Stellar Tune

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Treasure Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Empress of Light)
Treasure Bag (Empress of Light)Treasure Bag
(Empress of Light)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Firing the Stellar Tune into midair, and towards Mimics (with homing).

The Stellar Tune is a Hardmode, post-Plantera magic weapon that fires pairs of star-shaped projectiles that travel in a wave-like pattern toward the cursor and home in on enemies, travel through solid blocks, and explode in a small radius upon impact. Star projectiles will have their damage reduced by 25% (down to 63 base damage) when the line of sight between the player and the projectiles' point of impact is obstructed.[1] It also plays an acoustic guitar chord when fired based on the distance between the player and the cursor (in a similar fashion to the Magical Harp). There are a total of six chords, and each one spans about a four-block distance from the player, except for the last one, which is played at a distance of 21 blocks or more.

The distance from the player to the cursor also controls the speed at which projectiles are fired. However, if the star projectiles are seeking an enemy, they will instead determine their speed based on the distance between them and their target. The Stellar Tune also has a base 24% critical strike chance as opposed to the usual 4%. The Stellar Tune has a 1/50 (2%) / 1/20 (5%) chance of being dropped by the Empress of Light.

Its best modifier is Mythical.


  • The player can be seen strumming the Stellar Tune as it is used.
  • In order from closest to furthest away from the player, the chords played are as follows: G majorA minorB minorC majorD majorE minor. When the item is selected in the hotbar, the chord the instrument will currently play will be displayed underneath the cursor.
  • While pressing the Use / Attack key repeatedly increases the rate at which notes are played, the rate at which projectiles are fired actually decreases.
  • As the weapons that the Empress of Light drops are based on her attacks, the Stellar Tune seems to be based on her Everlasting Rainbow.
  • The name Stellar Tune might be a reference to the Stellartone brand of tone controls for electric guitars and bass.

See also


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Knockback increased from 0 to 1.5, allowing access to better modifiers.
    • Changed the guitar chords from (closest to furthest) A minor – G major – E minor – D major – C major – F major to G major – A minor – B minor – C major – D major – E minor.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is