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Just spawned the Pillar to spawn a Predictor, and it didn't shoot trough walls, or while I was on the other side of a wall. TerrariaInspectre (talk) 00:32, 16 February 2019 (UTC)

Did some testing with the Predictor: It doesn't try to spawn projectiles when there are solid blocks blocking its view with the player, so it needs to be able to see the player to spawn projectiles. If the Predictor has already spawned its projectiles and the player hides from its view behind solid blocks, the projectiles will fan out around the Predictor and launch themselves towards the player after some time, so the projectiles can indeed still 'see' the player (The projectiles cannot pierce/go through solid blocks). The Predictor projectiles also do not predict where the player is moving, they will always launch themselves towards the players current position, so the projectiles do not launch themselves ahead of where the player is moving to, although the projectiles aim are randomized, causing some to be slightly ahead or behind the player. Strykerxz (talk) 07:21, 13 April 2020 (UTC)