Thrown Powder

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Have you tried using purification powder on the ebonstone of the corruption?

Emote Town Dryad.gif The Dryad

Powder effects on Grass Walls and Stone Blocks. Note that only blocks are affected by Purification Powder.
The area of effect of thrown powder.

Thrown Powders are consumable items that can be used to convert blocks and walls between their Crimson, Corrupt, or (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Hallowed forms. When thrown, they release a cloud of sparkling powder with a very short range, comparable to that of a broadsword, and produce a fair amount of light. Thrown Powder comes in three variants:

Purification Powder is able to revert any Corrupted or Crimson Blocks, but not walls, back into their pure form, such as reverting Ebonstone into Stone or Crimsand into Sand. It is purchased solely from the Dryad for 75 CCeach, while a Blood Moon is not active.

(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Purification Powder can also be used on a Tortured Soul in order to transform him into the Tax Collector NPC, as well as on a Mystic Frog to transform it into the Mystic Slime town pet.

Unlike Holy Water and Blue Solution, Purification Powder cannot spread or purify the Hallow.

Vile Powder is able to convert blocks and walls, including the Crimson and the Hallowed ones, into their (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Corrupted form / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) pure form, such as converting Pearlstone into (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Ebonstone / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Stone. If thrown at a Bunny, Penguin, or Goldfish, it will turn into its Corrupted variants: the Corrupt Bunny, Corrupt Penguin, and Corrupt Goldfish, respectively. It can be crafted from Vile Mushrooms or purchased from the Dryad for 1 SC each during a Blood Moon in a Corrupt world.

(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Vile Powder can be used to spread the Corruption onto convertible tiles.

(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Unlike Unholy Water and Purple Solution, Vile Powder cannot spread the Corruption.

Vicious Powder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is functionally identical to its counterpart, Vile Powder, to where it can convert blocks and walls, including the Corrupted and the Hallowed ones, into their Crimson form. If thrown at a Bunny, Penguin, or Goldfish, it will turn into its Crimson variants: the Vicious Bunny, Vicious Penguin, and Vicious Goldfish, respectively. It can be crafted from Vicious Mushrooms or purchased from the Dryad for 1 SC each during a Blood Moon in a Crimson world.

Vicious Powder can be used to spread the Crimson onto convertible tiles.


Purification Powder
  • Purification Powder item spriteold Purification Powder item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipCleanses the evil (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Cleanses the corruption (3DS version)
RarityRarity level: 0
Buy75 CC
Sell15 CC
Research99 required
Projectile created
  • Purification Powder
    Purification Powder
Vile Powder
  • Vile Powder item spriteold Vile Powder item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipSpreads the Corruption (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Removes the Hallow (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
RarityRarity level: 0
Buy1 SC
Sell20 CC
Research99 required
Projectile created
  • Vile Powder
    Vile Powder
Vicious Powder
  • Vicious Powder item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipSpreads the Crimson
RarityRarity level: 0
Buy1 SC
Sell20 CC
Research99 required
Projectile created
  • Vicious Powder
    Vicious Powder



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Vicious PowderVicious Powder(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)5Placed BottlePlaced Bottle
Alchemy TableAlchemy Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Vile PowderVile Powder5
Purification PowderPurification PowderShimmerShimmer Transmutation(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Poisoned KnifePoisoned Knife50
By Hand
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Poisoned KnifePoisoned Knife20
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Bloody SpineBloody Spine
Demon AltarDemon Altar
Crimson AltarCrimson Altar
Worm FoodWorm Food
Purification PowderPurification PowderShimmerShimmer Transmutation(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


The thrown powders convert blocks and walls as displayed below.[1]

Purification Powder

Resulting converted tile Original tiles
GrassGrassInternal Tile ID: 2
Stone BlockStone BlockInternal Tile ID: 1
Sand BlockSand BlockInternal Tile ID: 53
Ice BlockIce BlockInternal Tile ID: 161
Sandstone BlockSandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 396
Hardened Sand BlockHardened Sand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 397
Jungle grassJungle grassInternal Tile ID: 60

Vile Powder

This content is transcluded from Solutions § Purple Solution.

