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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Map Icon Tavernkeep.png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypePassive AI
Damage243642 (Ale) [1]
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • Ale TosserAle Tosser(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Projectile created
Projectile created
Projectile created
  • Ale
Unconscious Man
Unconscious Man.png
AI TypeNo AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%

They say you're strong, well, I know strong. Let's see if you measure up.

Emote Town Bartender.gif The Tavernkeep

The Unconscious Man in a Forest.

The Tavernkeep is a unique NPC vendor who only accepts Defender Medals as currency for most items instead of coins. He will move in once the following criteria have been met:

  • There is an available vacant house.
  • Rescuing him as the Unconscious Man, who can be encountered in any layer once the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated. Interacting with him in this state with Open / Activate will wake him. If the Unconscious Man is killed, he will still be able to respawn afterwards; if the Tavernkeep NPC is killed, he will move in again after some time as long as there are vacant houses.

The Tavernkeep sells sentry summon weapons which are associated with the Old One's Army event, and at first, can only be used within that event. They function elsewhere only after the event is completed once successfully. Each of the Tavernkeep's sentry summon weapons come in three tiers: rod, cane, and staff, with the staff being the most expensive and the most powerful. The armor he sells also associates each sentry type with a specific class: Ballista for melee or tank-style users, Flameburst for magic users, Explosive Trap for rangers, and Lightning Aura for "speedy melee" (or summoners).

When the player selects the "Eternia Crystal" option for the first time, the Tavernkeep will give the player 10 Defender Medals for free. All future Defender Medals must be earned by either defeating the Old One's Army outright or by clearing its later waves.

The Tavernkeep will defend himself against nearby enemies by throwing mugs of Ale. He deals 24 / 36 / 42 damage at the start of the game, and gains various stat boosts as the player progresses.[1] The Tavernkeep also has a 1/6 (16.67%) chance of dropping the Ale Tosser upon death.

The Unconscious Man is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades.

Items sold

Note: While the prices of the first six listed items (those bought by coins) can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or Greedy Ring, and are affected by the NPC's happiness level, the rest of the stock always costs a fixed amount of Defender Medals.

Item Cost Availability

AleAle 1 SC Always available.
Eternia CrystalEternia Crystal 25 SC Before defeating any mechanical boss.
Eternia CrystalEternia Crystal 1 GC After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated and before defeating Golem.
Eternia CrystalEternia Crystal 4 GC After defeating Golem.
Eternia Crystal StandEternia Crystal Stand 1 GC Always available.
Any PylonAny Pylon 10 GC When in a specific biome, is happy enough, and before defeating Golem.
Defender's ForgeDefender's Forge 500000*50 Defender Medal Always available.
Flameburst RodFlameburst Rod 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available.
Flameburst CaneFlameburst Cane 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Flameburst StaffFlameburst Staff 600000*60 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Ballista RodBallista Rod 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available.
Ballista CaneBallista Cane 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Ballista StaffBallista Staff 600000*60 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Explosive Trap RodExplosive Trap Rod 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available.
Explosive Trap CaneExplosive Trap Cane 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Explosive Trap StaffExplosive Trap Staff 600000*60 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Lightning Aura RodLightning Aura Rod 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available.
Lightning Aura CaneLightning Aura Cane 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Lightning Aura StaffLightning Aura Staff 600000*60 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Item Cost Availability

Monk's Bushy Brow Bald CapMonk's Bushy Brow Bald Cap 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Monk's ShirtMonk's Shirt 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Monk's PantsMonk's Pants 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Squire's Great HelmSquire's Great Helm 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Squire's PlatingSquire's Plating 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Squire's GreavesSquire's Greaves 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Huntress's WigHuntress's Wig 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Huntress's JerkinHuntress's Jerkin 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Huntress's PantsHuntress's Pants 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Apprentice's HatApprentice's Hat 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Apprentice's RobeApprentice's Robe 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Apprentice's TrousersApprentice's Trousers 150000*15 Defender Medal After at least one mechanical boss has been defeated.
Valhalla Knight's HelmValhalla Knight's Helm 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Valhalla Knight's BreastplateValhalla Knight's Breastplate 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Valhalla Knight's GreavesValhalla Knight's Greaves 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Dark Artist's HatDark Artist's Hat 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Dark Artist's RobesDark Artist's Robes 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Dark Artist's LeggingsDark Artist's Leggings 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Red Riding HoodRed Riding Hood 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Red Riding DressRed Riding Dress 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Red Riding LeggingsRed Riding Leggings 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Shinobi Infiltrator's HelmetShinobi Infiltrator's Helmet 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Shinobi Infiltrator's TorsoShinobi Infiltrator's Torso 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.
Shinobi Infiltrator's PantsShinobi Infiltrator's Pants 500000*50 Defender Medal After defeating Golem.

