Talk:Evolution Beast

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I think this is supposed to be a Future Predator from Primeval, due to the design and attack style. In addition, the dome on the Evolution Beast resembles the mind control devices placed in the FP in the show. Any confirmation?

I came here with the idea of suggesting they are similar to kryptonian thought-beast from Superman universe. They're both quadripedal, large forehead appendixes, attacking through telepathy aliens, google it. I believe we're both convinced in our opinions. Recently, however, the wiki started a pattern of removing any speculational reference trivia. So I'm not even trying to put mine or yours speculation here. Even the JoJo Bizzare Adventure reference in Stardust Armor has been rejected. 18:51, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
The reason these comments are being removed is because of overlap like this. The idea of a quadruped or other animal-like creature with an oversized brain is not a unique design by any means. As the Trivia policy notes, the design of a creature or item will often have superficial similarities to something from pop culture not because one references the other, but because they draw from a shared visual shorthand ingrained in our language or culture. It's not likely that this creature references either property mentioned above- rather, they all use the design of an enlarged head protuberance to convey relatively complex ideas visually. Gearzein (talk) 21:20, 14 September 2015 (UTC)