Resulting converted tile Original tiles
Ebonstone BlockEbonstone BlockInternal Tile ID: 25
Corrupt Jungle grassCorrupt Jungle grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 661
Corrupt grassCorrupt grassInternal Tile ID: 23
Purple Ice BlockPurple Ice BlockInternal Tile ID: 163
Ebonsand BlockEbonsand BlockInternal Tile ID: 112
Hardened Ebonsand BlockHardened Ebonsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 398
Ebonsandstone BlockEbonsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 400
Corruption thorny bushesCorruption thorny bushesInternal Tile ID: 32
Corrupt Grass WallCorrupt Grass Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 69
Ebonstone WallEbonstone Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 3
Hardened Ebonsand WallHardened Ebonsand Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 217
Ebonsandstone WallEbonsandstone Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 220
Corrupt Growth WallCorrupt Growth Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 188
Corrupt Mass WallCorrupt Mass Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 189
Corrupt Pustule WallCorrupt Pustule Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 190
Corrupt Tendril WallCorrupt Tendril Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 191

Vicious Powder

This content is transcluded from Solutions § Red Solution.

Resulting converted tile Original tiles
Crimstone BlockCrimstone BlockInternal Tile ID: 203
Crimson Jungle grassCrimson Jungle grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 662
Crimson grassCrimson grassInternal Tile ID: 199
Red Ice BlockRed Ice BlockInternal Tile ID: 200
Crimsand BlockCrimsand BlockInternal Tile ID: 234
Hardened Crimsand BlockHardened Crimsand Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 399
Crimsandstone BlockCrimsandstone Block(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 401
Crimson thorny bushesCrimson thorny bushes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Tile ID: 352
Crimson Grass WallCrimson Grass Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 81
Crimstone WallCrimstone Wall(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 83
Hardened Crimsand WallHardened Crimsand Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 218
Crimsandstone WallCrimsandstone Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 221
Crimson Crust WallCrimson Crust Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 192
Crimson Scab WallCrimson Scab Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 193
Crimson Teeth WallCrimson Teeth Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 194
Crimson Blister WallCrimson Blister Wall(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(unsafe)Internal Wall ID: 195


  • Purification Powder will not clear through Corrupt or Crimson thorny bushes, leaving the player to manually break them before they spread their respective biome.
  • Using the Purification Powder to Vile Mushrooms or Vicious Mushrooms will convert them into Jungle Spores.
  • To affect walls, there must be a block within one tile of that wall when the Thrown Powder is used on it. Purification Powder does not revert Corrupted/Crimson-infected walls to their pure form.
    • The Clentaminator offers an easier yet much more costly alternative to converting background walls.
  • None of the powder variants can be purchased from the Dryad in Don't dig up and getfixedboi worlds.


See also


  • Desktop Vile and Vicious Powder can now be used to spread their respective biome and turn the Hallow directly into their biome instead of purifying it.
  • Desktop 1.3.1: Sprites updated. Old sprites were Purification Powder (pre-1.3.1).png, Vile Powder (pre-1.3.1).png, and Vicious Powder (pre-1.3.1).png for Purification, Vile, and Vicious Powder respectively.
  • Desktop Vicious Powder is now used in crafting recipe for the Bloody Spine.
  • Desktop
    • Vicious Powder introduced.
    • Vile Powder tooltip changed from "Removes the Hallow" to "Banishes the Hallow".
    • Purification Powder can now purify Tortured Souls.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Tooltip for Purification Powder changed from 'Cleanses the corruption' to 'Cleanses the evil'.
  • Desktop 1.2: Current powders given new sprites. Old sprites were Purification Powder (old).png and Vile Powder (old).png for Purification and Vile Powder respectively.
  • Desktop 1.1: Vile Powder no longer deals damage and can now remove the Hallow.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Convert() in Terraria.WorldGen.cs.