Living preferences

  • Dye TraderDye Trader(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)

For more information, see NPC happiness.

Shimmered form

Shimmered Tavernkeep
Tavernkeep (Shimmered).png Map Icon Tavernkeep (Shimmered).png
NPC Map icon

When submerged in Shimmer, the Tavernkeep will transform into his Shimmered form. This has no impact on gameplay or dialogue and is only a visual change. He can be returned to his classic look by submerging him in Shimmer again.


The Tavernkeep may have any of the following names:

  • Barkeep
  • Bill
  • Blacksmith
  • Bruce
  • Dale
  • Dani Moo
  • Driscan
  • Elandrian
  • Ernest
  • Iamisom
  • Javahawk
  • Jerry
  • Moe
  • Paddy
  • Ted
  • William

Eternia Crystal

These quotes appear when the "Eternia Crystal" option is selected.[2]

  • When a character selects the option in a world for the first time; gives 10 Defender Medals:

    • "For starters, take a few of these Defender Medals, on the house! I've got some special defenses you can purchase, but only with Defender Medals!"

    Following quotes loop in order when selecting the option:

    • "The first thing you need to know about are the special defensive artifacts I've got for sale, but only if you've got some Defender Medals!"
    • "You can use these artifacts to create traps and defensive towers. Doing so consumes Etherian mana, a special energy dropped only by members of the Old One's Army!"
    • "Challenging the Old One's Army is rather simple. They are attracted to the power of the Eternia Crystals, and that can be used to bait them out."
    • "To place an Eternia Crystal, you must obtain an Eternia Crystal and a stand to put it in. It just so happens, you can buy em from me!"
    • "You'll want to place your Eternia Crystal stand in a pretty open, flat area. Lots of walls and stuff might make it pretty difficult to protect!"
    • "Once your stand is set up, just interact with it while holding an Eternia Crystal, and prepare for a fight!"
    • "Of course, you can't let the Old One's Army destroy the Eternia Crystal! This will have catastrophic consequences for my home world of Etheria!"
    • "You can place defenses at the cost of 10 Etherian mana. Once placed, the Eternia Crystal will release some of this mana. Otherwise, you will need to defeat enemies to get more."
    • "With the help of the defenses, you will have to repel several waves of invaders who are attempting to destroy both you and the Eternia Crystal!"
    • "If you successfully repel the invasion, you'll be awarded with more Defender Medals, which you can bring to me to purchase more artifacts and some other special rewards!"
    • "I've also heard rumors that the power of the artifacts themselves may be further unlocked if you defeat the Old One's Army. Perhaps you could even use them any time you wish!"
  • Quotes

    Interaction quotes

    • "I've got the cure for what ails ya! Get it? Ale? No?"
    • "They say you're strong, well, I know strong. Let's see if you measure up."
    • "Back where I'm from, we only serve Root Beer..."
    • "This is a big upgrade from wiping that table all day."
    • "Life's a challenge when you're just naturally better than everyone else."
    • "What am I doing here..."
    • "A lot of tenacity and a little bit of luck can go a long way..."
    • "Have you seen any Meburs around here?"

    When homeless:

    • "Know any good places to set up shop? Would love to open up a bar here."

    At night:

    • "Really quiet out there. A little too quiet..."
    • "Check in with me, and do your job."

    When Demolitionist is present:

    • "No wonder <name of Demolitionist> has so many accidents. You can't imagine how much ale he buys from me."

    When Goblin Tinkerer is present:

    • "Normally, I'm not much of a fan of Goblins, but <name of Goblin Tinkerer> seems to be an alright sort." (Reference to the base enemy of the Old One's Army being a Goblin)

    When Steampunker is present:

    • "Do you think <name of Steampunker> has an extra of that gun? I know a witch that may want one.

    When Dryad is present:

    • "<name of Dryad> seems nice. I should bring her back with me." (Reference to both the Tavernkeep and Dryad being linked to Etheria.)
    During daytime while standing in front of the Dryad:
    • "Anyone see where the Dryad went?"

    During a Blood Moon:

    • "You know, where I'm from, a Blood Moon is actually just an excuse to get some fresh air."

