizard> the Wizard is too otherworldly! I dinnae like them much."

    When near the Dryad:

    • "<name of Dryad> the Dryad is too otherworldly! I dinnae like them much."
  • Trivia

    • Steampunk is a sci-fi/fantasy term used to describe a subculture that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.
      • The Steampunker occasionally talks about becoming an air pirate. Air pirates are a staple of the steampunk genre.
    The credits cutscene about the Steampunker and the Cyborg.
    Steampunk Electrocute.gif
    The Steampunker getting electrocuted in the cutscene.
    • The Steampunker can be seen working on the Cyborg in the credits.
    • The Steampunker was sprited by former artist Sarah "Waffles" Data.
    • One of the Steampunker's possible names, Whitney, is also the name of Cenx, one of the lead developers of Terraria and Redigit's wife.
      • If the Steampunker is killed, she will drop the Ivy if her name was Whitney.
      • The Steampunker’s Shimmered form has green hair, another nod to Cenx.[2]
    • The name Minerva is a reference to the Roman goddess of handicrafts and wisdom.
    • The name Zelda may be a reference to the Nintendo game series The Legend of Zelda.
    • The name Ada is a reference to the 19th-century English mathematician and writer Ada Lovelace, who pioneered work on Charles Babbage's "computer."
    • One of the Steampunker's quotes regarding the Pirate comments states that he seems to be "pretty well over the bay," which is a 19th-century Celtic phrase meaning drunk.[3]
    • The Steampunker is the only Hardmode NPC that can also be obtained in a regular pre-Hardmode world that is not a secret world seed.
    • The quote "I prefer the wide open spaces here in the Desert, great for jetpack joyrides!" is a reference to the mobile game Jetpack Joyride.
    • She most likely has a Cockney accent, judging by the way she speaks. The accent is typically associated with steampunk themes. However, when talking about NPCs she dislikes, she uses the word dinnae, which is a Scottish word meaning did not or do not.
    • Her quote, "I'm mighty curious about that <name of Cyborg> fellow. By what manner of consumption does he maintain such locomotion?" implies that she does not know the Cyborg very well, despite the Bestiary entry for the Cyborg stating that he was built with the combined efforts of the Mechanic and the Steampunker.
    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Steampunker: "The Steampunker has a particular taste for steam-fueled machinery and gadgets. She sells her gizmos with an endearing accent."


    • Desktop Fixed bug where Cogs could be overwritten by another item in the Steampunker's shop.
    • Console 1.06: Now sells the Steampunk Boiler and Flesh Cloning Vat.
    • Console 1.02: Introduced, sells Steampunk Goggles during the Halloween season.
    • Mobile Now sells Steampunk Wings, no longer sells Solidifier.
    • Mobile 1.2.6508: Introduced, sells Steampunk Goggles during the Halloween season.
    • 3DS-Release: Introduced, sells Steampunk Goggles during the Halloween season.


    1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method RegisterTownNPCDrops() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs.
    3. Private Yankee Doodle, by Joseph Plumb Martin, edited by George F. Scheer. Originally published in 1830. Little, Brown & Co, 1962. Eastern Acorn Press, 1988. Page 145