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This template stores the localization info for Template:Tick.

  • All unlisted languages use the English values.
  • Gray text means that the string is not defined in that language, so the English value is used as a fallback.
  • Clicking on a language header cell expands/contracts the column (except for the English column). Clicking on the "Value" header cell expands/contracts all non-English columns.
  • Any template with l10n (such as {{eicons}}) used in a string must be escaped with <esc></esc> to avoid a template loop.
  • The parser function {{plural:}} is very useful with dynamic values, but using it as a simple, static plural/singular toggle (e.g. via {{plural:0|is|are}}) will yield counter-intuitive results in different languages. Use a variable like this instead: {{#if:$plural$|are|is}}.
Localization information
Key name
fullA tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of ''[[Terraria]]''&#39;s updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
Ein Tick ist eine Zeiteinheit, die von der Software gezählt werden kann. Ein Großteil der Aktualisierungslogik von ''[[Terraria]]'' geschieht jeden Tick. Ein Tick ist so lang wie ein Sechzigstel einer Sekunde; eine Sekunde besteht also aus 60&nbsp;Ticks und eine Minute aus 3600&nbsp;Ticks.
Un tick est une unité de temps pouvant être comptée par le logiciel. La plupart des mises à jour logiques de ''[[Terraria]]'' se produit à chaque tick. Un tick a une longueur de 1/60<sup>ème</sup> de seconde, ce qui correspond a 60 ticks dans une seconde et 3600 ticks dans une minute.
Tick adalah satuan waktu yang bisa dihitung dengan software. Kebanyakan logic yang terjadi di ''[[Terraria/id|Terraria]]''&#39; diupdate pada setiap tick. Satu tick mempunyai jarak 1/60 kali dalam satu detik, maka akan ada 60 tick dalam satu detik dan 3600 tick dalam satu menit.
Um tique é uma unidade de tempo contável pelo software. A maior parte da lógica de atualização do ''[[Terraria]]'' acontece a cada tique. Um tique tem a duração de 1/60 de segundo, portanto, há 60 tiques em um segundo e 3600 tiques em um minuto.
Тик — это единица времени, которую считает программа. Бо́льшая часть обновлений логики [[Terraria|игры]] происходит каждый тик. Тик имеет длину 1/60 секунды, следовательно в секунде 60 тиков, а в минуте 3600 тиков.
Tick là đơn vị thời gian đếm được bởi phần mềm. Hầu hết cập nhật logic của ''[[Terraria/vi|Terraria]]'' diễn ra mỗi tick. 1 tick có độ dài 1/60 giây,vì thế sẽ là 60 tick một giây và 3600 tick mỗi phút.
{{tr|tick}}是可由软件计数的时间单位。''[[{{tr|Terraria}}]]''的大多数更新逻辑都会每{{tr|tick}}发生一次。一个{{tr|tick}}的长度为 1/60 秒,因此一秒钟内有 60 {{tr|ticks}},一分钟内有 3600 {{tr|ticks}}。
short1 tick = 1/60th of a second
1 Tick = 1/60 einer Sekunde
1 tick = 1/60<sup>ème</sup> de seconde
1 tick = 1/60 dalam satu detik
1 tique = 1/60 de segundo
1 тик = 1/60 секунды
1 tick = 1/60 giây
1 {{tr|tick}} = 1/60 秒