    During Hardmode:

    • "I know a Lavamancer that would really like that hellstone down in the underworld."

    After having defeated Moon Lord:

    • "Moon Lord, don't you mean Abyss Lord?"

    During a Windy Day:

    • "There goes the roof. I had just had it redone yesterday!"
    • "Hold onto your bonnet, there's a real breeze out today."

    During Rain:

    • "You look like a drowned, shaggy dog! How 'bout you down some ale, eh?"
    • "Wipe your feet before you step in here, the floor was just waxed!"

    During a Storm:

    • "Take shelter from the storm! Sit down for a pint."
    • "You look a bit frazzled! Perhaps a mug'll calm your singed nerves."

    When in a Graveyard:

    • "Etheria has some dark places, but this takes the cake!"
    • "The bar seems kinda dead tonight. Smells like it, too!"

    During a Party:

    • "There's a party happening here! I had just wiped down the bar, too."
    • "You should sit down and have a little fun. Don't worry, I don't think any kobolds will crash this party."

    Based on the Old One's Army:

    • "We should really do something about the Old One's Army. Ask me about the Eternia Crystal if you want to learn more." (before Tier 1)
    • "Great job on fighting off the Old One's Army! But I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them, they didn't put up much of a fight this time." (after Tier 1)
    • "The Army of the Old One's keeps getting stronger, yet you keep pushing them back! But something tells me they aren't quite finished with us yet." (after Tier 2)
    • "You really kept the full force of the Old One's Army at bay? Maybe you should visit Etheria some time." (after Tier 3)

    When woken up:

    • "Huh? How did I get here? The last thing I remember was a portal opening up in front of me..."
  • Happiness quotes

  • When homeless:

    • I feel so out of place without a bar to polish.

    When far from home:

    • "I might want to get back to my place in case anyone needs a drink or two."

    When in a sparse area:

    • "Finally, some peace and quiet... as a bartender this is a luxury!"

    When overcrowded:

    • "Not sure I like living next door to so many people."
    • "Hate to say it, but I rather hate overcrowded quarters."

    When in the Hallow:

    • "Ahh, the Hallow... I like it here, it's got character."

    When in the Snow biome:

    • "I'm not a fan of the Snow, it's bitter."

    When in an evil biome or the Dungeon:

    • "Is this another invasion? Oh, it's just the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon - even worse!"

    When near the Demolitionist:

    • "<Name of Demolitionist> is one crazy little drinker, I love it!"

    When near the Goblin Tinkerer:

    • "I like <Name of Goblin Tinkerer>, it shows you cannot always judge a person by their... origins."

    When near the Princess:

    • "<Name of Princess> would make a great ruler where I come from, as well."

    When near the Guide:

    • "I rather dislike <Name of Guide>, they put out similar vibes as some of the dark things from Etheria."

    When near the Dye Trader:

    • "<Name of Dye Trader>'s eccentric and narcissistic personality really makes me want to smash a table!"

    When neutral:

    • "I'm livin' the dream."
  • Notes

    • Despite his shop being full of items upon Golem's defeat, it is still possible to sell items to him using the quick sell/quick trash shortcut key. However, any item sold is unable to be "repurchased".
    • Defeating the Brain of Cthulhu in Corrupt worlds or vice versa will also allow the Unconscious Man to appear, although this can only be done in Hardmode if not using items from other worlds.
    • Approaching and standing near the Tavernkeep while holding Ale can cause him to appear to be holding his own mug of Ale.
      • While he is holding Ale, the player can toast with him by continuing to hold Ale and walking towards him, which creates a subtle burst of particles when bumping glasses. This effect is purely aesthetic and has no functional effect.


    • Using a Hunter Potion can help find the Unconscious Man as it will highlight his body.
    • Stockpiling Eternia Crystals before defeating any mechanical bosses is a good way to save money in the long run as the price of Eternia Crystals increases after a mechanical boss is defeated.
    • Each pair of armor sets (basic and advanced) boosts one of the sentry types, but also has a play class. All of them boost minion damage and the number of sentries the player can use without Etherian Mana.
      • Squire and Valhalla Knight go with the Ballista and pure melee strength, which offer health regeneration and the highest defense.
      • Apprentice and Dark Artist go with the Flameburst and give magic bonuses.
      • Huntress and Red Riding go with Explosive Traps and rangers.
      • Monk and Shinobi Infiltrator go with the Lightning Auras, and provide a "speedy melee" setup that is probably meant for summoners, with the second-best defense and speed bonuses instead of regeneration.
    • It may be a good idea to stockpile enough Defender Medals to buy a summon weapon and full set of armor from the next tier before upgrading the event (stockpiling 60 Medals before defeating any mechanical boss and stockpiling 210 before defeating Golem).


