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WraithHardmode exclusive
Wraith.gifOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeHovering AI
Max Life160/320/480
KB Resist30%/37%/44%
BannerWraith BannerWraith Banner
Immune toAll debuffs except Whip debuffs
(and except StunnedStunned(3DS version) and BleedingBleeding (Old-gen console and 3DS versions))
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Debuff tooltipMovement speed is reduced
Duration15 seconds30 seconds37.5 seconds
Coins5 SC12 SC50 CC

The Wraith is a Hardmode enemy that spawns on the surface at night, can travel through blocks, and has a 1/8 (12.5%) chance to inflict the Slow debuff upon contact with the player for 15 / 30 / 37.5 seconds. They have ghostly, pitch-black bodies which render them almost completely invisible in dark areas, but have two glowing red eyes that remain visible even in complete darkness. Although Wraiths appear to fly freely, they can only hover slightly above the ground. They need foreground blocks to "swim" through in order to fly any higher.


  • One or two Wraiths spawn upon destroying a Demon or Crimson Altar, regardless of the time of day.
  • Wraiths become much more common during the night of a new moon.[1]
  • Wraiths will not trigger pressure plates as they pass through them instead. This makes them incapable of activating any sort of trap.
  • Wraiths can be spawned pre-Hardmode by using a Wraith Statue, but they will only drop loot during Hardmode.
  • Wraiths are incapable of being detected and highlighted by Hunter Potions.
  • Wraiths cannot fly up using platforms but are able to hover on top of them.


  • Wraiths can be attacked through walls with melee weapons or any other weapon whose attack animation does not end when it hits a wall. This makes spears especially effective.
  • Any structure built at least six tiles above the surface will prevent a Wraith from levitating up and into it.
  • Breaking altars is an efficient method to get Wraith Banners and the Fast Clock without using the Wraith Statue.
  • If the player is in or slightly above the Ocean, a Wraith can spawn below and to the sides of the player. The Wraith can then float towards and attack the player.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Wraith: "Souls belonging to the darkest of hearts were once sealed in the world's core. Now, they roam the night to add to their kind."


  • Desktop 1.2:
    • Health, damage and defense decreased from 200, 75, and 18 to 160, 65, and 16, respectively.
    • Now has a chance to drop a Fast Clock.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SpawnNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is