    • The Tavernkeep is a character from Dungeon Defenders 2. Many of his quotes also reference the game.
      • His quote "This is a big upgrade from wiping that table all day." references the fact that in Dungeon Defenders 2, he only wipes the table when the player is not talking to him.
      • His quote "Moon Lord, don't you mean Abyss Lord?" references the Cthulhu-like nature shared by both the Abyss Lord from Dungeon Defenders 2 and the Moon Lord.
      • Two of his quotes, "Do you think <name of Steampunker> has an extra of that gun? I know a witch that may want one." and "I know a Lavamancer that would really like that hellstone down in the underworld." reference the Gun Witch and Lavamancer heroes in Dungeon Defenders 2, respectively.
      • Two of his quotes, "<Name of Dryad> seems nice. I should bring her back with me." and "Anyone see where the Dryad went?", are references to the fact that the Dryad is available in Dungeon Defenders 2.
      • His quote "Have you seen any Meburs around here?" appears to refer to a Dungeon Defenders 2 creature called "ramster". In the patch notes of the game's v2.0 update it was stated that "Some people call these majestic creatures meburs."[3]
    • The Tavernkeep can have the names Moe, Paddy, or Ted, likely references to the bartender Moe Szyslak from the American animated sitcom The Simpsons, the Irish bar "Paddy's Pub" from the American sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and the actor Ted Danson who played the bartender Sam Malone in the American sitcom Cheers, respectively.
    • One of the Tavernkeep's names, Javahawk, is a reference to Joshua "Javahawk" Javaheri, the studio director of Chromatic Games (formerly Trendy Entertainment), who developed and published Dungeon Defenders 2.
    • Prior to, the Tavernkeep had no special Party quote. As a placeholder, there was the quote "I really need some birthday text, Yorai!" (referring to Yoraiz0r, a Terraria developer) in the game files, which never appeared in game.[4]
    • His quote "Check in with me, and do your job." is a reference to the song "Slob on My Knob" by American rapper and songwriter Juicy J, a song frequently used in Internet memes.
    • He sells 40 items once Golem is defeated, tied with the Golfer (with a golf score of 2000 or higher, when happy enough) for the most items sold by any NPC.
      • However, the NPC with the most items sold at any time, without certain preconditions, is Santa Claus at 39 items.
    • The Tavernkeep does not like crowded areas, which conflicts with being a bartender, as bars are commonly full of people.
    • One of the possible names for the Tavernkeep is Barkeep, a potential reference to the trope Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" and an example of the trope His Name Really Is "Barkeep".
    • His remarks toward the Guide having a dark nature is a reference to him being the source of the Wall of Flesh, being the key to summoning it.
    • It is possible for the Tavernkeep and the Golfer to share the name William.
    • Prior to the update, the rods and canes sold by the Tavernkeep were the only summon weapons that did not have the word "Staff" in their name. The Terraprisma and whips, which were introduced in, share this trait.
    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Tavernkeep: "The Tavern Keep once managed a bar in another universe. He's here to help stop the Old One's Army from conquering this world."

    See also

    • Tavern at the Dungeon Defenders 2 Wiki


    • Desktop 1.4.4:
      • Now gives 10 Defender Medals when initially spoken to.
      • Tier 2 Armor piece cost reduced from 25 to 15 Defender Medals.
      • Tier 3 Armor piece cost reduced from 75 to 50 Defender Medals.
      • Tier 2 Sentries cost reduced from 25 to 15 Defender Medals.
      • Tier 3 Sentries cost reduced from 100 to 60 Defender Medals.
      • Defender's Forge cost reduced from 75 to 50 Defender Medals.
    • Console 1.18: Fixed an issue where Tavernkeep may not respawn after being killed.
    • Console 1.17: Introduced with changes up to Desktop


    1. 1.0 1.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_007_TownEntities() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method BartenderHelpText() in Terraria.Lang.cs.
    3. steamcommunity.com → Dungeon Defenders 2 → Discussions → thread: Current Patch Notes July 27, 2017
    4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method GetBirthdayDialog() in Terraria.NPC.cs. The quote itself was in Terraria.Localization.Content.en-US.Town.json.